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Harley Combo Thread


Too old for this Shit
While I appreciate both of your inputs.. I would much rather hear theory and see more than just a "look what I can do" video... We have no "Pro" to carry us as Harley all over YouTube.. It's on us as a community gents. Thanks!


Going to have to say it's super character specific. Example, do that against doomsday, I'd love to see that. You'll probably eat his d1 for days. Now, if we did some testing on d1s or other quick lows it maybe perfectly reasonable.

I still have nightmares of some d1's.... like i dunno aquaman. Personally, after them blocking my d1 I'm sometimes lost as to where to go next.

Perhaps d1, d1, then trying to take a step back and b2.2

just spitballing, ima go start looking at characters d1s in training.

I seriously believe we need to test every idea someone brings forth, like you said in another thread we don't exactly have a pro harley helping us learn.

Edit: also with the remark about letting characters travel to you after a b3, i think you might be on to something, you can sacrifice damage for positioning theoretically....
I try not include jump-ins into my combo damage calculations, seeing as you're not going to be landing these combos with a jump-in every time. I think that one in particular is 46% without one, but the 112 can be very strict after the second f13, so I tend to use a combo that's a little more optimised.

b22> TS,1> J2> f13> 112> 1> 12> PD - You only lose out on around 2%, and is a lot easier to land, especially online. You can also SS after the 112 for ambiguous cross-ups or interactable setups, which although causes less damage, is sometimes more useful. I find it particularly useful in the KF matchup. The less time or openings she has to attempt a vortex, the better.


Too old for this Shit
Going to have to say it's super character specific. Example, do that against doomsday, I'd love to see that. You'll probably eat his d1 for days. Now, if we did some testing on d1s or other quick lows it maybe perfectly reasonable.

I still have nightmares of some d1's.... like i dunno aquaman. Personally, after them blocking my d1 I'm sometimes lost as to where to go next.

Perhaps d1, d1, then trying to take a step back and b2.2

just spitballing, ima go start looking at characters d1s in training.

I seriously believe we need to test every idea someone brings forth, like you said in another thread we don't exactly have a pro harley helping us learn.

Edit: also with the remark about letting characters travel to you after a b3, i think you might be on to something, you can sacrifice damage for positioning theoretically....
In regards to positioning Marc.. Say you hit the B3 about mid screen... Her jump at the opponent option seems to carry them closer to the corner, where as letting them come to you does not cary them enough. Technically- letting them come to you off a B3, you can really follow up with anything you like, to really put them as close to the corner/ interactable in view as possible... Theoretically..


Versatile Strategist
I usually just stick with the BnB corner combo that does 45% no meter. I'd rather go for consistency than to drop a high damage combo and letting my opponent wake-up attack for free...


Heavenly Harley
yeah he did say that! i was even happier to beat him 2 times. He shut up after the 2nd loss.


So i got a question for you guys cause I starting to run into this problem a little bit here and there when I play and I want to try and X it out, but for me I have a hard time try to start some combos without jumping in due to my problem (or maybe its just only me) but feel like harley has some range issue or just outpoked in some cases. So my question is how do u guys deal with this. One example I can think of is Batman combos that after block I cant punish or anything cause he just have a quicker recovery. Hopefully this make sense.
D1 TS. Actually works pretty well against a lot of characters. I use it against block strings that I know aren't plus on block, as far too often people are trying to poke after a block string. Also works well against a blocked jump in to high starter.


Heavenly Harley

i dont know if this has been done but i just came up with this myself just now. also you can do 1,db2MB and have that connect! which means after a corner combo with PD ending it, you have a 6 frame move that can lead to huge damage on hit! There are a large amount of ways to implicate this to anyones game! Also sorry for the shitty quality.

Also on a side note. This combo is around 1-3 normals away from building 1 more meter! so if you can figure out how to add to it let me know and i'll try to get it down.


Yesterday I experimented with using 3x MB pop-pop and 1x MB PD versus using a super in a combo, and it does give more damage. It's actually possible to do
ji2 f1 MBpop f1 MBpop f1 MBpop ji2 b22xxTS~1
for even more damage, but it's really hard to hit correctly as you'll most of the time land behind your opponent. The only time I managed to do this I misinputted PD so I wasn't able to get the correct damage, but it should be just slightly stronger than your 71%.