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From a Dedicated MK fan

Tim Static

Ok where do you live? Maybe I could come over and show you.
what does it matter? Ive stated my displeasure with the MK series back after the arcade area up till now, but it doesn't mean jack shit over someones opinion. They're like assholes, everyone has one. But the fact a bunch of stupid untrue statements were made is why this thread took off like it did.

And yea, the whole thing comes across like you said this stuff, as if your trying to start drama on the forums. Nothing you say or do now will change peoples perception of this whole thread. sorry!
lets be serious mk has its BS but it isnt worse than any other capcom game. but the differnce with mk9 and other games is that the developers actually try to INNOVATE their gameplay. since mk9 and injustice are both brand new gameplaywise compared to other games it is time for them to start their legacy curve. so mk 10 should be a more balanced and polished version of mk9, they do not need to add a lot of stuff to mk10 like bs comeback factors and stuff.

they also need to keep the breaker, one of the best fg mechanics out there.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
lol and Kabal isn't broken? MKA and MKD were broken but they were fuuun, the fatalities were the best EVER. The stages and music were amazing (much better than MK9), the reason I like MKA more than MKD is because the characters had no infinite (not talking about kak).
Sorry, but what? MKA had a ton of infinites if I remember correctly. I played the hell out of MKD and loved/love the hell out of it too, but I didn't play MKA specifically because of the simple infinites.

On topic, there are a lot of good points being made in this thread against the OP, most of which though I feel will just go right past most people even as they read them, but the sadest thing is that the people who should read them just don't care. Bottom line is people want what they want, and when they don't get it, they bitch (I would have included myself in this as well in the past).

As I said, I didn't play MKA even though I played MKD. The reason for that though, was because I spent 2 years of my life playing the broken, but awesome, game that was MKD, and I couldn't/wouldn't devote my precious game time to the headache that went along with dealing with online infintes and such. Regardless of how I felt though, MKA did its job, it made money for the people who created it, the gamers who played it found enjoyment in it, and it brought new players (consumers) in to the MKC (repeat customers).

From one die hard MK fan to another, my only input into this thread is to say play what you want, but always keep these games we play in perspective; they are meant for fun on our end, and are meant to make money on the other. I can understand the sentiment of, "the devs are killing the franchise because [enter reason here]," but remember that while in general the devs/publishers "care" about "us," and want to satisfy "us" (so we stick around), they see "us" for what we are...a part of the masses who boil down to the dollar$ they take home.

As long as their games, not yours, make money, they will keep making them, coming out with them, doing with them what they want. If you, the consumer, don't agree with/like the direction they take their franchise, don't by their content/support them.

Being the huge MK fan that I am, it took a long while to get to this jaded point that I am at, but seeing/respecting/understanding the world for what it is, rather than dreaming, thus complaining, about what I want and/or about how I feel things should be, makes life a litte more enjoyable IMO.

While we the consumers shouldn't, and quite frankly don't, have to worry about the behind the scenes stuff that goes one to get the stuff we want, realizing that in reality that stuff does matter and does shape the games/products we play/consume will help you become more well rounded person in general. There is no sense in complaining, bitching, and moaning about things that don't really matter, life is too short, and there are plenty of other things to do and get into. Take it all in stride and try to have fun.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Well I mostly play Starcraft now, my friend is the one that said that post, I'm not sure which fighter he is thinking of playing next.
Please stop referring to your "friend". All I can think of is you going up to a girl and asking her for her number for your "friend".

Also why do you post things on TYM for other people? That's really weird to me and I don't understand it.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
These are the best parts compilation.
lolz, it makes so much sense

If you don't wanna play injustice, or you hate MK9 and NRS cause you think they are out to fuck you, then here is a site for you. http://shoryuken.com/ capcom only wants a shit load of your money for DLC that is already on disc and a shit load of costume packs that will cost you 100bucks. or they could release a game and charge you 60 bucks, then release the same game a year later with Ultimate on the front and charge you 50 bucks. Maybe do that a few times, (SF4/SS4/SS4AE)
So if "your friend" really considered what he said, and he really wanted NRS support for longer, A. "he" wouldn't send you that retarded email, and B. "he" would want more people to play the game so it makes sense for devs to keep patching it.
Basically what he's saying is.

"Don't buy Injustice, play Street Fighter 4 instead."

How about no.


The dependence on casual players. They still serve a big part in ANY game's success but arcade players are built upon a model that the income depends on how the game looks at high level play. Good game- people keep playing, bad game- people stop inserting coins and income stops coming. Very different than "pay 60$ based on hype and let it sit on the shelve after 2 months or less."


Administrator and Community Engineer
The dependence on casual players. They still serve a big part in ANY game's success but arcade players are built upon a model that the income depends on how the game looks at high level play. Good game- people keep playing, bad game- people stop inserting coins and income stops coming. Very different than "pay 60$ based on hype and let it sit on the shelve after 2 months or less."
That's income for the arcade owners :) We were talking about NRS/WB. But it's kind of a moot point since cabinet sales revenue is now so paltry in comparison to console editions of the games.

Most high level play now is happening on consoles -- except for now and then at say, GGA. Even arcade titles rely more on addiction factor for casual play.


That's income for the arcade owners :) We were talking about NRS/WB. But it's kind of a moot point since cabinet sales revenue is now so paltry in comparison to console editions of the games
'Paltry' my ass. Ever seen a videogame industry so successful that revenue of one single country is enough to sustain it and justify creating more and more games? That's arcade games in Japan.

Most high level play now is happening on consoles -- except for now and then at say, GGA. Even arcade titles rely more on addiction factor for casual play.
WTF are you talking about...

lets be serious mk has its BS but it isnt worse than any other capcom game. but the differnce with mk9 and other games is that the developers actually try to INNOVATE their gameplay.
1. You Imply that MK and Injustice don't copy 99% of their mechanics from existing fighting games. (Not saying it's bad. Making a good game is also knowing what to copy and how to implement it)
2. Innovations come in small steps. Huge leaps are usually fancy gimmicks that are never implemented well and don't make for a better game.


Administrator and Community Engineer
'Paltry' my ass. Ever seen a videogame industry so successful that revenue of one single country is enough to sustain it and justify creating more and more games? That's arcade games in Japan.
Arcades have great traction in the East -- but videogames are a worldwide market, of which the arcade revenue forms a relatively small piece. And that's even more true for US devs/publishers like WB/NRS.

And even within arcade games, casual arcade gamers (including frequent ones) are still the largest segment of that market.


Arcades have great traction in the East -- but videogames are a worldwide market, of which the arcade revenue forms a relatively small piece. And that's even more true for US devs/publishers like WB/NRS.
So what? My point still stands that it's a specific part of the VG industry in which the hardcore player income alone is so high that it can fund the creation more and more titles. Virtua Fighter for example doesn't have a casual fanbase yet the series is on its 20th iteration or something, just based on arcade success.


Administrator and Community Engineer
So what? My point still stands that it's a specific part of the VG industry in which the hardcore player income alone is so high that it can fund the creation more and more titles. Virtua Fighter for example doesn't have a casual fanbase yet the series is on its 20th iteration or something, just based on arcade success.
Virtua Fighter has also been around (in arcades) for 20 years. It's a staple. And as arcades are somewhat of a universal national pastime in Japan; it's not just high-level fighting game players who go to hang out and play them. And since your original point was about WB, it's also not the greatest comparison to use in this case.

So to return to the topic; as MK has always been a very casual-friendly game, I highly doubt it takes any special prodding from WB for them to want to appeal to both markets. Ed Boon seems like he has an eye for what 'regular joes' want to see in games (and it's been like this for MK since day 1) and then the team around him at NRS fills in a lot of the finer points of competitive gameplay.

Even in the heyday of arcade MK, the addictive qualities had nothing to do with high-level FG play. It was just a fun, crazy and graphically appealing game. That's still where the bulk of the sales for Injustice will come from, and I'm thankful that they've also chosen to prioritize more hardcore aspects of gameplay.


Well he sent this email to me and I asked him if I could post it on TYM because I thought he had good points. What's with everyone being suspicious thinking it's me or something. If I wanted to say something, I would, I wouldn't hide behind the "you see, I have a friend".
He couldn't create his own account to post it?


|| Seven ||
He couldn't create his own account to post it?
For the tenth time, he sent me the email and I asked him if I could post it, so I did. Why he didn't do? Why did he say those things? Why am I typing? It doesn't matter.


|| Seven ||
Please stop referring to your "friend". All I can think of is you going up to a girl and asking her for her number for your "friend".

Also why do you post things on TYM for other people? That's really weird to me and I don't understand it.
He is my companion, wtf do you want me to say? And I don't think he has an account on here, he's always been a MKU member.


For the tenth time, he sent me the email and I asked him if I could post it, so I did. Why he didn't do? Why did he say those things? Why am I typing? It doesn't matter.
You're right, the only thing that matters is why this clusterfuck of a thread is still open. And its annoying you felt the need to pollute mku with it too.