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From a Dedicated MK fan


|| Seven ||
So let me get this straight. Even though you are both members on MKU, and he could have easily PM'd you there or made a thread, he decided to email you? That's some G shit.
bro I've known him for about 10 years now, if he wants to tell me something, he'll call me or email me. alright brah

PMing is for people that call each other by their gamertag
I see you don't know many fighting games. It's cool bro I forgive you.
and you know everything because...? Ive played almost every fighting game since the third strike era and I know the mechanics of those game to a good extend. but I know you wont counter my previous arguments but thats okay I forive you


|| Seven ||
Vanilla Ermac makes me salivate. Do not mention him plz!

Also, Seven Injustice is the first drastically different game that NRS has made...well...outside of shaolin monks and whatever that game was that had Tremor in it. Anyway, can one not like a franchise for reasons other than "the company didn't try to innovate" or w/e? <- I mean to say ask your friend.

Can your friend not see that NRS is indeed TRYING here? MK9 was a HUGE step from mk vs dc, but Rome wasn't built in a day, it just took 9 iterations. :p
Yes but instead of jumping to a new game (that will have many new problems), fix the one you already have. But yes I know, NRS will make more money with a new game, it's more tailored towards casual players, etc.......

Vanilla Ermac?


A prop on the stage of life.
Yes but instead of jumping to a new game (that will have many new problems), fix the one you already have. But yes I know, NRS will make more money with a new game, it's more tailored towards casual players, etc.......

Vanilla Ermac?
Well, they also have to deal with next gen console development. They were contracted to make this game, btw.

Vanilla Ermac refers to Ermac before any patches to mk9. Like when you put in a brand new copy and don't sign online.


|| Seven ||
2 years straight top 8 in a row over 10 majors

Call me when u do that at 1

This wasn't a burn at all, more like kicking a 3 year old in the face
Look if I mained someone top tier and spent as much time as you did in MK, I'd be placing higher, but that's not the life I chose:coffee: . And I'm sorry for the burn, but it's no big deal cause you were good at MK when it mattered. (and I'm not saying you're not good now)


thugs bunny
LOL don't say that to someone that can easily beat you :D
If you'd like to think so :p.

Doesn't change the fact that saying "If I used top-tier I'd be as good as _____" is the call of a scrub.

I think you are mistaking the word scrub for a person who is bad/inexperienced at a game.


|| Seven ||
If you'd like to think so :p.

Doesn't change the fact that saying "If I used top-tier I'd be as good as _____" is the call of a scrub.

I think you are mistaking the word scrub for a person who is bad/inexperienced at a game.
Definition from Urban Dictionary:

A scrub is a now generalized term used as a synonym for a "noob" or "newb," which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general.


|| Seven ||
If you'd like to think so :p.

Doesn't change the fact that saying "If I used top-tier I'd be as good as _____" is the call of a scrub.

I think you are mistaking the word scrub for a person who is bad/inexperienced at a game.
And I see you play on XBL, want to play some games?


thugs bunny
Well scrub isn't in a regular dictionary and I only play on XBL.
"I once played a scrub who was actually quite good. That is, he knew the rules of the game well, he knew the character matchups well, and he knew what to do in most situations. But his web of mental rules kept him from truly playing to win." - http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/intermediates-guide.html

That's pretty much what I was meaning by "The call of a scrub".


|| Seven ||
"I once played a scrub who was actually quite good. That is, he knew the rules of the game well, he knew the character matchups well, and he knew what to do in most situations. But his web of mental rules kept him from truly playing to win." - http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/intermediates-guide.html

That's pretty much what I was meaning by "The call of a scrub".
Yeah......... I'm not going to read all that. And of course I play to win, but I also want to have fun. Using those top tier fighters isn't fun for me.

But if a "scrub" beats someone who isn't a scrub, is the scrub still a scrub? Or does the scrubiness transfer from the original holder to the defeated player?


there is no other fighting game that has that many different original special moves: a smoke bomb, teleports, an ice clone, kung laos dive kick and teleport, cage nutpunch
What is so fucking important about divekicks, teleports, stun moves, trap moves etc. that MK9 deserves some special credit for including them? How is this different from their appearance in the rest of the genre?

the corner game isnt like any other fighting game. anti air, hitconfirm, whiff punishing all work different.
Which means... what exactly?

is there any real chip damage like in mk9 in other games?
What is "real" chip damage?

what about breaker?
Most 2D fighting games have a burst mechanic in some form nowadays.

all fighting games play different, but mk9 has implemented the most in this recent game and there is no arguing that.
Maybe that shit is exciting if you only played SF but this is common shit in other games.

And as I said, copying something isn't bad and everyone are copying from each other but you act as if MK9 has done shit never seen before. Injustice copied the drive button from Blazblue, but that fact alone doesn't make it bad since it wasn't a bad idea in the first place.