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ESL League, The tournament standard, and the problem for pad players.


Hey everyone, J Rosa here. I've been highly anticipating the release of MK X and with the new ESL league I'm pretty excited. One problem, it's on x box one. I had mistakenly thought the community agreed on PS4 being the standard, ESPECIALLY with the ability to use ps3 sticks on a ps4 but to my surprise x box one And pc will be the standard for this e league. Why? I'm not sure. But it sure seems to me Mk x wants to milk the most money out of us possible. I don't think it's right for all the players who have been saving for a ps4 for this game, finally got one, and now have this news shoved in their face. But I digress. With this new league, it's apparent I must find a way to convert the ps4 pad over to the one (are the chronos pro fight even legal at this point?) I'm looking for thoughts on the whole situation, input, and perhaps some sort of game plan. Release is 2 weeks away. The league starts May 3rd. Can we use our collective voice to make a difference or am I the only one with feelings on this? I can go buy an Xbox one today and spend another 500 on Mk x...but should I really have to? Thoughts?
P.s. I'm getting wisdom tooth surgery right now and it sucks.

Tom Brady

Converter tech is not up to speed on next gen consoles yet so there really is no way to play on your pad of choice on your system of choice at this point. I'm sure eventually converters will be released but that won't be for some time.

As of today, only the Chronos allows you to use PS4 pad on Xbox One but that converter causes input delay for both you and the opponent which is why its banned at most events.


The Free Meter Police
I'm just glad they are doing something with the xb1. I'm getting mkx on all systems so it doesn't really matter to me, although I understand the frustration. Also, this ESL thing is going to cut my tournament expenses down drastically if I have to decide between going to a major or ESL online tourney. =)


This is why I believe if anything tourneys like this should be on PC. Better connection, the ability to use both x box one and ps4 controllers, and all around functionality. It only makes more sense, and this is coming from a non PC guy.
Converter tech is not up to speed on next gen consoles yet so there really is no way to play on your pad of choice on your system of choice at this point. I'm sure eventually converters will be released but that won't be for some time.

As of today, only the Chronos allows you to use PS4 pad on Xbox One but that converter causes input delay for both you and the opponent which is why its banned at most events.


ESL is a corporation, not really part of the "community" so they're pretty much going to do what they want, or go with whoever is giving them money. I agree that it's silly to have NA/EU on Xbox1 while Russia, Ukraine, etc use PC. I honestly think they should have used PC for all regions (consoles are less popular/more expensive over there anyways)

This may be the converter you're looking for though. It will convert pretty much any console's controller to any other console. Plus it's legal for offline tournaments too.



Hey everyone, J Rosa here. I've been highly anticipating the release of MK X and with the new ESL league I'm pretty excited. One problem, it's on x box one. I had mistakenly thought the community agreed on PS4 being the standard, ESPECIALLY with the ability to use ps3 sticks on a ps4 but to my surprise x box one And pc will be the standard for this e league. Why? I'm not sure. But it sure seems to me Mk x wants to milk the most money out of us possible. I don't think it's right for all the players who have been saving for a ps4 for this game, finally got one, and now have this news shoved in their face. But I digress. With this new league, it's apparent I must find a way to convert the ps4 pad over to the one (are the chronos pro fight even legal at this point?) I'm looking for thoughts on the whole situation, input, and perhaps some sort of game plan. Release is 2 weeks away. The league starts May 3rd. Can we use our collective voice to make a difference or am I the only one with feelings on this? I can go buy an Xbox one today and spend another 500 on Mk x...but should I really have to? Thoughts?
P.s. I'm getting wisdom tooth surgery right now and it sucks.

yea the late ESL news throws a big monkey wrench into things,,, Seemed as if the Grass-Roots tourneys were gearing up for PS4 (I think EVO committed already but I cant confirm)... ESL is a huge HALO hoster so the x1 makes sense for them... I think though for anyone looking to win tournaments and actually make $$$ in this game both consoles will be needed...


Nah I get that but obviously they aren't married to Xbox one so I was just wondering...why the hell not put everything on PC!!
ESL is a corporation, not really part of the "community" so they're pretty much going to do what they want, or go with whoever is giving them money. I agree that it's silly to have NA/EU on Xbox1 while Russia, Ukraine, etc use PC. I honestly think they should have used PC for all regions (consoles are less popular/more expensive over there anyways)

This may be the converter you're looking for though. It will convert pretty much any console's controller to any other console. Plus it's legal for offline tournaments too.



I don't think too many people are going to run out and buy Xbox Ones just for this league, especially until we know how the netcode is in MKX. If it's anywhere near the level of bad MK9 or INJ was, this tournament is going to be a huge joke.

PS4 will still be the standard for offline tournaments in the US, especially now that it is confirmed PS3 sticks will work with it. XB1 does not have this luxury.


Tell me, do you bleed?
Is the Xbox One pad really that bad? I mean, Xbox 360 has a terrible pad, and I thought that, even if Xbox One's wasn't as good as PS4's, it was pretty decent.


I agree. But if there's money to be made. I'm trying to make it. You know? Just sucks that we have been pulled at every angle and so much confusion left to be panned out. Why do an online league when we don't even know if online is good?? I originally thought this was offline e sport esque events but later learned it was online. Cool but doesn't help with people who are pro laggers
I don't think too many people are going to run out and buy Xbox Ones just for this league, especially until we know how the netcode is in MKX. If it's anywhere near the level of bad MK9 or INJ was, this tournament is going to be a huge joke.

PS4 will still be the standard for offline tournaments in the US, especially now that it is confirmed PS3 sticks will work with it. XB1 does not have this luxury.


Mouth of the Illuminati
Nah I get that but obviously they aren't married to Xbox one so I was just wondering...why the hell not put everything on PC!!
There would be a lot less turnout in NA. Not everyone has a PC capable of running MKX effectively. Why did they choose XB1? I don't know. But for the foreseeable future it seems like XB1 is the choice for this league.


Official Master of Salt
the important questions is like chaos touched on. Will this effect turnout offline?
It could go either way. Like chaos said, people may be less willing to travel when they can compete from their living rooms, however, I'm sure it'll also raise awareness of the competitive scene and could bring in new talent after getting a taste of the competition.


Online tournaments: another reason to never leave your couch and become one with your living room. [QSmorgasburg NYC in the spring time. Come if you want. I'll be there at least 1 time a month UOTE="SneakyTortoise, post: 1629391, member: 29362"]It could go either way. Like chaos said, people may be less willing to travel when they can compete from their living rooms, however, I'm sure it'll also raise awareness of the competitive scene and could bring in new talent after getting a taste of the competition.[/QUOTE]

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Xbox was chosen probably due to the track record of last year seeing how HORRIBLE the game played on the pS

like...... why did we put ourselves through that?

Everyone clammers for the "betterment of the players' yet we played on ps3... where Cyrax could literally drop the frame rate of the game to an almost standstill.

Just accept what we are given and deal. These guys aren't going to change their minds.

Online tournaments actually HELP in this day and age... especially with the rampant poverty players we have anyway.


cr. HP Master
Whichever platform was chosen would of left people unhappy regardless. For the first time I feel like my XB1 is now worth something, lol. Having just 1 game(KI) to play is pointless. I was debating on selling my XB1 and putting the money towards a PS4, but now I don't have to. Also, ESL is a Halo supporter so they already have XB1's and there is a app for it as well. I have a gut feeling MS is involved in some way.

I know I am in the minority here, but I've grown accustomed to the XB1 pad. I very rarely drop inputs in KI and it's pretty smooth on DoA 5 as well. However, it did take some time to get use to.


All too easy...
I mean we went from playing on Xbox 360 to PS4 because of SF which pissed me off having bought an XboxOne. Its not like tournament players were playing on ps3 sticks they were playing on xbox 360 ones