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Harley Combo Thread


Ya'll stingy
i just want you all to see what happens when you dont max damage because you didnt practice. He had the game even tho he wasnt maxing out his combos but since he didnt do max damage at the end. He lost. Hopefully i can sit him down and explain some of the aspects of what i've been saying.

that was definitely him getting nervous and choking. it happens. he probably got annoyed with that deathstroke, too. the guy was a total asshole. anyways, he could have ended the combo with practically anything else and won. the sad thing is, he actually got lucky and got the bomb lol. bless him for trying, but i would never use harley against deathstroke. that's what raven's for.

JI2, B22, Tantrum1, F13, F13, 112, 1, 12xxPD MB
12 PD is actually much easier to do in this combo for some reason. it's j2, j2, 12 PD that people have a problem with. i love when the poison kills them and you basically get to do whatever you want until their health is gone.

Very much so.
And it's not a knock at anyone in particular. I have a hard time playing with Harley and came in to the thread and it looks like my room right now...

yeah, there's some good stuff in these threads, but you have to read through 20 pages to get anything useful.

knight x1868

Blue Lantern Corps
If I put all the combos together and test them to make sure they work, can someone put together a pseudo guide?

Things like:
Safe strings.
Block strings.
Trait set ups.
Just anything someone wanting to pick Harley up would need to know. I am not even sure if she has many descent normals. But I know she has some great mix ups.


If I put all the combos together and test them to make sure they work, can someone put together a pseudo guide?

Things like:
Safe strings.
Block strings.
Trait set ups.
Just anything someone wanting to pick Harley up would need to know. I am not even sure if she has many descent normals. But I know she has some great mix ups.

Ill give it a shot in help making the new thread for this , cause this is a nightmare for some1 that wants to pick up Harley and go digging through 20+ pages.

knight x1868

Blue Lantern Corps
Ill give it a shot in help making the new thread for this , cause this is a nightmare for some1 that wants to pick up Harley and go digging through 20+ pages.
Yeah or anyone new to fighting games.

It'd be nice to have some type of n00b guide on TYM that explains some terminology like what it means to have block advantage or what it means for something to be safe. Hell, just for a frame data guide lol.


Ya'll stingy
PATCH 1.05

Harley Quinn

The Bag-O-Tricks (Character Power) now recovers faster.
There is now slightly less damage scaling on attacks performed after Harley’s Mallet Bomb supermove.
The Spinning Pistols (Down+2) attack now inflicts the correct damage amount and had it’s hitbox slightly improved.


Ya'll stingy
yeah it would be nice to actually get some buffs/tnt bomb after a hard knockdown without getting punished for free.
d2 would be great for her, but i don't expect it to be fantastic. can she even combo off it? last time i checked, it has ridiculously long recovery on hit.
i didn't really think she needed less damage scaling after her super, but i welcome it lol


Heavenly Harley
How to avoid losing damage because of stage transitions.

Combo off of JI3 in the corner (which can crossup)



Ya'll stingy
does harley not have a combo that works for both distances?
it reminds me of playing dante in mvc3 where you're doing your combo and then you're like "oh shit, i'm in the corner!" and you have to change the ending.


Heavenly Harley
Ok so i did some testing and the B3 works behind the combo. This means that you wont send the opponent into the next stage. You will have to identify where you begin the combo.

she doesnt have a "Ramon Optimal" combo, but you can come up with a less damaging combo for BOTH situations.


yeah it would be nice to actually get some buffs/tnt bomb after a hard knockdown without getting punished for free.
d2 would be great for her, but i don't expect it to be fantastic. can she even combo off it? last time i checked, it has ridiculously long recovery on hit.
i didn't really think she needed less damage scaling after her super, but i welcome it lol
you can D2, DB1, j2 into 112.



crosses up and forces opponent to reverse their inputs as well this will cause them to wake up incorrectly.
if they tech roll, you have more than enough time to plan what you want to do during their wake up.

i found out recently tantrum stance blows up wonder woman's lasso spin, you hit her as she wakes up, and if you timed it correctly..you should be laying there kicking your feet, and her spin whiffs and you can follow up 1 to a full combo.

you can set this weird crossup using 2D3 after it hits, just dash once and neutral jump.