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Future of MKX on PC; MKXL Enhanced Online PC BETA

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If they decide to abandon the game they will find a way to stop the online part of the game. This means less people playing it on Steam, so less people complaining on their boards on FB or twitter, because most of the players would move on another game after a move like that.


EX Ovi should launch
Anyone seeing boons tweet thinking its anything more than a shot back at that guys crappy edit is only kidding themselves. Boon clearly needs to work on his trolling but stating a mac version is coming was nothing more than a shot at the guy who sent this;
I bought the PS4 and MKXL after the release and didn't regret it.
I found much wider player base on PS4 and the new net code is awesome (much better than on PC - I don't know the old PS4 netcode though).
But of course I wouldn't have bought the PS4+XL if the PC version had got the patch, too. :)


The smart stuff!
Idk, this could be the one that seals it all. Given his other tweets, I'm certain XL is coming to PC.

Haven't seen any changes in Steam database (not counting change number, since it's something that Steam app is sending away, if I recall well). Tomorrow will tell. I'd love it to be MKX update to MKXL on PC but... I'd hate to be disappointed again, which doesn't seem very unlikely given WB and NRS attitude towards PC community in general.

In the meantime, for something completely different, Obsidian is making new game, called Tyranny. Get hyped! ;P


It's too soon to get cocky.
Haven't seen any changes in Steam database (not counting change number, since it's something that Steam app is sending away, if I recall well). Tomorrow will tell. I'd love it to be MKX update to MKXL on PC but... I'd hate to be disappointed again, which doesn't seem very unlikely given WB and NRS attitude towards PC community in general.

In the meantime, for something completely different, Obsidian is making new game, called Tyranny. Get hyped! ;P
If u look at his other tweets, he's been teasing the numbers that correlate to PC owners; 500K copies sold, over 10K signatures for the petition...hard to say it's not a PC update.

He did the same for the GGPO netcode.


White Lotus
If we are reading these tweets correctly and that MKXL is indeed coming to PC, I can not help but still feel resentment at WB and NRS.

Bringing MKXL to PC at this point in time is a clear indication of a heartless marketing tactic that makes their studio look like they have 'listened' to the community and are 'bringing them what they want', therefore making them like a good group of people. It's an obvious ploy aimed at their existing and potential new customers. I am not fooled that easily by it. Microsoft has done this too with the Xbox One online lockout system they implemented in their pre-launch days. Needless to say, they removed that and brought the community what they wanted.

This is the classic 'hot and cold' treatment from a company. If WB/NRS are bringing MKXL to PC, they are doing exactly this.

Sure it may be "great" news but I'm sorry, it's still completely unprofessional and to me it makes both of them look like bigger fools than they were before. They turned away many players in this community and potential ones too, and even made us turn on each other in some instances because of it. We as consumers do not deserve this kind of treatment.
Of course is hard to forget all the silence, the disrespect, the ignorance towards the pc community. But i think many of us will still buy the new content if is true it's finally coming to pc.


Bringing MKXL to PC at this point in time is a clear indication of a heartless marketing tactic that makes their studio look like they have 'listened' to the community and are 'bringing them what they want', therefore making them like a good group of people. It's an obvious ploy aimed at their existing and potential new customers.
Idk about all this. Nothing about it comes off as a marketing tactic. SFV's main patch just went up yesterday and KI just arrived on PC. Not only will have those games taken some of MKX's playerbase, but the community is also angry about the whole fiasco. All that will hurt MKXL PC sales, this isn't some kind of "tactic".

Having been playing SFV I'm a bit less excited about the release at this point. We also don't know if it's soon or possibly a month or longer from now. Still glad either way, possibly might be buying.


Meta saltmine
then why doesnt faction war page work for me and at least for 3 months, i can say, i haven't seen any faction war winner announcement
With all due respect, dude, but you were complaining about that for quite some time, and you were repeatedly told that everyone else doesn't have such problems. I don't know why it's happening to you, but you need to fix your stuff first.


Blind justice....
I just wonder if current MK X owners will be able to upgrade to XL by simply buying KP2 or we all gonna have to buy the game again, which seems likely when consider how WB treated PC players.

We will know soon enough.
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