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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


Lawless Victory!
I wish DS's Sword flip was fully invincible so it would function as a legit AA. The hit box itself is on the actual sword and is excellent at catching everything including x-ups. Unfortunately he has a completely vulnerable hurt box the hole way through the animation, so if his opponents' attack hit box happens to hit DS where his sword isn't covering him, the sword flip ends up trading or worse, out-right losing. This is far too much risk for a move that is clearly designed to be used as an anti air. Yes it doubles as a travel bur it is completely punishable on block!

Very frustrating commiting to this move and only to have it trade/lose because you were a fraction of a second too quick/slow in inputting the command.

Solution is: make it fully invincible AA but more punishable on block. Or, keep as is and make it safe on block (+1) so he has a legit get in move. This also indirectly solves his dead zone problem in the range where his normals wont reach and gun shots are unsafe, and DS has nothing to threaten his opponents with so is forced to play D or lose ground to get into gun shot range , innevitably cornering himself in the process.

But this is NRS and as far as they're concerned, DS is normalised now and likely will never get a buff in any shape or form in the near future.


Death is my business
I wish DS's Sword flip was fully invincible so it would function as a legit AA. The hit box itself is on the actual sword and is excellent at catching everything including x-ups. Unfortunately he has a completely vulnerable hurt box the hole way through the animation, so if his opponents' attack hit box happens to hit DS where his sword isn't covering him, the sword flip ends up trading or worse, out-right losing. This is far too much risk for a move that is clearly designed to be used as an anti air. Yes it doubles as a travel and completely punishable on block.

Very frustrating commiting to this move and only to have it trade/lose because you were a fraction of a second too quick/slow in inputting the command.

Solution is: make it fully invincible AA but more punishable on block. Or, keep as is and make it safe on block (+1) so he has a legit get in move. This also indirectly solves his dead zone problem in the range where his normals wont reach and gun shots are unsafe.

But this is NRS and they're pretty much done with DS, so it's back to the lab I guess...
Nah , SF is fine , it's already one of the most consistent anti airs and leads to hard knockdown , you never want to commit to SF , either react to jumpins / whiffed normals specials or don't use it.

SF is pretty much a Shoryu but with hella range ( well... it's not invincible but duh ) , no need for it to be buffed , heck it wouldn't be unreasonable to lessen the KD advantage.

Also did you really think making it +1 on block? That would be SO BROKE that i would ban him instantly.

If NRS touches DS again it's gonna be some kind of trait tweak , everything else is fine.


Not the Milkman.
Yeah Crathen is right. SF is fine the way it is. It's actually a pretty godlike move since the hitbox is disjointed and full circle around DS. It's got a similar hitbox to Green Lantern's Might >_>

A positive flip would be the most broken thing ever. And honestly, I HAVE been poked out of Flip, but it's really not THAT easy to get hit out of it, and if you do? You get hit, your opponent gets hit, that's usually the extent of it. I've NEVER been full combo punished out of a flip mid air. On whiff or block yes, but not when the opponent challenged me mid flip.


Lawless Victory!
Nah , SF is fine , it's already one of the most consistent anti airs and leads to hard knockdown , you never want to commit to SF , either react to jumpins / whiffed normals specials or don't use it.

SF is pretty much a Shoryu but with hella range ( well... it's not invincible but duh ) , no need for it to be buffed , heck it wouldn't be unreasonable to lessen the KD advantage.
Except it shouldn't trade full stop when being used as an AA, especially given it is a special move and can't even be meter burned.

Also, he needs that KD to aid his oki game, including his vortex. Don't know why you'd consider a nerf to it as unreasonable...

Also did you really think making it +1 on block? That would be SO BROKE that i would ban him instantly.
I was giving an example off top of my head. Point was NRS should come down on one side: either it's a true AA, that doesn't get beat whilst doing it's job, or it becomes a safe get-in/travel move.
If NRS touches DS again it's gonna be some kind of trait tweak , everything else is fine.
Given his current track record, he'd probably get another nerf lol!


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
I have wet dreams about being given a meter burn safe sword flip. Give me a sword flip that's plus on block without spending meter and I'd die of spontaneous uncontrollable orgasms on the spot.

A meterless safe fast move that cover half of the screen?

Nonsense, who do you think you are... Superman?!

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Honestly, I think DS is fine. Just fix Sword Spin so that it works like it's supposed to. Maybe Trait buff or give us AirShots or LowShots back.

But I have no serious complaints about this character. #AntiNerfCoalition


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
making his zoning tools a bit safer, low shots, quick shots, air shots. Also, make his rifle actually useable!.


Honestly, I think DS is fine. Just fix Sword Spin so that it works like it's supposed to. Maybe Trait buff or give us AirShots or LowShots back.

But I have no serious complaints about this character. #AntiNerfCoalition
How is sword spin supposed to work?


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
im guessing he means it being a safe Standing reset rather than being negative during a juggle.


The concept of spin sounds good but its usefulness is restricted to the corner with meter. Under these conditions it is standard for most of the other characters to get big damage combos. NRS might have thought it would be more useful than it is. Although it was already rumored to get a buff in a previous patch but that never happened so they might think that it would be too strong.

How about these: faster walk forward speed, trait buff (It is only useful in matches that are already better than even. 'Winning more' in effect.), make b1d3 safe. And maybe machine gun buff (5 bullets come out by default or slightly more safe?).

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
We really should get a few more frames back on low shots. We lost eleven - I think we could stand to gain back five. Wouldn't be the end of the world. DS is solid either way and is one of the characters setting a pretty good bar for the game. Most of the problems are things to be corrected on other characters. You can't solve the characters he beats badly (Hawkgirl) by nerfing DS. Gotta fix HG instead.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
pls don't forget that he needs a buff to his rifle shots, they should be + on block from full screen since they have reall slow startup or something.


Not the Milkman.
MG was meant to be used in unison with his trait. With the trait buff, you'll be seeing more uses for MG.


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
Since I don't think they will give DS back his "lost frames" on low shots, I'd be more than happy with a little trait buff. Something like a little less startup time would be nice.