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Green Lantern BnBs and Strategies


whats the best b1 starter bnb that will lead to the b1 / f3 oki situation? as usual the nice OP has 50 billion combos and spoilers and it looks pretty and theres a lot of information for me to disregard at the moment. i will take it from there.

Oh hey, considering if trait is on when you meterburn b3 you can

B3 MB, JI3, B23, OR MB, B23, LM, 22, LM -56%

Crimson Panther
You need to remember that if you land a B3/F3 MB with out taking damage the damage is actually increased (12.1% w/ trait no meter and 18.15% w/trait MB). If get you get hit during B3 MB and your armor absorbs it the damage is reduced to 12.1 (w/trait).

Also the follow-up doesn't have the trait damage boost throughout. This particular follow-up the trait runs out just as you're going for 22, LM so the damage for your combo would actually be 55%.
You need to remember that if you land a B3/F3 MB with out taking damage the damage is actually increased (12.1% w/ trait no meter and 18.15% w/trait MB). If get you get hit during B3 MB and your armor absorbs it the damage is reduced to 12.1 (w/trait).

Also the follow-up doesn't have the trait damage boost throughout. This particular follow-up the trait runs out just as you're going for 22, LM so the damage for your combo would actually be 55%.
Ahhh ok I see!
Adding a new follow up for the TS set-up. I made it specifically for making Zod respect GL's oki and set-ups and train them not to rely on Phantom Strike on wake-up which is only -1 on block, but it can be used on any character.

TS Set-up~ B3 MB, JI3, B23, OR MB, 3, LM, B13, LM -50% Two bars

Adding a higher damage version that takes 4 bars of meter, including the one bar in the set-up itself, BUT because of how much meter you gain in the combo it can be done if you only have 3 bars at the start.

TS Set-up~ B3 MB, JI3, B23, OR MB, 3, LM, 22, LM MB, JI2, 2, LM -55% Three bars

And finally adding a version that's character specific (some character's wake-ups can stuff this)

TS Set-up~ <<, B1, OR MB, F3, JI2, B23, LM, 223, LM -46% One bar

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Not sure if this was discussed somewhere else but GL totally got a buff in the last patch in the fact that he can do:

B13 xx Trait xx Lift > B1 xx Background Bounce > B3

I think the followup is J2 > 223 xx Ender, but I haven't tested it yet


Not sure if this was discussed somewhere else but GL totally got a buff in the last patch in the fact that he can do:

B13 xx Trait xx Lift > B1 xx Background Bounce > B3

I think the followup is J2 > 223 xx Ender, but I haven't tested it yet
Today is the first day I've played in about a month so I'm a little rusty, but I've been trying this and the best I'm getting is 33% no meter. Lanterns might is really the only ender, minigun doesn't come out fast enough neither does ao's rocket. Though if you don't j2, you can do the turbine set up, background bounce b3 223 turbine (30%).

If you do f2d1 xx trait xx lm > b1 background bounce > b3 j2 223 lm you get 2% more (35%).
Also is it new that we can lm 22 background bounce? because that give an extra 3% with the f2d1 starter (36%).


LIn Kuei Champion
His trait comes back fast makes air oa faster gatling gun faster and more range.
I think his trait is good to use when zoning also nd not just combos.

can gl get a b3 off his d2?
Today is the first day I've played in about a month so I'm a little rusty, but I've been trying this and the best I'm getting is 33% no meter. Lanterns might is really the only ender, minigun doesn't come out fast enough neither does ao's rocket. Though if you don't j2, you can do the turbine set up, background bounce b3 223 turbine (30%).

If you do f2d1 xx trait xx lm > b1 background bounce > b3 j2 223 lm you get 2% more (35%).
Also is it new that we can lm 22 background bounce? because that give an extra 3% with the f2d1 starter (36%).
JI2 after the B3 does work for the Turbine set-up and is 32%. You need to delay the JI2. Sometimes it'll cause you to switch sides before you hit 223.
Today is the first day I've played in about a month so I'm a little rusty, but I've been trying this and the best I'm getting is 33% no meter. Lanterns might is really the only ender, minigun doesn't come out fast enough neither does ao's rocket. Though if you don't j2, you can do the turbine set up, background bounce b3 223 turbine (30%).

If you do f2d1 xx trait xx lm > b1 background bounce > b3 j2 223 lm you get 2% more (35%).
Also is it new that we can lm 22 background bounce? because that give an extra 3% with the f2d1 starter (36%).
JI2 after the B3 does work for the Turbine set-up and is 32%. You need to delay the JI2. Sometimes it'll cause you to switch sides before you hit 223.


JI2 after the B3 does work for the Turbine set-up and is 32%. You need to delay the JI2. Sometimes it'll cause you to switch sides before you hit 223.
Ok I'll keep trying it. When I was doing it earlier with ji2 I was landing to far away after turbine and b1 wouldn't reach.
New strategy for characters you want to keep out vs characters you want to keep close.

Lets take the LM MB J3 set-up (I.E. B13, Trait, LM, 223, LM MB)

-Against a character you want to stick close to like Sinestro, or any zoner use this:
Set-up~JI3, 223, LM, 223, TS -32%

This leaves you the closest and only sacrifices 2% damage to lead into another set-up

-Against a character you want to stay away from, let's say Grundy, use this:
Set-up~JI3, 223, LM, 2, MG -32%

This will put you almost full screen, obviously more if the tech roll, and put them completely full screen if MG is meter burned making the damage 40%


Edit: This also works using the Optimized BnBs:
B1, OR MB, F3, JI2, B13, Trait, LM, 2, MG -40% (Meter burned 45%)

KT Smith
Kyle Rayner
EGP Wonder_Chef