Wow, 2 weeks of messing around with other characters messed up my DS game. I played yesterday against Foxy and this morning against Qwark, and it's as if I completely forgot how to play DS.
Although I learned a few things:
Against WW, make sure you react with StGS as much as possible to shut her air game down. and beware of OTG Divekick, punish with StGS or MB
Against Scorpion, teleport on read and reaction can be blown up with Aerial 3 into combo. Don't be afraid to jump a lot vs him because he's not hitting you with his Aerial 3 any time soon with your Aerial 3 outranging him, AirGS and Sword Flip.
Just a few things I picked up on on a set of a few matches. Screw Superman I'm going to stick with DS from now on. For better or worse.
(But I will have Supes on pocket and Scorp as well)