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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


Not the Milkman.
The trait set up someone found off of 32, for a little teaser. I found out back rolls allow you to punish faster than if you just woke up normally.

Yeah I told him about this in the thread itself.

Punishes so far include Soul Crush, Kryptonian Crush, Teleport Punch, and MB Cat Dash. That's some of the data I'm trying to gather now.


Nightwolf Mourner
Yeah I told him about this in the thread itself.

Punishes so far include Soul Crush, Kryptonian Crush, Teleport Punch, and MB Cat Dash. That's some of the data I'm trying to gather now.
I took a little break (unusual for me) but I'm getting back on it in an hour or so. Kinda funny, if Black Adam rolls if you do nothing after the trait, he can hit you with black magic, but he can't punish if he doesn't roll.


Not the Milkman.
I took a little break (unusual for me) but I'm getting back on it in an hour or so. Kinda funny, if Black Adam rolls if you do nothing after the trait, he can hit you with black magic, but he can't punish if he doesn't roll.

Look at the latest post I made. Looks like roll+wakeup projectile beats his combo. But I posted another combo that handles roll+wakeup projectiles.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
They fixed a glitch that was causing weak attacks to beat wakeups. Given DS's vortexes didn't need them outside swapping j1 for j3 in flying ninja, it didn't really effect him.


Does anyone have any tips for getting 132, JI2 consistently? I know you have to time it so you hit them in the legs as they spin, but even with that, I just can't seem to do it reliably enough, especially on little characters. I've been getting really shitty about cosmetic things like spinning hitboxes getting in the way of reliable damage :(

Also, has anyone had to deal with Sword Flip randomly whiffing the last hit on hit? I thought it was a weird glitch just with little characters, but it happened to me more than a few times today vs Batman as well.

Nevermind, balance, can we at least get some consistency buffs please?


Not the Milkman.
Does anyone have any tips for getting 132, JI2 consistently? I know you have to time it so you hit them in the legs as they spin, but even with that, I just can't seem to do it reliably enough, especially on little characters. I've been getting really shitty about cosmetic things like spinning hitboxes getting in the way of reliable damage :(

Also, has anyone had to deal with Sword Flip randomly whiffing the last hit on hit? I thought it was a weird glitch just with little characters, but it happened to me more than a few times today vs Batman as well.

Nevermind, balance, can we at least get some consistency buffs please?

The only real advice I have for 132 is what you've stated. When the opponent does their circus flip, watch their feet like a clock hand, and press 2 as they start to rotate towards you. It's still tough, but you've sorta gotta muscle memorize it. It's also a matter of knowing when DS can attack out of his jump. It's consistent enough, but if you're willing to sacrifice 3%, you might find this combo easier: 132, dash forwards, 1, 323, F23 xx Sword Flip.

Sword Flip whiffs on last hit if:
1. Your combo was incredibly long and scaled
2. You crossed the opponent up during the first 2 hits
3. The opponent was hit with the first few hits very high above DS
It sucks when it happens, but you can avoid the first one, and the third one isn't hazardous at all. The second one can be problematic sometimes though, as I'm thinking it's punishable if the opponent is still standing. Other than that, I don't really run into this.


Yeah, it's only really the second situation that's catching me out. I haven't been punished yet for it because we both seem to be surprised when it happens, but it's only a matter of time.

Thanks for the tip on the 132 though. Having a visual clue for when to hit the button is much more useful than one for when the move should hit :p


Get over here!
just wanted to say that I have picked up deathstroke as an alt (I main Green Lantern). I really like playing DS, i actually have more fun with him than I do with my main. Nothing is more satisfying than annoying your opponent with guns and when they finally get in getting a full combo with b1u2 or f3/b3 and doing 30+ damage and sending them back to full screen again ^_^

I also love his sword spin as an anti air and also using ia guns to prevent any jumping even at full screen (forcing your opponent to stay grounded from all ranges). Very fun character, glad I started playing him!

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
Playing Deathstroke is just getting really depressing. My life is an endless series of Batgirls, Scorpions and people who just plain refuse to fight me. I'm tempted to swap to a different character just so I can play a match at all, and maybe even not have people attempting rampant counterpicking. Too much to ask, I guess.


Not the Milkman.
Playing Deathstroke is just getting really depressing. My life is an endless series of Batgirls, Scorpions and people who just plain refuse to fight me. I'm tempted to swap to a different character just so I can play a match at all, and maybe even not have people attempting rampant counterpicking. Too much to ask, I guess.

This happens. DS is the Meg of Injustice, he recieves hatred and the butt end of the stick all the time from the online community.

You just gotta tough it out though. While tough, Batgirl and Scorpion are possible, far from 7-3s. Hide your cursor all the time. I do. It prevents people from quitting at the character select screen :p

Besides, nothing will be more satisfying than hearing your opponent throw their controller at their grandmother over the mic, followed by an endless series of hatemail.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
They quit because they see my icon and banner. I hide nothing, though maybe I should. I'm just fucking tired of fighting Batgirl and Scorpion.


Man....Started using b2 more at gga last night and the more I use it in footsies the more I like it. I know it doesn't lead to hella meterless damage, but b2 has hella priority. It stuffs ALOT of shit.

And I know its mad meter costly.... But I think given the right circumstances, canceling lows into dfmb pays off huge. Every time I threw it out after b1 they ate it, and at worst you get +10.


Not the Milkman.
Man....Started using b2 more at gga last night and the more I use it in footsies the more I like it. I know it doesn't lead to hella meterless damage, but b2 has hella priority. It stuffs ALOT of shit.

And I know its mad meter costly.... But I think given the right circumstances, canceling lows into dfmb pays off huge. Every time I threw it out after b1 they ate it, and at worst you get +10.

I feel like I need to use B2 more often too. It's range is stupid deceiving. It's got about as much range as 3 does.

I've been experimenting with B1 xx F3 and B2 x F3 also to get Low-Overhead and Overhead-Overhead strings, at least in the lab. I've yet to incorporate it in a match.

I feel B2 can be really good because B222 is such a huge mixup tool. You can get O-M-O or O-M-L with a cancel into Low Shots. For 1 bar you can cancel into MB Sword Spin, or for less mixup but more damage, you can use B23F2 (thing does 16%!). Both B2 strings are safe on block if you end the string on the first hit.

I need someone to verbally scream at me mid miatch "USE B2 MOAR!!"

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
I don't know about you guys, but after playing for about a good solid 3 hours on Ranked on XBL, I've come to the conclusion that DS is slowly becoming worse and worse once people realize they can punish/reversal lgs/qgs pretty easily now. The closest I usually toss em out is neutral and a lot of characters beat it and Sinestro just out zones me hardcore and rush down chars are a pain in the butt. DSSSSSS why must you do this to me! You're so cool. :( And his **** 323 f23 x SF combos are all wonky depending on what starter you use and online makes it difficult to connect it all. :( He is so cool though... 10-58... must continue to push on.