That's exactly how insurance works, for what it's worth.My issue with this is system is that person A may never have any serious medical issues/expenses, person B may have some serious medical issues/expenses, and person A, B, and also C, D, and E, must all pay for each other.
The thing is, most of the time the very nature of these medical issues means that you would have no knowledge beforehand whether you'll be person A, B, C, D, or E.
I'd suggest reading up on the concept of the Veil of Ignorance. "Imagine that you have set for yourself the task of developing a totally new social contract for today's society. How could you do so fairly? Although you could never actually eliminate all of your personal biases and prejudices, you would need to take steps at least to minimize them. Rawls suggests that you imagine yourself in an original position behind a veil of ignorance. Behind this veil, you know nothing of yourself and your natural abilities, or your position in society. You know nothing of your sex, race, nationality, or individual tastes. Behind such a veil of ignorance all individuals are simply specified as rational, free, and morally equal beings. You do know that in the "real world", however, there will be a wide variety in the natural distribution of natural assets and abilities, and that there will be differences of sex, race, and culture that will distinguish groups of people from each other. "
That only works if you assume that people will always have some kind of affordable option based on their income level, and that everyone's income level is based soley on their own choices. I don't think this is an accurate reflection of the real world. This why I think a lot of libertarian Free Market economic policies fail. They work fine in theory, but not in the real world.Wouldn't it make more sense that each individual/family unit not be forced to pay for some government-issued medical coverage that may or may not address their particular medical needs, and instead have more of their own money (through lower taxes) to spend on whatever amount/type of medical coverage they want/need?