Character Loyalist
Usually I only am on TYM for video game related stuff. I do some trolling and that's it. However this discussion caught my attention.Thankya, Ram. I wish more people were as open and communicative as you have been.
@Lt. Boxy Angelman : I think that the both of us got very different opinions on quite a few things. Yet I'd really like to exchange some thoughts with you - mostly because I appreciate your positive attitude, but also because of your sincere interest in the whole topic.
So let me begin with a one things that we both agree on and that I consider very important to say:
The whole George Floyd event was just horrible. Every decent human being should ask how we can avoid such tragedy in the future. If this is what BLM stands for, then i am 100% behind the movement.
Now there are two ways to adress the whole problem:
1.) What can I do to change the country for the better?
2.) What can I demand of other people?
Now it is far too easy to name problems so that OTHER people shall solve them. I dislike this attitude as a self-righteous act. This is a personal preference, but I would never demand others to work harder for my ideals than I do.
So the question is: What can we ourselves do to make the world a better, less racist, more liveable place for as many people as possible? - Now I think that you gave the answer: "Convince people of the right ideals".
However, I think that we disagree from here on:
I have a degree in law, i am writing my master thesis on a social science topic, I am trained in mediation and I am working in a political environment. During my whole adult life I was interested in the dynamics of human conflicts.
And I came to the conclusion that is quite hard to "convince" people. Just ask yourself if you would let me convince you that your ideals might be questionable. You propably wouldn't make it easy for me. However you might give me one shot, as long as I adress you with earnest respect.
What I want to say: When it comes to "convincing" others, then the hardest part is to make them "listen" to your thoughts. People only listen, if they are emotionally willed to spend their time on you.
Then again: By rioting on the streets, proclaiming absolute truth, calling other people racist, ... all "emotional bridges" are burnt down.
Now this is what I think that is currently happening in the US, also because of the President that you have. Your whole society seems to be more polarized than ever and it is frightening. Personally I think that there is nothing more important for a society than discourse, which should generate new and better ideas. Right now there is no discourse. Both sides stay in their very own bubble and don't even want to talk.
Now what are the consequences? - Well, I'd say that Trump being elected for President some years ago was one. Now the whole BLM chaos might be his only chance to get re-elected even though he failed during the COVID-crisis.
But more than that: I think that both sides are shifting to their (violence-prone) extremes. As soon as the BLM movement turns into exaggerated actionism (e.g. burning town restaurants), there will be a backlash. Dissenting people might shift even more to the right, disgusted by the left. Nothing has served the right better than bizarre SJW-videos on YouTube. As a result tragedies like George Floyd are even more likely to happen again.
So to bring this to a conclusion: If you really want to change the US for the better, then please don't shift to extremes. Every action must be well-measured, especially during emotional times. This is why I do think that it is important to show solidarity with people of colour.
@Lt. Boxy Angelman : Every now and then your statements felt "over-the-top" and then they might do more good than harm. However at the end of the day I want good-humored people like you to be the ones building bridges. Those that make discourse possible.
... I hope that these lines make some sense. Also I just found out that my english skills are way worse than I thought. I still hope that you got the point and I am looking forward to even a short reply!