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Harley Combo Thread


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I really wish that they woulda fixed that input during the previous patch.
how the fuck does the game read
D,B,F 1 as D,F 1? ._. The B shoulda neutralized the game reading it as D,F ;\
That being said I dont risk the MB PD in matches cause ending the combos in an accidental MB gunshots is risky and a waste of meter.
Better safe than sorry


Get staffed bro
They need to fix it tbh. Bain has the exact same input with his command throw and its easy to add to the end of strings.
Shazam doesn't have any problem comboing into his command grab either but the reason is that neither of those characters have DF moves with the same button that overlap inputs like Harley does. If her gunshots we're DF3 or something it would be much easier. That being said I do think there's an issue with inputting the DBF motion after a string because the motion itself is not difficult but it needs to be super precise after a string for some reason
Any tips on the timings for Harley's midscreen BNB's? The b3 seems fairly inconsistent for me (maybe 2/3 of the time) wondering if there are any cues that may help my timings or if I just need more practice.

Also for the j3 in to 112, seems inconsistent for me too, sometimes the 3rd attack of 112 doesn't even go off? Even though I can perform it with 100% consistency outside of this combo and 112 doesn't even require to hit the opponent to chain... Is there some sort of input glitch with the combos or some info that may help out my consistency?

(edit: Also another issue I'm having is sometimes after the B3, the opponent is too far to reach with a j3, so I have to walk up a bit, which seems to chance the timing a bit as well)


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Any tips on the timings for Harley's midscreen BNB's? The b3 seems fairly inconsistent for me (maybe 2/3 of the time) wondering if there are any cues that may help my timings or if I just need more practice.

Also for the j3 in to 112, seems inconsistent for me too, often times the 2nd and 3rd hit of 112 whiff, and even stranger, sometimes the 3rd attack of 112 doesn't even go off? Even though I can perform it with 100% consistency outside of this combo and 112 doesn't even require to hit the opponent to chain... Is there some sort of input glitch with the combos or some info that may help out my consistency?
You need to wait a bit before using 1,1,2 after j3. If you use it too fast you'll drop the last part of it. That's probably what is happening to you. Also make sure you aren't spamming the buttons, that might be why the whole string isn't coming out. Go into practice mode and make sure button inputs are displayed, make sure you are inputting the strings correctly. There's no input bugs with this particular string that I am aware of, and no one has mentioned it so it's probably just your execution. With practice you'll get a better feel for the combos. Spend a couple hours practicing your combos and you'll be able to do them blindfolded. ;)
You need to wait a bit before using 1,1,2 after j3. If you use it too fast you'll drop the last part of it. That's probably what is happening to you. Also make sure you aren't spamming the buttons, that might be why the whole string isn't coming out. Go into practice mode and make sure button inputs are displayed, make sure you are inputting the strings correctly. There's no input bugs with this particular string that I am aware of, and no one has mentioned it so it's probably just your execution. With practice you'll get a better feel for the combos. Spend a couple hours practicing your combos and you'll be able to do them blindfolded. ;)

Yeah I've mostly played in only practice on her up until now. Just seems a bit strange, this is the first character I've had trouble with inputs (and I've played many at this point lol).

I need to take back what I said about 112 in my last post as well - I remembered incorrectly. The "11" of the 112 works fairly consistently, only the final hit seems to drop, which I just found a bit weird.

Went in practice after posting this though, and the biggest problems I'm having is with the J3 range and timing (the part I added as an "Edit" to my last post).


Ya'll stingy

i'm not gonna judge you on one set of matches, but it's ironic that you made such a huge deal about unreliable combos when you couldn't even land her BnB once.


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Yeah I've mostly played in only practice on her up until now. Just seems a bit strange, this is the first character I've had trouble with inputs (and I've played many at this point lol).

I need to take back what I said about 112 in my last post as well - I remembered incorrectly. The "11" of the 112 works fairly consistently, only the final hit seems to drop, which I just found a bit weird.

Went in practice after posting this though, and the biggest problems I'm having is with the J3 range and timing (the part I added as an "Edit" to my last post).
To address your edit, it depends on how fast your b3 comes out after tantrum stance 1. If it comes out late you will need to walk forward a bit. It takes a bit of getting used to, but you should be able to notice whether or not you will need to move forward. You can tell by the visual. I wish I could make a video to be more clear, here.


Heavenly Harley

i'm not gonna judge you on one set of matches, but it's ironic that you made such a huge deal about unreliable combos when you couldn't even land her BnB once.
i have a laggy TV at home and it was one of my 1st matches of the day. so i had to get used to the lack of lag. Check out my match after that... i'm pretty sure i got used to doing the BnBs. so yeah... that...


Ya'll stingy
i have a laggy TV at home and it was one of my 1st matches of the day. so i had to get used to the lack of lag. Check out my match after that... i'm pretty sure i got used to doing the BnBs. so yeah... that...
yeaahhh well if you can imagine playing online where there's even MORE lag, that's why we can't use your combo enders. i wanted to see your match against chris g because i heard it was hype but dumb sabin didnt upload it


Heavenly Harley
yeah i landed every combo on him because i got a chance to shake off the lag after arma. Even online i'll still do my combos


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
yeaahhh well if you can imagine playing online where there's even MORE lag, that's why we can't use your combo enders. i wanted to see your match against chris g because i heard it was hype but dumb sabin didnt upload it
It's on twitch ;)


Ya'll stingy
Hey guys, I just came from a local tourny and I did a setup I can't seem to replicate at home. Normally this setup is just a simple safe jump that lands in the front.... but I somehow got it to crossup, thoughts?
have you ever experimented with the timing of the jump 2? raven has a similar setup where the timing of the jump 2 determines whether it is a crossup or not.


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
have you ever experimented with the timing of the jump 2? raven has a similar setup where the timing of the jump 2 determines whether it is a crossup or not.
Changing the timing of the j2 doesn't seem to make it crossup. I get the feeling he pressed something on wakeup, like maybe a failed wakeup attempt?


Ya'll stingy
never mind, harley's jump 2 doesn't have crazy active frames like ravens does.
i got it to happen twice in training mode. it seems to depend on how low to the ground flash is when you land the 33. or he might have held forward anticipating a crossup?


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
never mind, harley's jump 2 doesn't have crazy active frames like ravens does.
or he might have held forward anticipating a crossup?
Yeah that's what I thought, but I put the dummy to hold both forward and backwards two different times, doesn't seem to help.


Heavenly Harley
You have to do the JI2 late. there is an angle where it will hit as a cross up everytime. It's funky but it's mostly about distance than anything. i'll do a video on the distance if y'all want.


The King
You have to do the JI2 late. there is an angle where it will hit as a cross up everytime. It's funky but it's mostly about distance than anything. i'll do a video on the distance if y'all want.
do it please. I have a lot of trouble landing 2 JI2's


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
You have to do the JI2 late. there is an angle where it will hit as a cross up everytime. It's funky but it's mostly about distance than anything. i'll do a video on the distance if y'all want.
I tried different timings on the J2, yeah I need to see it.