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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


Death is my business
In a knockdown situation you should use b1u2 no doubt , now in a counterpoking near the corner d1xxSS is legit.

Also hell no , SS being advantage regardless of gravity scaling would pretty much make his corner knockdown tech useless , i think 50/50 loopable vortex are dumb/lazy and he doesn't need them in any shape or form with everything else he has going for him , it also wouldn't make DS game smarter , just stupid.


Mainless Wanderer
Is there a way to punish MMH's overhead teleport? I just played several Manhunters last night and they spammed that move pretty hard, and it seemed pretty safe. I couldn't even hit a reversal MB Quick Fire against it. And the move seemed to hit me even when I forward dashed under it, so am I right in thinking you HAVE to backdash this move?

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
can b1 stuff certain wakeups?

you should be going for the b1/b2 mixup after frame advantage instead of on okizeme. on okizeme, you should be doing jump mixups, mb F3, crossup F3 mixups in the corner or wait for them to do a wakeup in your face and punish them. you should only go for b1/b2 mixups once you have established that your opponent respects you

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Is there a way to punish MMH's overhead teleport? I just played several Manhunters last night and they spammed that move pretty hard, and it seemed pretty safe. I couldn't even hit a reversal MB Quick Fire against it. And the move seemed to hit me even when I forward dashed under it, so am I right in thinking you HAVE to backdash this move?

Next time you have a question like this, you should go check it yourself in training. But JIC you don't have MMH, no, as far as I know, there is no way to punish Overhead TP on block except MB B3 on reaction or read.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
????????? B1 isn't a low???? What if D1 is blocked? You fast enough to confirm that to Spin?
most of the time on d1 i usualliy cancel into spin without hitconfirming it in the corner, however, i can hitconfirm the MB easily.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
I honestly can't believe I'm reading this.

Was this not shit we established week one? Is this not stuff absolutely everyone knows by now?


Mainless Wanderer
Next time you have a question like this, you should go check it yourself in training. But JIC you don't have MMH, no, as far as I know, there is no way to punish Overhead TP on block except MB B3 on reaction or read.
I am aware of how to read frame data, and I do not require a lecture, but yes; not everyone has MMH. I was out of the country when he was released, though I have now downloaded him. Thanks for the reply.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
did u even pay attention to what crathen said? and how d1 is useful in the corner?
Did you? Fucking idiot.

In a knockdown situation you should use b1u2 no doubt , now in a counterpoking near the corner d1xxSS is legit.
Which is to say, in a situation where you have a mixup opportunity, you use b1u2 because IT'S A FUCKING LOW YOU UNBELIEVABLE RETARD which is safe on block and pushes back, and gives you as much damage without using meter.

Kill yourself.


Not the Milkman.
Okay, some people need to take a quick chill pill in here. We can all hug and be friends. D1 xx Spin is a common string used by DS players just because it's a good chunk of damage, not to mention it's just about as safe on block as D1.

Now in the situation in which a HKD is scored in the corner and you're trying to mix the opponent up, then yes, B1U2 is superior. It's free damage and just about as difficult to react to.

However, if ever you find yourself in a neutral poking game against someone in the corner, the combo D1 xx MB Spin is something you can confirm. Simply do D1 xx Spin (a string you SHOULD be often pressing out), and if you notice your D1 or Spin is hitting, you hit the MB button and convert it into a combo.

And about MMH, on BLOCK you cannot punish his overhead teleport, however in that sense, it functions like a Doomsday Supernova. Take the correct evasive action, and you have a great amount of time to punish it on whiff. You can jump it (weird huh?) or walk forwards. If you walk forwards, you will cross up MMH and block on the other side. He'll bounce towards you and be open to punishment.

I think the most practical punish if you know an overhead tele is coming is to jump forwards and do a J3 followed by a 323, F23 xx Flip.

For a visual explanation:



Mainless Wanderer
I could swear I've been hit out of jumps, but maybe I was neutral jumping instead of forward jumping at the time.