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ESL League, The tournament standard, and the problem for pad players.


cr. HP Master
Either way this is a great thing for our community. NRS is completely backing this and even hosting the streams on their Twitch channel. I highly doubt this will effect offline tournament turnouts, unless we full on embrace this league and there are several seasons, then SOME might decide to do the online thing and try to make the top 16 finals. My only concern is this; What if a online player does extremely well and gets one of the top 16 spots and refuses to go to the finals? lol. I'm sure they have something in place for that situation, but that would be silly.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Question about this. I play on Hitbox. Could I get this and use with with a hitbox because of the USB? Or is it strictly for pads?
great question, i have no exp with the hitbox on it, let me ask around

but on that one you have to update the firmware, and for 360 use a wired pad like most other converters

Alpha Centauri

The Machine
From my research it appears most if not all LANs will be played on PS4 and I imagine will be the standard. The reason these online seasons are being played on XB1 is because ESL is primarily a PC/XB supported company. They host a variety of events for popular PC games like CS:GO, dota 2, LoL and Hearthstone. They are also big into the Halo and COD community which in Halo's case is XB exclusive and COD is almost exclusively played on XB for anything competitive.


All too easy...
Serious question:

Are there any tournament legal adapters yet? Like what are my options if I have a XB1 stick? I saw Mr Wizard basically say those two for legal for Evo and then immediately take it back so do I have any options for getting my XB1 stick to be tournament legal?


The Free Meter Police
I played killer instinct for one day. I could not play it anymore because of the pad. That's how bad it was to me personally.
Really? Huh. I'm a hitbox user and I thought the xb1 pad was fine. Hated the 360 pad. It was unusable for me. But I thought the xb1 pad was great. I actually like that clicky feeling it gives. But.. like I said... I'm primarily a hitbox user.


Here is a thought ... Not a solution for all but it will work for me.....

Since the new MKX pad for ps4 and x1 are identical (except for home button logos and the buttons having different colors or what not) playing with these wont make a difference to me at all. In fact with your eyes closed after you have gotten comfortable with lets say the ps4 ver you couldnt even tell if you were on the xb1 ver... (just break them in evenly)

Makes sense or am I high again ?

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STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior

Here is a thought ... Not a solution for all but it will work for me.....

Since the new MKX pad for ps4 and x1 are identical (except for home button logos and the buttons having different colors or what not) playing with these wont make a difference to me at all. In fact with your eyes closed after you have gotten comfortable with lets say the ps4 ver you couldnt even tell if you were on the xb1 ver... (just break them in evenly)

Makes sense or am I high again ?
If only the lb and rb were still on the top of the controller... this would be godlike. But I can't be having my bumpers waaaay over there lol


Tell me, do you bleed?

Here is a thought ... Not a solution for all but it will work for me.....

Since the new MKX pad for ps4 and x1 are identical (except for home button logos and the buttons having different colors or what not) playing with these wont make a difference to me at all. In fact with your eyes closed after you have gotten comfortable with lets say the ps4 ver you couldnt even tell if you were on the xb1 ver... (just break them in evenly)

Makes sense or am I high again ?
Good idea. I may buy a pair of those in case I go to "tournaments" here.


I Got Guiled
Serious question:

Are there any tournament legal adapters yet? Like what are my options if I have a XB1 stick? I saw Mr Wizard basically say those two for legal for Evo and then immediately take it back so do I have any options for getting my XB1 stick to be tournament legal?
When it comes to these things, an adapter should be your last resort. Here are your options ranked in what is best in terms of ease and lag.

1. A dedicated stick (buy a ps4 stick)
2. A dual mod to your existing stick (add ps4 functionality by adding in a hacked ps4 pad)
3. An adapter/convertor (may introduce lag)

Just dual mod your stick and you are good to go. Need to know more about which xbox one stick you have so I can tell you what to do.


I agree. But if there's money to be made. I'm trying to make it. You know? Just sucks that we have been pulled at every angle and so much confusion left to be panned out. Why do an online league when we don't even know if online is good?? I originally thought this was offline e sport esque events but later learned it was online. Cool but doesn't help with people who are pro laggers
Yo J me and my crew was discussing this when we heard the news, I regret that I sold my Xbox one but....it just wasn't getting any play from me, other then KI at the time and still I don't see any game worth buying on the system other then MKX, I say go ahead and still spend ur money on the ps4, with the ESL & MKX the whole thing is still brand new, and ain't no telling how good the online will be for the game, I say sit back buy your ps4 and let any screws or chinks with ESL & MKX work itself out, if this new alliance survives, then it will be here for a long time, you can easily save up in the coming future and make the switch to xbone now that its 349.


All too easy...
When it comes to these things, an adapter should be your last resort. Here are your options ranked in what is best in terms of ease and lag.

1. A dedicated stick (buy a ps4 stick)
2. A dual mod to your existing stick (add ps4 functionality by adding in a hacked ps4 pad)
3. An adapter/convertor (may introduce lag)

Just dual mod your stick and you are good to go. Need to know more about which xbox one stick you have so I can tell you what to do.
I have the Razer Atrox for XB1. I'm not going to buy a whole new stick especially with the ESL announcement on XB1 at least but I really want to be able to play at my local offline scene that will be on PS4. I'm not familiar with modding and have never done any myself either but I would be open to it if it actually works and will allow it to switch back and forth so I can still use it on my XB1


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Apologies but where does it say anything about PC on the ESL page? I looked at signups and they all said to se xbox live gamertag. Is the xbox tag cross platform useable with PC or something?


Tell me, do you bleed?
Apologies but where does it say anything about PC on the ESL page? I looked at signups and they all said to se xbox live gamertag. Is the xbox tag cross platform useable with PC or something?
"A total of 4 cups are held per region for North America and Europe each on the Xbox One with a prize pool of US$500 per cup. Preseason cups happen every Sunday and Wednesday from the 19th until the end of April.

For the CIS region 2 Preseason cups are played on PC, offering the same prize pool of US$500 per cup. Preseason cups occur on Sunday April 19 and Sunday April 26."



Soul Kollector
Quick esl cancel the contracts and plans

This is a non issue other than just now there's a perk for each system owner and incentive to get both which again is a U problem nothing else
Disagree. The entire thing is horseshit. Console exclusivity should be a thing of the past and benefits no one but the company endorsing the exclusivity. Isolate an entire side of the gaming community then attempt to label the other side as a "pro" scene? Yeah, no thank you to literally everyone involved in promoting this scheme.


King of the Kiddie Pool
Use your ps3 pad/stick to play on ps4 and get a titan one converter to convert your pad to xbone. The only problem with the titan one is that it shuts down when you try to convert from any system to ps4, but you shouldn't have to worry about that if you have a ps3 only pad already. $60 bucks gg @JRosa21


Chode Juggler
Man people will always find things to bitch moan and complain about...

NRS is promoting competitive play with this and the cup, with a $100,000 prize pool. This is amazing news and unbelievably hype, and is exciting for the future of MKX and NRS games in general.

Yet you are shitting on them because its not on your console...It has to be either on xbone or ps4...its on xbone..wahh


Just gonna throw this out here - the physical tournament standard for ESL is probably the least-concerning of the way this is run. People can get extra sticks/pads as needed, or borrow or share.

Why do the online qualifiers have to be platform-specific other than for promotional/exclusivity deals that the players get nothing out of? If you need to have lets say, 50 top players make it out to the finals, divide the number of entrants for each platform based on representation by population - if 60% of people sign up on Xbox One, have 60% of those 50 spots be given to Xbox One users. If its 30% PS4 users, give the top players from the PS4 qualifiers those 30%, and the rest PC (just throwing these numbers out there as an example).

The issues THAT could create is people could specifically avoid playing each other based on platform, or perhaps some platforms might have more killers in it than others. To which I say, this is an online qualifier anyway, and the quality of who's going to make the physical tournament is already incredibly suspect.


Really likes to throw things at you.
Hey everyone, J Rosa here. I've been highly anticipating the release of MK X and with the new ESL league I'm pretty excited. One problem, it's on x box one. I had mistakenly thought the community agreed on PS4 being the standard, ESPECIALLY with the ability to use ps3 sticks on a ps4 but to my surprise x box one And pc will be the standard for this e league. Why? I'm not sure. But it sure seems to me Mk x wants to milk the most money out of us possible. I don't think it's right for all the players who have been saving for a ps4 for this game, finally got one, and now have this news shoved in their face. But I digress. With this new league, it's apparent I must find a way to convert the ps4 pad over to the one (are the chronos pro fight even legal at this point?) I'm looking for thoughts on the whole situation, input, and perhaps some sort of game plan. Release is 2 weeks away. The league starts May 3rd. Can we use our collective voice to make a difference or am I the only one with feelings on this? I can go buy an Xbox one today and spend another 500 on Mk x...but should I really have to? Thoughts?
P.s. I'm getting wisdom tooth surgery right now and it sucks.
MKX will be on PS4 at EVO and I'm assuming most offline venues will follow suit.

ESL has been a huge XBox supporter so this is no surprise...

This has nothing to do with MKX "trying to squeeze money out of you." I am so fucking sick of hearing that.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
I have a PS4 and honestly, I'm upset about ESL being on XB1. I'm happy that this is actually happening for the community more than anything and I support it. This is a good thing for us. So what if it's not on PS4? We should be looking how big this will be for our community if this turns out really well.