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Fall 2012 USA PS3 UMK3 Tournament - COMPLETED

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
VGGS to everyone and thanx for competing MKillBill DemoniChris mortal_jason MIKECALDWELL Antlason Edfig81 and a special thanx to Bill for running another great tourney. Great work for the kommunity and a great way to shake the rust off for next weekend at NECXIII. You MK2 guys have really stepped-up your game and I'm glad to see you guys sticking with it and powering-up. Keep Classic 2-D MK alive. I can't wait to play you guys offline and kick it with da homies :p


Forum General Emeritus
Thanks for the compliments, guys. I was saying earlier in chat that I may not be the best MK player, but I do run a pretty mean (and lean) tournament. :D This tourney was the fastest 8-man bracket I've ever run; even with a 15 minute delay to start. We got done in about 1:40. Much thanks to everyone for showing up, even those of you who came in late - at least you still had the courtesy to come and play! I look forward to playing you guys more often in both casuals and future events.

Spread the word that the classics are back and maybe we can get some of the more prominent players online. My goal is to make these things as big as the offline majors.


Forum General Emeritus
As an FYI, I will be setting up the next tournament for 2-3 months from now. If there is enough demand we may move it up, but I figure spacing them out like this allows more time to advertise and hype it up.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
Fuckin Arez! Good fucking shit, my man! So happy for you brother. Keep it up! Can't wait for us to play MKAK on PSN when i get it.

I was very close to entering this one, but i might just do that next time if you guys plan to keep this going.

Again, good work by my good friend AREZ God of War for the tournament win. You deserve it.
Good job Eric!
Thank you, i appreciate it. Of course we will all be able to play each other next weekend at NECXIII , but regardless I hope you guys both sign-up for Bill's next tourney and support it. Bill runs a great tourney, and makes you forget about the annoying nonsense generally involved with online tournaments. Just a bunch of dudes having fun last night, no salt - all respect and GGS lol

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I want to see your Ermac vs lilhustlachris's. He said he's going to nec. Good job on the win.
That will indeed be interesting. I been telling chris I want to play him offline for years, I was bummed-out that you guys had already left before i got to SummerJam on Sunday afternoon.