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Green Lantern BnBs and Strategies

That's what I was trying to ask back then when I was saying it was impossible. The guy you told that combo to was asking about AtA JI1.

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2
Sorry about that, I was trying to tell him to do that version if he misread a jump in, and still connected with j1. And then I tried to say doing the b2 made the combo easier than standing 2, but it probably came out jumbled up since I typed it on phone, thanks for the correcting.
Sorry about that, I was trying to tell him to do that version if he misread a jump in, and still connected with j1. And then I tried to say doing the b2 made the combo easier than standing 2, but it probably came out jumbled up since I typed it on phone, thanks for the correcting.
Ah gotcha

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2
I noticed this wasn't in the "Ring Combos" section so I figured I'd post it. It wouldn't be something you would wanna do unless it was going to kill.
Oh yeah. I thought it was in there. I'll add it when I get a moment. Crying baby to deal with :/

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Chode Juggler
I noticed this wasn't in the "Ring Combos" section so I figured I'd post it. It wouldn't be something you would wanna do unless it was going to kill.


Anyone else been using the b1, MB oa's rocket setup? I like to hit my opponent with a couple b12's so they stand block after the b1 then i go for the MB oa's rocket setup for like 41%. It seems like if they try to interrupt or do anything but duck block (which they wont hopefully, because of conditioning with b12) the rocket will hit. If the rocket hits you can do the 41% combo, and if they block and try to punish because oa's rocket is negative on hit, you can MB and combo them in the high 30's. Im not sure what MB oa's rocket is on block in the case that they just keep holding block but I havnt been punished for it...feels neutral or hardly negative . I know some chars can interrupt b12..thats when i start mixing in more b13 setups. This seems to work online, but then again it could be gimmicky as hell for all i know (you get blown up if they read it and duck block)...anyone want to shed some light?

Anyone else been using the b1, MB oa's rocket setup? I like to hit my opponent with a couple b12's so they stand block after the b1 then i go for the MB oa's rocket setup for like 41%. It seems like if they try to interrupt or do anything but duck block (which they wont hopefully, because of conditioning with b12) the rocket will hit. If the rocket hits you can do the 41% combo, and if they block and try to punish because oa's rocket is negative on hit, you can MB and combo them in the high 30's. Im not sure what MB oa's rocket is on block in the case that they just keep holding block but I havnt been punished for it...feels neutral or hardly negative . I know some chars can interrupt b12..thats when i start mixing in more b13 setups. This seems to work online, but then again it could be gimmicky as hell for all i know (you get blown up if they read it and duck block)...anyone want to shed some light?
This is very well known. All the combos are in Optimized Combos in the OP.

All characters can interrupt B12 with at least D1.

And if they continue to duck block after B1 going into OR it will whiff and is hella negative. Make sure you've conditioned them to B12 without over doing it. Try either B1~B1 OR or B13 MG (MB it to make it safe on block)

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2


Chode Juggler
i didn't realize all chars could d1 interrupt b12...thanks

Yeah I know the b1 into MB Oa's is well known but I rarely see other lanterns doing the setup i mentioned....I see most go for the b13~trait/b13~LM... I know you get fucked if they continue to duck block hence the "(you get blown up if they read it and duck block)". Yeah i usually throw in a few b13 MG or b13 close rocket to mix it up.


Chode Juggler
I agree B1~B1 OR is also pretty good i usualy do it by accident (when my oa's doesnt come out the first time)...but it always catches people because they are waiting for something after the b1 even though it's punishable on block
Except for the grab you can end all of these in 223 TS, but you can also just end in 223 LM if you feel like you've been getting lucky enough with my Turbine set-ups. Thing about these is of course the Oa's Rocket can be ducked and that leaves you very punishable. Long story short, be careful out there and train the opponent to think b12 is coming often so you can do this ;)

Nice conditioning, mine is doing b12 mini gun a lot then doing a random b12 rocket power f2 b1 f2d1 etc once rocket power gets into the blend
What makes this better than f3 j3 b13xx LM 223 turbine or the easier to confirm f3 d2 j2 b13xx lm 223 turbine? Not criticizing, all videos are helpful, just curious

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
What makes this better than f3 j3 b13xx LM 223 turbine or the easier to confirm f3 d2 j2 b13xx lm 223 turbine? Not criticizing, all videos are helpful, just curious
With those, you should need to use trait in the original combo, no?. My setup is to put trait up right at the end of the first combo so you can have maximum time in trait for those big almost 60 percent trait combos that we never really get to hit. Can you hit those off of your combos? I believe trait runs out early, but maybe I am wrong. And it's all good, I have no problem with discussion or criticism. Especially if I'm wrong haha.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I am gonna take them down then. No reason to confuse anybody. Thank you for helping me out, sorry that I was misinformed. For some reason that option was just not in my mind.


Chode Juggler
Except for the grab you can end all of these in 223 TS, but you can also just end in 223 LM if you feel like you've been getting lucky enough with my Turbine set-ups. Thing about these is of course the Oa's Rocket can be ducked and that leaves you very punishable. Long story short, be careful out there and train the opponent to think b12 is coming often so you can do this ;)

awesome thanks...never thought of doing the f2 into grab setup
For big combos that require trait I like to end combos early right after b13 trait LM. After a trait LM you can pause, walk forward for a split second then J3. This catches alot of people it also beats alot of peoples wake up or avoids them altogether to condition them to just block my oki. There is also a dirty set up using this and F3 if anyone is interested. GL oki is the best in the game.