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Green Lantern BnBs and Strategies


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Its fun punishing Superman's f23 with neutral jump1 to a combo when the match starts.
He deserves it if he does that at the start of every match. After patch, this will stop. They will do what they should, and walk back

Team NRF
That didnt seem to work for me at match start so I just crouch blocked and reacted to all his possibilities. May do j1 on the really predictable. Also is it me or did game die a little


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
That didnt seem to work for me at match start so I just crouch blocked and reacted to all his possibilities. May do j1 on the really predictable. Also is it me or did game die a little
Yea I'm gonna be trying to get the game on xbl soon cause psn is kind of dead. But it's understandable most people that have heard say they hate the game, which is also understandable.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Alright guys with the recent patch coming out and lantern losing his "retarded" otgs it's gonna be a lot harder to make people respect the j3 reset, I know for a fact there is no longer a point in doing this reset on killer frost cause she can just slide out of it. At this point I personally believe there is no reason to do turbine re-sets unless in the corner, though if anyone disagrees I am curious as to why. So with all that being said I believe GL will have to play for damage alone, unless some sort of new set ups are found.
J3 doesn't work on a handful of characters, and if is one of them. I have been working on trying to maximize the damage on her, then seeing if I can catch her on the slide with a jump back 1 that will potentially wiff into an oa rocket to try to make it safer but I doubt anything out of mb f3 will work. But overall I think g.l will go up on tier list as game evolves. Ww and b.g as well.


Scorpion Scrub
I think you are overreacting on the OTG, I personally stop caring about it after the first nerf because this was bound to happen and it was just unreliable online. Why would you not use turbine setup it never otg'd in the first place :confused: and the point is to bait wake ups and punish them you have to think a little instead of thinking, oh OTG ez mode. Be willing to expand and improve your playstyle instead of being stuck on the 1 way you first learnt.


World's worst GL
I hate this community. A great character gets a fair nerf and it's the end of the world. Be thankful we walked away with just that, spoiled babies. Just stop.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
I think people are misunderstanding, I dont care about the OTGS taken out cause he is still a great character, what I'm saying is why did GL lose the OTGs but WW kept hers, and then got a buff on top of it, no matter how big or small. It just seems dumb to me. Either way I agree I figred we were going to lose the OTGs when this patch dropped but I thought everyone would lose their OTGs not just lantern. And for the record I can do the b1 OTG online every time with no problem, but it just never seemd like a necessity cause it not like I got anything super spectacular off of it. But with that being said I will admit it could have been much worse, though tbh I really was looking forward to that dash buff and b233 being fixed as a true mid.
Hi khaotic boss long time no hear, and g.l he already does like 30 something on an anti air d2 by doing an immediate b3. But yea always looking for a way to make rp worth doing in a combo. Tell khaotic smoke I am sorry for his loss. He still got supes though
Hi khaotic boss long time no hear, and g.l he already does like 30 something on an anti air d2 by doing an immediate b3. But yea always looking for a way to make rp worth doing in a combo. Tell khaotic smoke I am sorry for his loss. He still got supes though
so youre saying theres a higher damage AA D2 combo than my 37%? give me the link to the thread plz i thought this was like one of the most up to date threads but I guess its not

or just post the inputs because I can't find it in the OP under AAs
No I was referring to your meterless one, and the thread can only handle so many combos when he has like 600 possible ones. If I remember, d2 b3 j3 will still connect, but let me check it when I get back home first. And never went for double bar with a d2 hit so will try that out later too.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Does anyone know if it's possible to do b3 off s2 MB OR, cause I've seen OFIDYAN do it off the j3 set up but if we could do this off of b13 it might give us a slight damage boot off of the whole b13 string.


Scorpion Scrub
Does anyone know if it's possible to do b3 off s2 MB OR, cause I've seen OFIDYAN do it off the j3 set up but if we could do this off of b13 it might give us a slight damage boot off of the whole b13 string.
b13 is just horrible for damage because of how early it launches it's more for setting up your trait and conditioning your opponent to block low. Raw 22s, 123s, j3s and F3s get you the big damage with GL

You can do b1, OA's rocket delayd MB, B3, J3, b13, trait, 223, LM for 44 % damage but this is def a punish string and 22 as a punish string is much better though it has 1 more frame of startup and even then 123 can net you more damage.

Also the combo above is execution heavy an easier one would be b1, OA's rocket MB, F3, J2, b13, trait, LM, 223, LM for 41%

These are both 1bar


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
b13 is just horrible for damage because of how early it launches it's more for setting up your trait and conditioning your opponent to block low. Raw 22s, 123s, j3s and F3s get you the big damage with GL

You can do b1, OA's rocket delayd MB, B3, J3, b13, trait, 223, LM for 44 % damage but this is def a punish string and 22 as a punish string is much better though it has 1 more frame of startup and even then 123 can net you more damage.

Also the combo above is execution heavy an easier one would be b1, OA's rocket MB, F3, J2, b13, trait, LM, 223, LM for 41%

These are both 1bar
Yes I'm aware I just thought maybe we could find a way to make the b13 a little better since most people seem to get hit by it anyway.
A huge patch coming up. Read 1.06 notes for Oct 1. Lantern loses otgs and game acting weird online on days before patch so less people are on. Example, I had a catwoman mb dash run through 7 bullets of machine gun and hit me. And in match before that one my character got 3 times the knock back on an air oa rocket. Servers are a bit off but game scheduled to receive a 76% increase in players after patch. You will have to relearn a lot of matchups now. That is all u missed