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Final Round Pools

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Right I understand. Its just daunting that I've spent 2 years playing, haven't played to my potential and I know going into this tourney that even if I do well I'll probably still get blown up for it haha. I'm not that worried about it though so why the hell am I ranting about it? Carry on!
You and Smargasm deserve better

Just focus on what u do

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
This thread really has kept me entertained while being bored at work and has made me look forward to Final Round even more.

If my plane crashes on my way down there, I'm going to be pissed off.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
With the way pools are. Expect awesome matches off the bat and expect 1 dominant top player in top 8 blowing everyone who is left up and seeing a boring 3-0 grand finals.

Pig Of The Hut I'm confident I can beat you. That's not the issue.
Beating would be a great win and is something that should not be happening first rounds.

Phew I beat pig!! Yay! I'm in top 16? -_-
This is gonna make top 8 matches 1 sided for the most part.

We earned our seed and high level matches should be near the end. That's the point of seeding.

Everyone wants crazy matches in winners finals. Grand finals. Losers final etc. not a snooze fest

Anyways I may not attend. Mt gfs bday dinner is at 8pm in Augusta.
Pig did say tourney should end at around 4 or 5 (give or take )
I know you have no final say.

But I don't think it should take 2 hours to get 16 ppl to only 2 ppl. With two stream set ups and other off stream set ups. Could be done in a hour. And the next 16 ppl should start after to eliminate stream down time.


Cage ban wagon?
With the way pools are. Expect awesome matches off the bat and expect 1 dominant top player in top 8 blowing everyone who is left up and seeing a boring 3-0 grand finals.

Pig Of The Hut I'm confident I can beat you. That's not the issue.
Beating would be a great win and is something that should not be happening first rounds.

Phew I beat pig!! Yay! I'm in top 16? -_-
This is gonna make top 8 matches 1 sided for the most part.

We earned our seed and high level matches should be near the end. That's the point of seeding.

Everyone wants crazy matches in winners finals. Grand finals. Losers final etc. not a snooze fest

Anyways I may not attend. Mt gfs bday dinner is at 8pm in Augusta.
Pig did say tourney should end at around 4 or 5 (give or take )
I know you have no final say.

But I don't think it should take 2 hours to get 16 ppl to only 2 ppl. With two stream set ups and other off stream set ups. Could be done in a hour. And the next 16 ppl should start after to eliminate stream down time.
damn you hear that Pig Of The Hut ......"I'm confident I can beat you."
damn son WHATS UP

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I think it becomes instant for people to say its free cause they dont see a HUGE name in it. I dont get out to many tournaments other than locals so i dont get too many chances to show out and im sure the same can be said for most in our pool. The main gripe is just that there isnt a top name especially someone who has done well recently at Major Tournaments. I dont care what anyone on here says. I know what im capable of. Hopefully, I get the chance to play as well as i know i can. Ive beaten people who are considered some of the best and if i can be consistent then it is a fatal flaw for anyone to sleep on me.
I second this for Smargasm but I also want to say this for myself. I will not only get out of my pool, I will probably body Mr Mileena and then cry with him in a warm embrase.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
While we're at it we should probably recommend to the NFL they send their number 1 seeds on the road than award them and their fans w home games , not like they earned it
c'mon dude

you just compared MK to the NFL

I mean... you already basically did the Pig thing anyway by simple saying....... awwwwww fuck it here we go. A year ago you would of been drooling because of the pool you had.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I'm not one to hype myself up much, but I will say this:

The last big major that I went to (UFGT 8), I went 3-2. Came really close to going 4-2. And I was still a fairly scrubby Sub-Zero back then.

My expectation for myself is Top 16. Going all Sub-Zero save for maybe two different MU's.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Cat so basically youre saying if its not you and pig in grand finals its going to be a 3-0 boring match. Even if multiple top players are in the same pool both players can still make top 8 and even grand finals. Theres nothing stopping one of you from taking the other to losers and then never looking back. No one here had control over the pools so this is how they are. If PL gets added to your pool. Tough shit. He didnt pre register and thus left it to the luck of the draw. This tournament can be good and exciting no matter what and dont go saying that top 8 cant be filled with talent just cause the current top seeded players might not all make it. At winter brawl Jr and Maxter both didnt make top 8 and it was still awesome.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
So what you're saying is...

You would do anything for love...

But you won't do that?
I see what you did there...;)

Honestly, Im not afraid of anyone in my pool. I've been training the Kitana MU for months now...If I cant beat Joe, then I dont deserve to be in top 16 or top 8

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Cat so basically youre saying if its not you and pig in grand finals its going to be a 3-0 boring match. Even if multiple top players are in the same pool both players can still make top 8 and even grand finals. Theres nothing stopping one of you from taking the other to losers and then never looking back. No one here had control over the pools so this is how they are. If PL gets added to your pool. Tough shit. He didnt pre register and thus left it to the luck of the draw. This tournament can be good and exciting no matter what and dont go saying that top 8 cant be filled with talent just cause the current top seeded players might not all make it. At winter brawl Jr and Maxter both didnt make top 8 and it was still awesome.
I can go ahead and say that if I get to top 8, heck even grand finals vs pig...there is a strong chance that I could move ahead or win this whole damn thing.


I think it becomes instant for people to say its free cause they dont see a HUGE name in it. I dont get out to many tournaments other than locals so i dont get too many chances to show out and im sure the same can be said for most in our pool. The main gripe is just that there isnt a top name especially someone who has done well recently at Major Tournaments. I dont care what anyone on here says. I know what im capable of. Hopefully, I get the chance to play as well as i know i can. Ive beaten people who are considered some of the best and if i can be consistent then it is a fatal flaw for anyone to sleep on me.
Tom Brady always used to say it's not easy to get out of pools. No pool is actually easy in this case either. I just think that unconsciously, we're comparing pool 1 to the other pools that have more well known names. Again, I really didn't mean to diminish any player.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
With the way pools are. Expect awesome matches off the bat and expect 1 dominant top player in top 8 blowing everyone who is left up and seeing a boring 3-0 grand finals.

Pig Of The Hut I'm confident I can beat you. That's not the issue.
Beating would be a great win and is something that should not be happening first rounds.

Phew I beat pig!! Yay! I'm in top 16? -_-
This is gonna make top 8 matches 1 sided for the most part.

We earned our seed and high level matches should be near the end. That's the point of seeding.

Everyone wants crazy matches in winners finals. Grand finals. Losers final etc. not a snooze fest

Anyways I may not attend. Mt gfs bday dinner is at 8pm in Augusta.
Pig did say tourney should end at around 4 or 5 (give or take )
I know you have no final say.

But I don't think it should take 2 hours to get 16 ppl to only 2 ppl. With two stream set ups and other off stream set ups. Could be done in a hour. And the next 16 ppl should start after to eliminate stream down time.
Your GF dinner is N M P

I am your problem in our pool and I expect to be dining on a fresh plate of Cat

I agree w u on the lopsided-ness but once u call me out instigating I "rigged" this I have A MAJOR FUCKING PROBLEM w u

You're questioning my credibility as a player and community leader

I'm questioning your skill publicly as a kabal player . If u wanna be the best u gotta beat the best and the best is curbo and Reo

Lets see if u can man up and do what they can do w kabal against my Kenshi or will u do the inevitable-cat performance and choke on a hair ball

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
c'mon dude

you just compared MK to the NFL

I mean... you already basically did the Pig thing anyway by simple saying....... awwwwww fuck it here we go. A year ago you would of been drooling because of the pool you had.
I'm comparing "competition" w "competition"

I don't give a shit if its the Marble world finals

Seed it correctly


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Cat so basically youre saying if its not you and pig in grand finals its going to be a 3-0 boring match. Even if multiple top players are in the same pool both players can still make top 8 and even grand finals. Theres nothing stopping one of you from taking the other to losers and then never looking back. No one here had control over the pools so this is how they are. If PL gets added to your pool. Tough shit. He didnt pre register and thus left it to the luck of the draw. This tournament can be good and exciting no matter what and dont go saying that top 8 cant be filled with talent just cause the current top seeded players might not all make it. At winter brawl Jr and Maxter both didnt make top 8 and it was still awesome.
See I'm not talking about just me and pig. Cowboy is on the pool below us. Which means the winner of my pool (say its pig) will have to fight winner of cowboy pool. (Say he wins ) right afte in top 16 match!

So that hype run back would be a top 16 match instead of a hype ft3 winners or losers finals. Etc.
not only that. If you have pl and waffles be in our pool or maybe cowboys pool. That's gonna make it were a lot of top players will face in losers way too soon eliminating each other.


B*tch Distributor
Lol pig gets hardest pool; BRACKETS ARE RIGGED!


When you win said pool, pig, you should stand up, kick over your chair, and yell " Are you not entertained?!"


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Your GF dinner is N M P

I am your problem in our pool and I expect to be dining on a fresh plate of Cat

I agree w u on the lopsided-ness but once u call me out instigating I "rigged" this I have A MAJOR FUCKING PROBLEM w u

You're questioning my credibility as a player and community leader

I'm questioning your skill publicly as a kabal player . If u wanna be the best u gotta beat the best and the best is curbo and Reo

Lets see if u can man up and do what they can do w kabal against my Kenshi or will u do the inevitable-cat performance and choke on a hair ball
Hahahaha I like your confidence dude....

Reminds me when I had Cdjr at MlG Dallas ...

He was so confident, why wouldn't he be??? He trains and practices with REO all the time! He knows the match up more than anyone!!!

It should totally be free !!! Cus my Kabal is not in Reos Level!!!!

.......gets 3-0d.

Keep underestimating me just like Cdjr did.....

Before that we never played in Tournament. We played casuals a lot where he would take most of the wins...
And I'm not gonna lie, you won most of the casuals as well...

But Tournament time. I can be a completely different player.... There's more on the line. Not some Micky mouse casuals. Where I do random shit and let you pick your stage without stage counter picking.

ALSO... Who told you I was using Kabal? When my Lao put in work in casuals right before you played Big D (and lost to his Lao as well)


With the way pools are. Expect awesome matches off the bat and expect 1 dominant top player in top 8 blowing everyone who is left up and seeing a boring 3-0 grand finals.

Pig Of The Hut I'm confident I can beat you. That's not the issue.
Beating would be a great win and is something that should not be happening first rounds.

Phew I beat pig!! Yay! I'm in top 16? -_-
This is gonna make top 8 matches 1 sided for the most part.

We earned our seed and high level matches should be near the end. That's the point of seeding.

Everyone wants crazy matches in winners finals. Grand finals. Losers final etc. not a snooze fest

Anyways I may not attend. Mt gfs bday dinner is at 8pm in Augusta.
Pig did say tourney should end at around 4 or 5 (give or take )
I know you have no final say.

But I don't think it should take 2 hours to get 16 ppl to only 2 ppl. With two stream set ups and other off stream set ups. Could be done in a hour. And the next 16 ppl should start after to eliminate stream down time.
Pig Of The Hut, sounds like Cat wants you to get him to his GFs bday early..make it happen.