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Harley Combo Thread


Ya'll stingy
It could be after a SS nj2 or just a raw j2 crossup into the corner. Let's say either the interactable has been used up or there isn't anything for you to use in that specific corner. Off the top of my head I can't recall which is the safer string 123 or 2u3?
2u3 is -8
123 is -5 i believe

exactly! that was my point that it's not because you CANT do it. I stopped ending combos in SS since Wakeup in this game can be too hard for Harley to handle. I want my opponents standing. If I rarely knock them down they wont be ready for a mixup when i do knock them down. My only argument is when someone tells me the cannot do something. It's just bullshit.
the problem you're having is that you think people who don't use unreliable combos as their main bnbs are lazy and don't want to learn them. everyone wants to go for optimal damage, but when the risks greatly outweigh the benefits, it's not worth it.
you're also further separating the tournament players from from everyone else, which we don
t need more of. sometimes we have to give up a few % for reliability or a setup. i learned that from tournament players back in 2008 when i got ssfiv, and they said the same thing in the other fighting games.
the point of a fighting game is to fight your opponent, not fight your combos. and you have to remember harley's combos get harder online.
if the unreliable combos are reliable for you, more power to ya. i can't make it anymore clear than that.


Heavenly Harley
...Unreliable means the combo cant be done consistently no matter what. The combo IS reliable. and no i dont excuse people for being lazy. Yes that's what it is. Someone who makes a combo "Reliable" means it was never unreliable in the 1st place.


The King
...Unreliable means the combo cant be done consistently no matter what. The combo IS reliable. and no i dont excuse people for being lazy. Yes that's what it is. Someone who makes a combo "Reliable" means it was never unreliable in the 1st place.
My definition of a unreliable combo is where the timing is VERY VERY strict.


Heavenly Harley
What i'm trying to tell you is that with practice it wont be very strict. unreliable DOES NOT = Difficult. It means when you do it perfectly, sometimes it wont work. This is not the case.


The King
If anyone here have any 100+ % combos with Harley post them up so I can put them in my new thread. I'll be working in the lab to try to get some of my own. Trait/Interactables/Transitions are allowed. Let's give Joker a nice big wet kiss on the and GET GOING. Hahahahaha.


Ya'll stingy
okay, i think i found the most consistent way of practically comboing into harley's PD while maintaining optimal damage:

the combo is B22, tantrum, cartwheel, b3, jump 2, jump 2.

everyone says to end it with 12 PD for 39%. it's actually quite consistent if you can manage to always hit the second jump 2 very early, but that's the part that makes it impractical. it's very easy to land the second jump 2 too late and that will make the 12 will push the opponent too far for pd to land, that is if it even comes out.
ending with 11 PD is better, but you still have the problem of 11 pushing them too far away. and it does 38%, which is 1% less than the above.
i used to end this combo with jump 2 PD and omit the second jump 2. so the combo would look like this: B22, tantrum, cartwheel, b3, jump 2, PD. but that's quite loss at 34%. like ramon said, if i do that combo 4 times, i missed out on 16%.

the solution:

B22, tantrum, cartwheel, b3, jump 2, jump 2, standing 1, pd. the standing 1 doesn't push them away like 11 and 12 does, but most importantly, the timing on the 2nd jump 2 has no bearing on the rest of the combo. you can land it early, late, or anywhere in between and it will still land. the damage of this combo is 38%, the same as 11 PD and only 1% less than 12 PD. with a jump in 2 starter, it will probably be more like 41/42% and you get the +8% if you choose to MB PD.

there. is everyone happy now? that's what practical is. you give up a measly 1% to make sure the combo always lands. can't believe no one thought of that.


The King
Just made a Harley Quinn 105% trait combo on Metropolis. Will get uploading soon. It will be bad quality though seeing as how I had to record it with my digital camera. Don't worry Ramon I didn't use your combo at all. Not even close.


The King
yup. you can also wakeup MB B3.
so this isn't guaranteed then......? Damn it all that work for nothing. Well this is the pre-patch version of the game where wake ups attacks aren't available to do on the first frame. So maybe that's why I miss interpreted it.


The King
and i'm not too worried about you using my combo. It's hard.
JI2, B22, Tantrum 1, b3, JI2, JI2xxcar interactable, tantrum 1, b121, Super, f13, f13, 12xxPD. 100%
If this is the combo I'll have it uploaded by tomorrow. It doesn't seem that hard. Unless you wanna post it up.


Heavenly Harley

i just want you all to see what happens when you dont max damage because you didnt practice. He had the game even tho he wasnt maxing out his combos but since he didnt do max damage at the end. He lost. Hopefully i can sit him down and explain some of the aspects of what i've been saying.


Get staffed bro
Err that wasn't a Max damage issue, he lost as he panic mashed a super and then for some reason used a trait combo. Even something like ts1, b3, j3, 112-cupcakes mb would have worked to chip him with guaranteed 5% chip on the end.

Just the 112 would have probably killed him. That was a choke pure and simple.


Heavenly Harley
the FINAL combo he was doing was going to kill if he finished it with x2 JI2, 12, PD MB. how is that not an issue? instead he went for an easier combo that did less. in this case a reset. Which is silly since he WON if he landed a PD combo.


Get staffed bro
the FINAL combo he was doing was going to kill if he finished it with x2 JI2, 12, PD MB. how is that not an issue? instead he went for an easier combo that did less. in this case a reset. Which is silly since he WON if he landed a PD combo.
I know what you're saying but the fact of the matter, in this instance at least, is that ANY combo would have won him the match. He choked and messed up, largely because the final moments of tournament matches is exactly when people choke.

But yes, you're right to a degree and the combo you listed would have done the job, as would have much simpler ones. There is no way I would have personally relied on ending in 12~PD under the final moments of a tournament match.


i just want you all to see what happens when you dont max damage because you didnt practice. He had the game even tho he wasnt maxing out his combos but since he didnt do max damage at the end. He lost. Hopefully i can sit him down and explain some of the aspects of what i've been saying.
Ladies and gents and this is why we dont use Harley's trait lol especially during clutch moment but serious note even if he ended with a J3, Air shot (add MB if needed) would have killed him. I guess being greedy is guess​