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Final Round Pools

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I'm shooting to win and only win. Top 8 isn't enough. This is likely my only chance (unless I go to EVO) to win a major. I've been to only 3 major tournaments and have done what I would consider above average at all of them...but I was never at as high a level as I am now.

This time things are different. NW is no longer my main. My "crutch" is gone. Skarlet is a top 12 character in this game and I am no longer new to her (like I was at MLG Raleigh). I've studied the material, I've played the MU, ATL scene is better than ever, and I have no excuse not to win. Coming off a win at battle and brew is what I needed to gain the confidence to succeed.

Nobody is ready for Skarlet. It's gonna be me vs FCP/EMP SCAR in grand finals with ME taking the gold. Top 8 is still a loss.
I'm shooting to win and only win. Top 8 isn't enough. This is likely my only chance (unless I go to EVO) to win a major. I've been to only 3 major tournaments and have done what I would consider above average at all of them...but I was never at as high a level as I am now.

This time things are different. NW is no longer my main. My "crutch" is gone. Skarlet is a top 12 character in this game and I am no longer new to her (like I was at MLG Raleigh). I've studied the material, I've played the MU, ATL scene is better than ever, and I have no excuse not to win. Coming off a win at battle and brew is what I needed to gain the confidence to succeed.

Nobody is ready for Skarlet. It's gonna be me vs FCP/EMP SCAR in grand finals with ME taking the gold. Top 8 is still a loss.
see u in grand finals bro ;), most definately skarlets time is now, seeing as i have my fellow "blood" brothers joining me in this fight i no longer feel like a loner when i go out to these events and be the only player making a dent in the competition using her, i see upsets on the way.
I'm shooting to win and only win. Top 8 isn't enough. This is likely my only chance (unless I go to EVO) to win a major. I've been to only 3 major tournaments and have done what I would consider above average at all of them...but I was never at as high a level as I am now.

This time things are different. NW is no longer my main. My "crutch" is gone. Skarlet is a top 12 character in this game and I am no longer new to her (like I was at MLG Raleigh). I've studied the material, I've played the MU, ATL scene is better than ever, and I have no excuse not to win. Coming off a win at battle and brew is what I needed to gain the confidence to succeed.

Nobody is ready for Skarlet. It's gonna be me vs FCP/EMP SCAR in grand finals with ME taking the gold. Top 8 is still a loss.
Forget about me that quick? Damn


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
GGA Dizzy here's Pig's list based on MKI:


If Khaotik isn't going and Wafflez is unseeded, and we remove them, then you'd have:

1. Tyrant
2. Pig of the Hut
3. WoundCowboy
4. Showtime
5. Noobe
6. Gross
7. Blackula
8. Cat

9. Scar
10. Chris G


Or something like that.
I think Showtime is not going but if you take him out, Scar would be added as 8th and that list would make way more sense than whatever was actually used.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I think Showtime is not going but if you take him out, Scar would be added as 8th and that list would make way more sense than whatever was actually used.
Yup, this is exactly I why I advocate seeding based on results, and why I wanted to do MKi -- there are just too many variables in play sometimes, and they can have strange effects on brackets and pools.
I'm sorry if this is known already. But do you guys know how top 16 will be? Will it be bracket 1 vs 2, 3 vs 4 and so on? Or will they be mixed up?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I think Showtime is not going but if you take him out, Scar would be added as 8th and that list would make way more sense than whatever was actually used.
Im pissed

but i cant say anything because when i do i get 24/7 this shit

"pig is rigging, etc etc"

so fuck it fuck everyone like Cat who is part of the problem

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
While im at it

Things im excited to see

Blackula vs Mr. Mileena sindel - Ive kept my mouth shut since the initial argument when i said it is NOT 7-3 kenshi

Good luck blackula

Also good luck to you vs shang whom 99% of this community is a f ing idiot about.

Shang is 8th on tier chart , its N M P most of this community is retarded and doesnt see it

Shang is the ONLY character that gets a 35% unbreakable combo full screen away and mid screen away off a whiffed teleflurry ending in morph...............yea its probably 7-3 kenshi

THIS ISNT a 2011 SHANG compared to cowboys as everyone made note of last night what ive been saying for months shang is 8th on tier.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hahahaha I like your confidence dude....

Reminds me when I had Cdjr at MlG Dallas ...

He was so confident, why wouldn't he be??? He trains and practices with REO all the time! He knows the match up more than anyone!!!

It should totally be free !!! Cus my Kabal is not in Reos Level!!!!

.......gets 3-0d.

Keep underestimating me just like Cdjr did.....

Before that we never played in Tournament. We played casuals a lot where he would take most of the wins...
And I'm not gonna lie, you won most of the casuals as well...

But Tournament time. I can be a completely different player.... There's more on the line. Not some Micky mouse casuals. Where I do random shit and let you pick your stage without stage counter picking.

ALSO... Who told you I was using Kabal? When my Lao put in work in casuals right before you played Big D (and lost to his Lao as well)
I know you're not using Kabal because your kabal isnt on the appropriate level it needs to be of a true kabal master

Speaks volumes when you use the #1 character in the game and that character can't get the job done for you, or maybe you cant get the job done w kabal

Kabal deserves better
While im at it

Things im excited to see

Blackula vs Mr. Mileena sindel - Ive kept my mouth shut since the initial argument when i said it is NOT 7-3 kenshi

Good luck blackula

Also good luck to you vs shang whom 99% of this community is a f ing idiot about.

Shang is 8th on tier chart , its N M P most of this community is retarded and doesnt see it

Shang is the ONLY character that gets a 35% unbreakable combo full screen away and mid screen away off a whiffed teleflurry ending in morph...............yea its probably 7-3 kenshi

THIS ISNT a 2011 SHANG compared to cowboys as everyone made note of last night what ive been saying for months shang is 8th on tier.
upskull is really underrated it creates a good mixup game (especially fullscreen), in front skull essentially tracks any forward movemen... being able to mirror match with a better character on a move with a huge hitbox thats plus one and travels midscreen and does really good damage isnt bad either... i will say that shangs footsie game could be a tidbit better though and his wakeup is meh

im rooting for smarr and cpt xecution and cowboy this tourney... its time for cowboy to win a major.


Administrator and Community Engineer
We're almost overflowing with hype at this point.. I didn't know this tournament could fit any more in at this point, but here it is. There will be an incoming river of salty tears here that would make Aquaman proud.

Pig vs. HollyWound. Cat vs. Pig. Mr. Mileena returns. Unseeded champions. Smarrgasm called free (good luck with that prediction). Skarlet players calling people out.

And amidst it all, Tyrant hasn't said a word.

I love it :D

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I know you're not using Kabal because your kabal isnt on the appropriate level it needs to be of a true kabal master

Speaks volumes when you use the #1 character in the game and that character can't get the job done for you, or maybe you cant get the job done w kabal

Kabal deserves better