They're not going away, ever. They will be tweaked, they may even change to use meter, but they are never, ever going away. And it's not because of microtransactions.
How so? You're saying that with it someone can potentially get a 60% combo and take someone out who has twice the life lead. Yet at the same time there is no cost, even though without it they'd never be able to do the same. If they've already played it round1, then they're at a loss because the'll never get that opportunity again. They quite literally could have cost themselves the game because they used it early at the cost of using their FB.
I understand what you're saying about it being given to you rather than earned, but as discussed, it's a one off thing.
With all that said, i still like the idea of it staying as is for the first attempt, then you lose (not use, lose) meter at each subsequent attempt. It won't change the FB meta initially, but it will stop people throwing them out multiple times if they keep missing them.
I understand your point, i do but i still dont like it. Its too powerful, can be too decisive and changes the pace too much. Especially for something you literally just get for being at low health, has no cost beside of manage when to use it (which i dont think is a hard choice really) and isnt a guaranteed ressource. Even if your opponent used his who knows if you might get yours.
I also dont see it like "damn i used it to close out round 1 now i am at a disadvantage". I see it like "nice, i just stole this guys first round and i am up a round even though i shouldnt be. If i am lucky he is salty about it". I probably have to deal with his FB thread anyway at some point, losing that round and saving FB wouldnt change that. Sure he doesnt need to worry about FB anymore but i already successfully used it for what its for. Who knows if he even gets his FB and doesnt just die from a 30%+ combo before having access to it. (Which makes FB even worse cuz i now won with the help of a ressource he couldnt ever access)
You also see the 60% combo potential thing differently than me. For you its "without FB he cant do that anymore, its a one time only". I see it like "this kind of stuff shouldnt be around at all, especially not given free at low life". Thats why you see it as a cost (used up his one time only big comeback mechanic while the opponent potentially still has his) and i see it as just a gift. A gift meant to be a lifering/crutch to help steal the round. And i use steal cuz its not a ressource you are guaranteed to get, even if your opponent used his and you didnt. If someone hands me a gift like that and its the only way to ensure the round i take it. Its not a cost for me, i didnt earn it, it was free and who knows if i ever get it again or the chance to land it.
This game doesnt need a comeback mechanic like this but if we have to have one than it should be tied to anything but low health or limit you in some other ways once you have it. At the very least guarantee that you will have access to it (activate it earlier, cap FB combo damage to be below activation threshhold. Example: They could be activated at 50%health and only do 15-18%damage raw. Their scaling would be more generous in small combos and more drastic in big combos.)
With that being said, we have totally different viewpoints on these things. So i think we should call it here

. Thanks for the discussiom though.