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Green Lantern BnBs and Strategies


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Maaaan we may have to fight it out on that one. LoL. He's always been my fave Lantern,better story than the rest,better constructs,personality,raw power..I like Hal and John(I'm black) but Kyle's the main reason why GL is my fave hero. The Torchbearer/The One. I KNEW he was beast when he mastered the entire light spectrum to become God Lantern =-)
Technically I think Kyle at this stage in the comics would body everyone one on one.Haha.I mean....he's God Lantern right now. When it got to the point that the Guardians said he didn't even need to be on patrol for the Corps after he helped resurrect them all and became Ion,etc etc he's just been THE man. I am biased since GL's my fave hero but it's still truth tho
Lol (I'm black too) Kyle has been my dude even before he became the white lantern. I loved his personality and his debute costume that he designed was and is one of my favorite costumes period, I don't really care for his second Gl costume, casue if it aint crabmask, it aint Kyle Rayner, but I still love his last Gl costume and him being white lantern is awesome, but I did like it more when he was just a normal GL, but I gotta say him as WL is pretty sick. But to avoid anyone getting upset with us, lets talk about it in pms.
I have been doing the old version of the turbine setup for a long time, is there another use for it I don't know about? Still trying to make that 22 reverse wakeups in the corner since that is the only place it would be guaranteed
Also I agree mb oa is much better use for meter, but with how annoying online can be is inconsistent at times on my inputs so I tend to only do it offline. But it does lead to 49-58% 1m


When's DragonBall?
Lol (I'm black too) Kyle has been my dude even before he became the white lantern. I loved his personality and his debute costume that he designed was and is one of my favorite costumes period, I don't really care for his second Gl costume, casue if it aint crabmask, it aint Kyle Rayner, but I still love his last Gl costume and him being white lantern is awesome, but I did like it more when he was just a normal GL, but I gotta say him as WL is pretty sick. But to avoid anyone getting upset with us, lets talk about it in pms.
Yea me too I agree,since I learned of him as GL and read his stuff I was a fan off top and have been for years now..the costume in my avatar is my fave one for sure. Him ascending to White Lantern was like seeing Goku go Super Saiyan for the first time.LoL.But sure we can take it to PM's tho. Can only hope for a Kyle Rayner skin for GL
Well yea I know all about it, I was just asking which option you personally tend to go for
Pre patch OTG was very good. But I'm actually glad they did away with it because it forced me to look at his other tools.

After getting your opponent scared to wakeup attack it's really just a guessing game for you. Considering a lot of players now know to block low often the F2D1 follow up and the F2 B1 follow up are my favorites.

B1 still is the fastest since TS is 0 recovery frames and the cross JI3 is the highest damaging but can be D2 by everybody. So JI3 is a bit of a gamble.

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I have been doing the old version of the turbine setup for a long time, is there another use for it I don't know about? Still trying to make that 22 reverse wakeups in the corner since that is the only place it would be guaranteed
Also I agree mb oa is much better use for meter, but with how annoying online can be is inconsistent at times on my inputs so I tend to only do it offline. But it does lead to 49-58% 1m
It's in the OP

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When's DragonBall?
Pre patch OTG was very good. But I'm actually glad they did away with it because it forced me to look at his other tools.

After getting your opponent scared to wakeup attack it's really just a guessing game for you. Considering a lot of players now know to block low often the F2D1 follow up and the F2 B1 follow up are my favorites.

B1 still is the fastest since TS is 0 recovery frames and the cross JI3 is the highest damaging but can be D2 by everybody. So JI3 is a bit of a gamble.

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Yea I usually B1 after TS,most of the time. Folks online I've played either can't react with whatever latency going on or they haven't known about it.Haha *shrug*
Been waiting to find a player I could try the F2, D1 or the F2, B1 on.....other than those with the TS and the cross over ambiguous J3 I feel like that's all GL has as far as setups tho. Wish there was more,but that may be me being greedy ;)
Yea I usually B1 after TS,most of the time. Folks online I've played either can't react with whatever latency going on or they haven't known about it.Haha *shrug*
Been waiting to find a player I could try the F2, D1 or the F2, B1 on.....other than those with the TS and the cross over ambiguous J3 I feel like that's all GL has as far as setups tho. Wish there was more,but that may be me being greedy ;)
There might be some things yet to be discovered. Especially if the big patch changes GL.

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That is interesting and could have a use or 2 if you knocked them into the corner with a trait combo. Would just have to get rid of the 3 of the b13 to keep the combo going if it works like his other after bread and butter continuations
Crimson Panther
Can the ata be changed to atg on the j1 b2 oa mb f3 b13, for starters think that may be big only if that even works, and I have never done that in an ata and quite honestly with the knowledge of game mechanics can almost guarantee that won't work without trying. The ata was j1 b2 OR mb b3 to keep from having to delay the OR and to do more damage. I don't want someone trying it and getting pissed
Crimson Panther
Can the ata be changed to atg on the j1 b2 oa mb f3 b13, for starters think that may be big only if that even works, and I have never done that in an ata and quite honestly with the knowledge of game mechanics can almost guarantee that won't work without trying. The ata was j1 b2 OR mb b3 to keep from having to delay the OR and to do more damage. I don't want someone trying it and getting pissed
That's what I was trying to ask back then when I was saying it was impossible. The guy you told that combo to was asking about AtA JI1.

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Crimson Panther
Can the ata be changed to atg on the j1 b2 oa mb f3 b13, for starters think that may be big only if that even works, and I have never done that in an ata and quite honestly with the knowledge of game mechanics can almost guarantee that won't work without trying. The ata was j1 b2 OR mb b3 to keep from having to delay the OR and to do more damage. I don't want someone trying it and getting pissed
Took it out. Meant to take it out after I realized you weren't really talking about AtA

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Hey Crimson, still gotta put my 57% 1 bar off of J3 in there Crimson Panther
That combo is in the OP but was already discovered. It's under Ring Combos.

Typically ring combos are impractical because you most likely won't get trait then immediately start a combo which it why it has it's own section.

The JI3 follow up of the turbine set-up is most likely the most viable way to incorporate that combo.

BTW PM me when you have a chance to talk about a video.

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2
That combo is in the OP but was already discovered. It's under Ring Combos.

Typically ring combos are impractical because you most likely won't get trait then immediately start a combo which it why it has it's own section.

The JI3 follow up of the turbine set-up is most likely the most viable way to incorporate that combo.

BTW PM me when you have a chance to talk about a video.

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2
ok cool yeah it's an old one for me too. I know how to make it 58% and I have a 61% as well!
The 61% 2bar and 58% 1bar are all old combos discussed in the forum, but I don't think anybody bothered to do the video of it because its online unreliable, and you do 58% with 1 bar so your better off letting them fall and do a mb mini gun for chip