Does anyone have Harley's pop pop reset on video? I dont quite understand it by text, id like to see it visually. Also, im looking for a nice decent combo that starts with f3 and ends with play doctor, midscreen please. Thanks.
I don't understand what you mean by pop pop reset. Are you talking about in the corner in which it is MB Pop pop into F1,3, MB Pop Pop into F1,3 repeat as long As you have bars to MB Pop Pop?
F3 is a good range launcher that catches people sleeping while thinking they are safe while crouching..I don't understand why you HAVE to end it with play doctor since there are better options, but okay..
-F3,JI2,1,1, Play Doctor- very basic yes, but due to your specifications it is really the only true option..
With good timing you could pull
-F3,2,D3,1,1(or 2), Play Doctor
Off F3 I would prefer to SS under the ground bounce and mix up with either TS or a NJ1/2/3.. Based on opponents tendencies/defensive skills and then work from there.. Since SS works well with a downed opponent (especially in the corner) ( See Burgessssss thread on SS mixup in corner) because it confuses the opponent on which side she is actually on.
I need some Harley Quinn players to contribute here... May any of you please answer my previous post. Also, i'd like to add in that i need a combo starting with pop pop MB charged all the way and hopefully ending with play doctor?
I think you are a bit obsessed with Pop Pop and Play Doctor.. Realistically.... A MB Pop Pop at full charge can only be safely done from full screen.. That being said.. IF the fully charged Pop Pop come out- there is no guarantee that the opponent is not going to jump it (more on that in a sec).. If the Pop Pop does hit- the opponent goes airborne and backward.. I think it is technically "possible" to dash like mad right behind the Pop Pop and maybe with outstanding timing get off a J1/2/3 to which you would be able to land (I am assuming this will place you both in far corner) so it would look like..
-MB full charge Pop Pop- MAD DASH ACROSS SCREEN, J2,1,1,2,1,1(or2), Play Doctor
You may have a Better chance of following up the MB Pop Pop in hopes that they jump the Pop shot and catch them in the air.. But you are still getting minimal air to air damage off them that is if you are successful in the attack at You would not technically be combining OFF the Pop Pop..
Now..I don't see the practicality because of the huge risk of being blown up during your mad rush to get in to follow up.. Your timing needs to e perfect There is TOO many variables to account for any this to occur (honestly: if even possible)... And as Harley Already has a hard enough time with many things, I'm not sure what your trying to accomplish...
But there you have it.. Have fun!