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Harley Combo Thread


The King
why make a new thread when you have this one? sure its messy but if 1 person tagged me asking to update it i would. i dont play harley anymore so i dont check this often
Have Ramon type you up the combos. He practically knows all of them from super advanced to complete noob combos so yeah.


Button Masher
just get me a list tag me ( @ then redeyes all together)
and ill update it

i may pick her back up after this patch as a 2nd idk


Heavenly Harley
i will do functionality only. i wont give anyone easy ways out of situations unless it is worth it. I will not be the reason people dont get better.


Ya'll stingy
just write the combos and we'll tidy them up if need be.

can't wait for the patch. i wonder if harley will be able to trait after the mr. freeze interactable in arkham or the log trap in ferris.


The King
just write the combos and we'll tidy them up if need be.

can't wait for the patch. i wonder if harley will be able to trait after the mr. freeze interactable in arkham or the log trap in ferris.
wtf is log trap? also she better be able to fucking trait after the freeze interactable. She better be able to trait after f2,3 safely


Ya'll stingy
wtf is log trap? also she better be able to fucking trait after the freeze interactable. She better be able to trait after f2,3 safely
that pendulum thing in the left corner of ferris. people call it log trap because it looks like a move from umvc3. i noticed the freeze interactable freezes them for a long time, but it's still not long enough for harley to do a fully charged pop pop gun =/
i'm almost positive she can safely trait after F23 because she can practically do it now, but f23 is techable, so trying to get the bomb after it wouldn't be a good idea. july 2nd can't come soon enough


Heavenly Harley
Functionality - Mixup. Corner only

JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, F13, F13, 112xxSillySlide. Afuckton%

Notes : depending on your timing this can be either side. Overhead or low. You decide. Here is a visual to get what i'm talking about

Alternative - Max damage + standing neutral mixup. 58%

JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, F13, F13, 112. 1. 12xxPlaydoctor MB

Functionality - Most used Bnb - Not in the corner.

JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, B3, JI2, JI2, 12xxPD MB 50%

Notes : on the 3rd JI2 you have to hit that on the way up (early) this gives a height where 12xxPD MB will always land.

Functionality - Non-clashable damage.

JI2, B2xxBB MB, B3 28%

Notes : strict timing. You have to be fast on the BB MB.

Alternative - Max damage unclashable - full meter - trait

JI2, B22, Super, Trait bomb

Notes : I've done this IN tournament 2 times...once with success.

For now thats what i got and i'll do more tomorrow.


Get staffed bro
My personal ones built for reliability and setups.

b22~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (low starter with nj2 setup) 38%
f2~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (overhead starter with nj2 setup) 36%
12~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (6 frame high punisher) 34%
d1~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (7 frame mid punisher) 31%
b3/f3, j3, 112~SS (MB to stuff some wakeups) 28%
SS~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (covers 3/4 screen) 31%

b22~TS 1, nj2, f13, 112~PD (MB play doctor for 50%) 42%
b22~TS 1, nj2, f13, 112~SS (for position reversal) 37%
b22~TS 1, f13, f13, 112~SS (higher damage) 44%
f2~TS 1, nj2, f13, 112~PD (overhead starter) 41%
f3/f3 MB, j2, f13, 112~PD (MB play doctor for 45%) 37%


The King
My personal ones built for reliability and setups.

b22~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (low starter with nj2 setup) 38%
f2~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (overhead starter with nj2 setup) 36%
12~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (6 frame high punisher) 34%
d1~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (7 frame mid punisher) 31%
b3/f3, j3, 112~SS (MB to stuff some wakeups) 28%
SS~TS 1, b3, j3, 112~SS (covers 3/4 screen) 31%

b22~TS 1, nj2, f13, 112~PD (MB play doctor for 50%) 42%
b22~TS 1, nj2, f13, 112~SS (for position reversal) 37%
b22~TS 1, f13, f13, 112~SS (higher damage) 44%
f2~TS 1, nj2, f13, 112~PD (overhead starter) 41%
f3/f3 MB, j2, f13, 112~PD (MB play doctor for 45%) 37%
Functionality - Mixup. Corner only

JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, F13, F13, 112xxSillySlide. Afuckton%

Notes : depending on your timing this can be either side. Overhead or low. You decide. Here is a visual to get what i'm talking about

Alternative - Max damage + standing neutral mixup. 58%

JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, F13, F13, 112. 1. 12xxPlaydoctor MB

Functionality - Most used Bnb - Not in the corner.

JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, B3, JI2, JI2, 12xxPD MB 50%

Notes : on the 3rd JI2 you have to hit that on the way up (early) this gives a height where 12xxPD MB will always land.

Functionality - Non-clashable damage.

JI2, B2xxBB MB, B3 28%

Notes : strict timing. You have to be fast on the BB MB.

Alternative - Max damage unclashable - full meter - trait

JI2, B22, Super, Trait bomb

Notes : I've done this IN tournament 2 times...once with success.

For now thats what i got and i'll do more tomorrow.
redeyes here you go.


My blades will find your heart
I am having a really tough time getting MB PD to come out after any string. Is there any sort of timing trick on it or am I just incapable of doing this freaking move?


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
I am having a really tough time getting MB PD to come out after any string. Is there any sort of timing trick on it or am I just incapable of doing this freaking move?
Practice mode with input display on. Make sure you are starting with down and not down-back or down-forward. You can buffer the move while doing the 1,2 string. You can even do a full 3 quarter circle motion from d to db to b to ub, etc. You can practice 1,2 PD on a standing opponent repeatedly (the PD will whiff, but it's whiff animation is distinct).

There's a thread on the Harley forums about Play Doctor after strings, check that out.


The King
Practice mode with input display on. Make sure you are starting with down and not down-back or down-forward. You can buffer the move while doing the 1,2 string. You can even do a full 3 quarter circle motion from d to db to b to ub, etc. You can practice 1,2 PD on a standing opponent repeatedly (the PD will whiff, but it's whiff animation is distinct).

There's a thread on the Harley forums about Play Doctor after strings, check that out.
I support this message.


My blades will find your heart
I support this message.
Practice mode with input display on. Make sure you are starting with down and not down-back or down-forward. You can buffer the move while doing the 1,2 string. You can even do a full 3 quarter circle motion from d to db to b to ub, etc. You can practice 1,2 PD on a standing opponent repeatedly (the PD will whiff, but it's whiff animation is distinct).

There's a thread on the Harley forums about Play Doctor after strings, check that out.
Helped thanks


Get staffed bro
I still don't see the point in ending in PD, mid screen at least. She gets nothing from being at 0 at the distance it leaves her. If she could check you with a b2 then maybe I could see the value of it.

You have b22, TS~1, b3, j3, 112~SS which does 38% with a hard knockdown and setup and is very easy, or you have b22~TS 1, b3, j2, j2, 12~PD which is significantly harder, does 1% more and gives you less options.

What am I missing?