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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


Not the Milkman.
Can we make a Living Matchup Thread? The one stickied is pretty old in terms of info and it's not updated anyways , it could spark some decent discussion too

Usually how it goes is one of the more experienced DS players gets up off of their lazy butts and makes their own matchup thread titled "XXX's Matchup Thread" and we just sorta migrate from one to another.

Also, where you can interrupt with F23 (like after blocking a crossup OTG into 33), can you throw as well?


Mainless Wanderer
I can't believe to this day most still see DS as a zoner. Please tell me how his guns are a viable zoning tool. When its purpose is to reel you in and not to keep you out.
I think it really depends on the matchup. In most matchups you're right, and in some (Batgirl) I even tend to shut my zoning game down almost entirely, except as a random bait. But if I'm up against a Green Lantern or Hawkgirl, you'd better believe I will be shooting to keep them out. Especially GL. If you have an instant combo starter that hits air and ground from 3/4 of the screen away, I want to keep you out of that range as much as I possibly can. As a side note it is also hilarious watching 90% of Lantern players try and fail to think of a way to handle it.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I think it really depends on the matchup. In most matchups you're right, and in some (Batgirl) I even tend to shut my zoning game down almost entirely, except as a random bait. But if I'm up against a Green Lantern or Hawkgirl, you'd better believe I will be shooting to keep them out. Especially GL. If you have an instant combo starter that hits air and ground from 3/4 of the screen away, I want to keep you out of that range as much as I possibly can. As a side note it is also hilarious watching 90% of Lantern players try and fail to think of a way to handle it.

That's true, I completely agree. But zoning in a few match-ups doesn't make a character a zoner.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
DS is a top 3 zoner still.
If DS is top 3 zoner, then that says terrible things about how effective zoning is in this game. I feel like his gun shots have been reduced more to long range pokes that are unusable in some MUs, but quite effective as a counter-zoning tool.

Black Adam, Batman (apparently), MMH, and even according to some people Supes are all better zoners.

He's more effective as a mix-up, counter-zoning character where in only a few MUs can you really just zone.

And yes, I am using "zoning" in it's more modern form of basically reffering to "keep away".

Just my opinion though. Take it for what you will.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Zod isn't a pure zoner, though. He's more set-ups/zoning/and yes...rushdown.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
That's.....very true. The variety of projectiles, from lasers to gun shot to different rifle shot speeds and yes, Zod Charge...you are very correct.


Not the Milkman.
Raven is not that good of a zoner IMO. Abysmal chip, easy to block and react to projectiles, crouching and keeping you finger ready for D2 ruins her trait.

Sinestro is probably just as good of a zoner as DS. I put them on equals. He's much more unsafe with more reactable projectiles than DS, but he's got more punch to his attacks.

Zod is overrated as a zoner, but certainly not bad.

I'm not sure about MMH though.


Mainless Wanderer
MMH I feel is just anything you want him to be. His tools are seriously that diverse and viable. So that's whatever.

I agree that Zod's zoning is overrated, but against certain characters it is more lethal than Deathstroke's.

Raven, I just don't know. I don't care about her dark bolt and nothing in demon stance scares me from a zoning perspective. But that soul crush can go suck monkey turds.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
This could be nothing. With that said...I noticed something peculiar today. After trait wears off, your next two gunshots will go through your opponent. Or rather, through Lex Luthor. He's the only one I've seen this happen to. After using trait in training mode and firing off low guns, the next two shots after trait ended went through him. Same for rife. Same for low shot followed by regular shot.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
Uh. They go through everybody after trait ends. Deathstroke gets a (still totally unnecessary) debuff that causes all gunshots to whiff for a full second.


Not the Milkman.
Uh. They go through everybody after trait ends. Deathstroke gets a (still totally unnecessary) debuff that causes all gunshots to whiff for a full second.

This... you do realize there's a programmed debuff on trait cooldown for DS right? It makes all gunshot moves (including normals) lose their hitbox.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
This could be nothing. With that said...I noticed something peculiar today. After trait wears off, your next two gunshots will go through your opponent. Or rather, through Lex Luthor. He's the only one I've seen this happen to. After using trait in training mode and firing off low guns, the next two shots after trait ended went through him. Same for rife. Same for low shot followed by regular shot.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Yeah, it's his trait cooldown which causes ALL gun shot based moves to whiff for about 3 seconds after trait wears off.
So the vortex that you start by ending a combo in 123, dashing in and crossing over with a j1, is there an over head that knocks them down the same distance and leaves DS at an advantage?

Also how does DS deal with Adam d1 poking out of pressure? What combo should I punish a block dive kick with? I am guessing 323?
