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Fatal 8 for injustice 2? How about Sexy 16?


Joker waiting room
It's almost like you can do well with a broken character once but when it's nerfed you think you can still talk, even though you've done almost nothing else, about different games with different players because you see it as an attempt to plug yourself/threat to your success due to ego issues and insecurity.



Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
Don't none of you know BBC's footsies like I do. Not you (@gam224), not you (@Dankster Morgan), or you (@Crusty Clown). DON'T NOBODY KNOW BBC'S FOOTSIES LIKE I DO.

You guys better know where this is from. =P
First of all, it's "None of you know..."

Bruhhh can we please stop calling him BBC and stop calling Bread, Big D? Lmao
What do you have against BBC huh? Racist
Nah man Big D for now and forever.
I thought we agreed on BarBeCue.


aka - RM_AtK !
I said it in another post but yes they all got to play the game beforehand. And yes people did each pick something they thought was good or broken in their own regard.
Sonic-erron Black
Ketchip- Sorc Quan
King- Bojitsu Kung jin
Ryan Hart- Bojitsu Kung Jin
MIT- Ninjutsu Scorpion. his f2 was OH in this build LOL
PL- Lao and Kung jin
Tony T- Raiden
Tyrant- Pumped up Jax
And for the most part sonic was the one to be able to learn his character the fastest. Actual combos. Tick throws. etc.
MIT used inferno btw lmao
What fantasy world?

I'm the one playing and competing with the best. You guys just speculate and assume.
wow man. i really though you were a rational guy but post after post is you measuring your penis vs the world. lbsh... you really talk like you are on the level of scar/fox/et cetera. you only did well in an offline major with very little depth and a few online tournaments.

put your damn head down and just play. you don't need to make posts like this, let your play speak for it self. you know you made it when other people defend you and speak to your results.... (like people did for me in injustice) i do not see one person doing that for you, hence, your desperate comments trying to convince yourself that you are better than you really are.

now i expect some big long batmanbeatscap response here and i assure you that I will not read it. I promised the mods that I would be constructive. for the most part this post is constructive but I am 100% sure you will take it has "omg p2w things he is better than me i need to make a huge post proving otherwise."

Correct me if I am wrong @STORMS but isnt there a site rule against frequent derailments?
@PLAYING TO WIN This would be amazing to see. Little rusty, but wasn't Biohazard racking up a few top 8's? Came out strong later in the game so could be considered. Putting in BatmanBeatsCap over him just seems so wrong haha.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
No Ryan Hart ? :DOGE
The Ryan Hart pick last time, RIP me...#oldlivesmatter

Again, opportunity > actual skill.
You will learn your argument means nothing, you know how many tops 8s/wins I COULD have had in mk9/injustice? But I wasnt there so its all fairy tales.

Let me put it like this.

If you think that Tom Brady or Rico Suave are going to be better at Injustice 2(if Rico even plays it) than Scar, you're beyond delusional from your hate for MKX.
Rico was seriously sick in Injustice and I'd put him over Scar more likely for next game, at least in the beginning. Just because Scar is sick now doesnt mean Rico wont be sick AGAIN. Being good at MK =/= being good at injustice.
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It's almost like you can do well with a broken character once but when it's nerfed you think you can still talk, even though you've done almost nothing else, about different games with different players because you see it as an attempt to plug yourself/threat to your success due to ego issues and insecurity.

Is this post directed at me? Lol

Now that i'm really up there on MKX, a lot of the irrelevant people on this site just love to take crazy shots at me. That's why this site is nauseating. If Sonicfox went on this site enough to even just have healthy debates, you would see even uglier posts than what you see towards me.

I often say i'll quit posting, but typically I just say that out of anger and do still enjoy interactions on this site. It's becoming worse and worse, though.

No one can talk to me like this with substance on current MKX, not even Sonic or Scar. I might lose sets but I win sets as well, I hold my own in long sets. The people who post like this towards me on here would literally lose 50-2 if not 50-0.

I was backed into a pissing contest corner by Playing2win and said some dumb stuff. That doesn't mean that i'm wrong, or that your tone is correct. No one should be made into a e-punching bag because they're good at the game.

I'll probably keep this site to just interactions with people that I like, and maybe a post or two in a results thread. Outside of that, i'm moving on to illuminati twitter dms and stuff.

It's been real.