I gotchu. Here are 22 characters better than Lantern:
1. Supergirl
2. Superman
3. Batman
4. Aquaman
5. Wonder Woman
6. Flash
7. Scarecrow
8. Atrocitus
9. Red Hood
10. Firestorm
11. Dr. Fate
12. Black Adam
13. Green Arrow
14. Starfire
15. Darkseid
16. Bane
17. Black Manta
18. Black Canary
19. Brainiac
20. Blue Beetle
21. Robin
22. Sub-Zero
Ok I'm gonna need some explanations on why you think Black Manta, Bane, Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Black Canary, Atrocitus, Brainiac, Robin, Blue Beetle and Darkseid are better than Green Lantern.
Most of these characters have maybe 1 player who's particularly good with them and basically no presence after that. Y'all have to respect the player not the character sometimes because it's so easy to just talk match up numbers but it's a lot harder to take a character like Robin and beat Superman in tournament by outplaying your opponent rather than using easier tools.
In terms of match up numbers I just saw a thread that had Black Canary, for example, having literally no winning match ups and like 11 losing ones.
Aquaman has fallen off the face of the Earth since his nerd. I agree he's still pretty solid but he is by no means top 5.
Darkseid is whatever. It's 50/50s all day with trait and bunny hopping when you don't. You're gonna lose sometimes to it but does that mean he's top tier? Go over to his forums and you'll see people asking for neutral game buffs.
Dr Fate is probably being overrated right now. He's another character with maybe 2 all in character specialists who make him look broken and some really lopsided match ups but I think Fate loses a lot of lopsided match ups too. If can 7-3 Arrow then he can get 3-7 by a character like Darkseid with similar zoning speed and tons of ways around Dr Fate's tools.
Wonder woman. Another favorite of mine probably because you see Yungmonster putting in work online and think that makes Wonderwoman amazing. Hell no. She has tons of weaknesses. It's just that people don't respect the hours these people put into making their mediocre characters look broken. The same thing happened with Sonicfox and Captain Cold.
I'd say most of these are probably just as good as Green Lantern and probably have the same amount of bad match ups.