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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
I know this is horrifying to scrubs, but Deathstroke is actually one of the hardest characters in the game to use against a competent player. He's very read and reaction dependent and has to know and be able to correctly use basically every tool he has. If you're getting bodied by random gunfire and nothing else, it's because you are dumb.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I know this is horrifying to scrubs, but Deathstroke is actually one of the hardest characters in the game to use against a competent player. He's very read and reaction dependent and has to know and be able to correctly use basically every tool he has. If you're getting bodied by random gunfire and nothing else, it's because you are dumb.
Martian Manhunter is a lot more tougher to use right than Deathstroke...you have no idea...


I feel so scrubby when I have over a bar of lifelead with my opponent down to 10% health and I spam sword flips.

On a side note, every person I played on PSN today ragequit against me. 'Tis the life of a stroker :(


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Redraptor, can I play your Deathstroke? Like...a lot? I need more of a visual example of how this character is supposed to fight. I'll even do mirrors. I just really want this assassin to be the left hand to my Batman's right. I just need some training with an experienced Stroker.


Not the Milkman.
I feel so scrubby when I have over a bar of lifelead with my opponent down to 10% health and I spam sword flips.

On a side note, every person I played on PSN today ragequit against me. 'Tis the life of a stroker :(

Dude, Ji3, 32 xx Flip does like 1 million chip damage. It's so gewd.

And LordChozo, I think you've won the "Make People Salty With Deathstroke" award. I envy you...


Redraptor, can I play your Deathstroke? Like...a lot? I need more of a visual example of how this character is supposed to fight. I'll even do mirrors. I just really want this assassin to be the left hand to my Batman's right. I just need some training with an experienced Stroker.
Me? experienced? lol


Redraptor, can I play your Deathstroke? Like...a lot? I need more of a visual example of how this character is supposed to fight. I'll even do mirrors. I just really want this assassin to be the left hand to my Batman's right. I just need some training with an experienced Stroker.
I haven't really been playing Injustice at all and I only played it today for the first time in like 2 months but I think I'm starting to get the feel for him. Next week I'll have wired connection so that's when I'll actually start getting into this game so yea if you're on PSN we can play next week.


New to this game, question for 'Stroke users: is it practical to cancel all strings into the sword spin if your opponent is blocking? I read that its generally safe so I figure it could be good for chip damage.


Not the Milkman.
New to this game, question for 'Stroke users: is it practical to cancel all strings into the sword spin if your opponent is blocking? I read that its generally safe so I figure it could be good for chip damage.

As Duck Nation said, most of DS' good strings are already safe. The exception being B222. You can cancel into Spin for extra chip and meter too.


Zoning Master
I am not sure if this is known, but if The Flash blocks the sword spin while standing, he can punish with d,b+3. No reversal timing is required.


Not the Milkman.
It's really not that easy to punish though. He's gotta see it coming. I've only been punished by FU after a Spin in the corner.

And so long as Batb**** exists, Flash won't make me cry.


Does anyone have a list of Deathstroke's stage "dirt"? I know there's a stage thread but it only has 24 replies and I don't think it has them all and I think there are some scattered around in random videos on Youtube. I figured that if I want to use DS to his full potential then I'm gonna have to learn interactable combos -_-

Also what are deathstroke's best stages? I think Ferris Aircraft is one but aren't people talking about Atlantis being his best one? What are his worst stages?


Not the Milkman.
Does anyone have a list of Deathstroke's stage "dirt"? I know there's a stage thread but it only has 24 replies and I don't think it has them all and I think there are some scattered around in random videos on Youtube. I figured that if I want to use DS to his full potential then I'm gonna have to learn interactable combos -_-

Also what are deathstroke's best stages? I think Ferris Aircraft is one but aren't people talking about Atlantis being his best one? What are his worst stages?

He can use SF to knock people down into the missile corner and then push the button from the LEFT side.
On stages that have a bombable corner interactable (like cars, the robot in Hall of Justice, and the Batcave elevator), you can use 323 to cross under opponents during a combo, then use D1 xx Interactable to combo into a bomb reset.
Use the mine cars on Hall of Justice + guns to lock people down or force them to jump on them.
MB water jets on Atlantis + guns = heavy keepaway

Best stages IMO: Ferris, Atlantis, Hall of Justice

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I can't believe to this day most still see DS as a zoner. Please tell me how his guns are a viable zoning tool. When its purpose is to reel you in and not to keep you out.


Death is my business
Posting this from the MU thread

Can we make a Living Matchup Thread? The one stickied is pretty old in terms of info and it's not updated anyways , it could spark some decent discussion too