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Head Bangers Hall


Beware your Fears
I'm still loving august burns reds new album phantom anthem. Also if you guys like to lean a bit more towards melodic hardcore music like moths to flames new album dark divine is lit af
Idk if it’s just me but I can’t get into ABRs new album even though I went to see them this year

But Phinehas new record Dark Flag is amazing can’t wait to see what Silent Planet puts out as well


Consider it done, how bad ass was your concert? I'm dreading those slayer prices, the only reason I haven't bought mines yet is my gym's annual fee is next month.
Got 4 pit tickets for $319.00. I’ve always had to travel to see them so the fact that they are coming to NH was kind of a no brainer for me. Definitely a little expensive but it should be fun, hopefully I’ll remember this one, lol. All of the other Slayer shows I’ve been to in my early twenties are a little foggy.
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Seriously Casual Player.
Consider it done, how bad ass was your concert? I'm dreading those slayer prices, the only reason I haven't bought mines yet is my gym's annual fee is next month.
Oh my god it was so good dude! The opening band sounded like Kamelot, which was interesting! Kreator and Sabaton just CRUSHED it, amazing all the way around! The crowd was super into it, the bands were super into it. Great show.

And brother, just remember... This is Slayer's last tour EVER.
Oh my god it was so good dude! The opening band sounded like Kamelot, which was interesting! Kreator and Sabaton just CRUSHED it, amazing all the way around! The crowd was super into it, the bands were super into it. Great show.

And brother, just remember... This is Slayer's last tour EVER.
I will pull the trigger this paycheck, unfortunate that Nile comes next month, too!


Seriously Casual Player.
Speaking of which, I haven't even purchased the new MA album. I heard it eas a great return to form. Just to get out of topic for a bit, what FGs are you playing atm?
It's pretty fucking good man, you should check it out!

SFV and Ultra Street Fighter IV.


Seriously Casual Player.
Cattle Decapitation is the best metal band right now. Travis Ryan is a god of vocalists.
They got it figured out with the quickness didn't they? Humanure sucked, Karma Bloody Karma was better, and then they wrote three of my favorite albums ever!
Reactions: jmt
Tampa was godlike! I brought some great merch and the crowd was insane! Watain's stage presence was phenomenal I came back home covered in blood lol. I loved d666,too very energetic. I had way too much fun, what's the most convenient ways to post the pics?