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Harley Combo Thread


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
If you need more damage than that to end a round, it's a good idea. Remember that the MB version of PD does 8% unscaled damage. It also prevents wake-ups if your set-ups are getting beat by a certain wake-up.

It's good to know so you have the option to use it, and options are good.


Get staffed bro
If you need more damage than that to end a round, it's a good idea. Remember that the MB version of PD does 8% unscaled damage. It also prevents wake-ups if your set-ups are getting beat by a certain wake-up.

It's good to know so you have the option to use it, and options are good.
That's true and the only time I can see the value of it. Its situational and therefore not a BnB imo. I find myself using MB PD at the corner a lot to close out rounds but not midscreen generally.


Ya'll stingy
I still don't see the point in ending in PD, mid screen at least. She gets nothing from being at 0 at the distance it leaves her. If she could check you with a b2 then maybe I could see the value of it.

You have b22, TS~1, b3, j3, 112~SS which does 38% with a hard knockdown and setup and is very easy, or you have b22~TS 1, b3, j2, j2, 12~PD which is significantly harder, does 1% more and gives you less options.

What am I missing?
i asked this question earlier, but never got a response.
PD leaves the opponent at the perfect range for a tantrum stance, or possibly a f3, but in my experience, people always jump/attack after getting hit with PD. doing a jump back oopsy daisy keeps harley pretty safe and deals additional chip, and if they start blocking it (high) you can jump forward and go for a combo or tantrum stance.

the unscaled 8% at the end of a 38% meterless combo is also good, but i agree you don't want to use pd on everyone because some wakeups you want to block and punish. in the corner, the fastest thing harley can do that can't be ducked is d1. other than finishing a round/getting damage in, i don't see the point of using PD in the corner. her SS mixup is really good and the corner is where it shines.


My blades will find your heart
I am thinking of corner combos here, as it sets up another 50/50. Midscreen I will probably just do the BnB


The King
I still don't see the point in ending in PD, mid screen at least. She gets nothing from being at 0 at the distance it leaves her. If she could check you with a b2 then maybe I could see the value of it.

You have b22, TS~1, b3, j3, 112~SS which does 38% with a hard knockdown and setup and is very easy, or you have b22~TS 1, b3, j2, j2, 12~PD which is significantly harder, does 1% more and gives you less options.

What am I missing?
PD MB Breh.


So far with the patch her combo even with Lex wake up for her trait to be safe that I messed with is
and if bomb comes out(wish they could just have made it input I mean how hard is that) it perfect setup for it for B3 combo.

Also I was working on something last night with the bounce cancel and I wanted to see what u guys think its still unfinish combo but here the start

12,TS1,J1,(think u have to delay for a half sec)11xxBBMB

and from here just trying to figure out the rest of the string any ideas


The only thing I'm able to land after bounce cancel is J3, 112 or J3, 12, PD but hopefully someone else has better :)


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
So far with the patch her combo even with Lex wake up for her trait to be safe that I messed with is
and if bomb comes out(wish they could just have made it input I mean how hard is that) it perfect setup for it for B3 combo.
What if they tech roll? Bomb probably whiffs?


I believe so didnt have to much time to dabble with it this morning since of something called work lol.
Anybody got some D2 combos? There's so much recovery on it and it doesn't seem like she can get much out of it. Also what's optimal of a F23 > SS? I'm guessing it's just 12 > PD MB but I've also got 12 > TS3 for 26% or 112 > TS for 27%


Ya'll stingy
yeah, their next step is to remove the unnecessary recovery on her d2 so she can get a jump 2 after it.

you can d2>up gun, but that's a cancel and thus not a hitconfirm. even if she can't get a combo off it, it would be good if she can at least stop jumpins.
When ending combos in the corner with 112xxSS what exactly determines which side you will end up on? People say it depends on timing but timing on what exactly? Linking the 112 or inputting the slide?


When ending combos in the corner with 112xxSS what exactly determines which side you will end up on? People say it depends on timing but timing on what exactly? Linking the 112 or inputting the slide?
right when you input 112, put the input of SS in and it should put you on the other side.


Get staffed bro
yeah, their next step is to remove the unnecessary recovery on her d2 so she can get a jump 2 after it.

you can d2>up gun, but that's a cancel and thus not a hitconfirm. even if she can't get a combo off it, it would be good if she can at least stop jumpins.
You can get j2 providing you hit them when airborne. Grounded it won't work.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Since trait was patched should the combos on the first page be updated with the trait damage percentage? Considering it's more usable then before?
Although that would be a nightmare on the restart button in practice mode...


Good Game :)
I've heard some people saying that comboing F13 is a hard knockdown? How are y'all getting this? What combo are y'all doing?
right when you input 112, put the input of SS in and it should put you on the other side.
I've got no problem canceling 112 into slide. My question is how do you fake the crossup and stay on the same side, without putting yourself in the corner? I've seen it done in a few videos and people say it's timing dependent
I think I got it. If you cancel the end of 112 into slide you'll switch sides but if you wait for the 112 to fully recover and then do the silly slide you'll stay in front


Ya'll stingy
i'm in the batcave with catwoman as the dummy and my SS isn't crossing her over. i'm doing b22 tantrum 1 f13 f13 112 ss.
even when i mash the interactable button, it wont let me use the car rocket things in the right corner.

it works when i do b22 tantrum 1 jump 2 f13 112 ss tho.

edit: nvm it works as long as i do everything as early as possible. i dont think it was like that in the other stages