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Final Round Pools

Hahahaha I like your confidence dude....
Reminds me when I had Cdjr at MlG Dallas ...
He was so confident, why wouldn't he be??? He trains and practices with REO all the time! He knows the match up more than anyone!!!
It should totally be free !!! Cus my Kabal is not in Reos Level!!!!
.......gets 3-0d.
I like that the conclusion to your story is that you got KUH BALLED by reo...

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Lol pig gets hardest pool; BRACKETS ARE RIGGED!


When you win said pool, pig, you should stand up, kick over your chair, and yell " Are you not entertained?!"
That's small compared to what I have planned

Your suggestion though is noted and will happen

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hahahaha I like your confidence dude....

Reminds me when I had Cdjr at MlG Dallas ...

He was so confident, why wouldn't he be??? He trains and practices with REO all the time! He knows the match up more than anyone!!!

It should totally be free !!! Cus my Kabal is not in Reos Level!!!!

.......gets 3-0d.

Keep underestimating me just like Cdjr did.....

Before that we never played in Tournament. We played casuals a lot where he would take most of the wins...
And I'm not gonna lie, you won most of the casuals as well...

But Tournament time. I can be a completely different player.... There's more on the line. Not some Micky mouse casuals. Where I do random shit and let you pick your stage without stage counter picking.

ALSO... Who told you I was using Kabal? When my Lao put in work in casuals right before you played Big D (and lost to his Lao as well)
Ask forever king how I do vs Lao
Actually ask big d now

U know what u have in common w FOREVER KING ?

Absolutely nothing, he's awesome w lao


@shanxterx follow me hoes
That's easy to say from the outside looking in. I'd like to see how you'd fair against Smarrgasm.
lolll i'd take that challenge.

i am calling the people in pool 1 just to put fire under their asses..because i am pulling for them more than anyone in any other pool.

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
You all are fucking free.

Youre all so damn lucky we, the candy crush saga community, dont play this game. Youd never win shit.

Donut xx striped candy - 50% unbreakable. GOML.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
Someone needs to carry the Sub-Zero hype torch now that Tom Brady is gone, and I'm not sure if I'm cut out for such a huge responsibility....