I feel if they got this right the first time it would have been okay but the fact this is his 3rd damage nerf and his 3rd EX hat orbit nerf, it was only a matter of time until they killed what made kung lao good
Much neededSuch niceness. Much Polite. Much Wow.
LMAO!!!Paulo be like :
In Jax's defense, energy wave is a high and can probably be interrupted as well. Lao's D4 is great, F2 is amazing, B2 is really good, 112124 is an incredible string, spin and EX-spin are godlike and dare I say hat spin is still a good special. Lao is far from trash, even after this nerf.Now look at this, kung Lao has to spend a bar to get a +7 while Jax wave give him +8 without have to use a bar among others who have similar specials that gave them plus without meter, unfair for lao , the most hated character in the game , he is taking up space now Paulo as he is IMO , his strings are trash and now his specials are trash , that makes him trash.. so TYM is happy now ,who is next, what other characters are giving you a hard time , lets make them trash so you can win...
Don't even bother arguing with them, there's going to be a thread that this variation is dead and need buffs in a weekIn Jax's defense, energy wave is a high and can probably be interrupted as well. Lao's D4 is great, F2 is amazing, B2 is really good, 112124 is an incredible string, spin and EX-spin are godlike and dare I say hat spin is still a good special. Lao is far from trash, even after this nerf.
id say about 7 frames.I'll ask this question , what is the purpose of meter burn hat-spin now that it is +7? ; why would any one spend a meter to do that , in a game where there are 6 frames normals and armor moves , what advantage does it give to Lao ?, when all of Lao normal starts at 8 up to 19frames , Kung Lao is definitely high risk low rewards, no 50/50 mix up , no pressure , and no damage , so Lao is now a N Tier character (NERF TIER) ..
good point...... I almost forgot..if they nerf to +7 then they need to remove that dumb ass push back.It does seem silly that NRS can't seem to figure out how + it is okay for a character to be. First they gave out +27 without thinking it through, then +12 was the magic number, but then it needed some pushback... And now it's +7 with pushback. Is it okay yet?
Same deal with the 2f 44 link, they created it with a patch and then have steadily decreased the damage 3 times now. If it's such a problem, why did they allow the link to begin with?
I think Lao will be fine. Just noting their design strategy seems to be a merry go round of handing out excessive buffs and then coming back to nerf the things they buffed last time.
+27 to +7 with pushback is not a small adjustment. Hopefully the next NRS title has a clearer vision for their game design.
Cancels are for hit confirms, not pressure.Probably should've phrased the Jax thing better. In Heavy Weapons at least many of Jax's cancels are negative aren't they? In any case pretty much anything Jax does can be interrupted and he's still a very strong character.
LMAO, OK guilty as fucking charged. I guess I bought into the hype.In the thread "Who is the best character in the game?"...
11f mid at +7 it's not a frame trap... and everything it's armorable.Kung lao is +7, what does that mean? Now you have to use a 12 frame/mid low attack in order to to frame trap characters who try poking. I really don't understand how this under any circumstance kills the character. All this did was remove the jailing properties(which works when it wants too) of his long string. I swear half of you are acting like your character got the injustice scorpion treatment and it's a little fucking sickening.
Your character got a fucking slap on the wrist compared to cassie(who lost armor on ex flip and got it to 7 frames) and probably tanya/quan. Level up.
at least someone understands... the only nerf that I would agree with is decreasing his j2 range.Not going to lie, I feel sorry for you guys, I didn't want lao to get nerfed. He was fine as he was, hell I thought all the top tiers were fair and balanced and the only changes that were needed was that the low tiers needed buffs
yes it is because you can beat 6 frames pokes which is the fastest move(ok 5 frames because of liu w/e) even then ex hat into d+4 works. This nerf isn't as bad as any of you make it.11f mid at +7 it's not a frame trap... and everything it's armorable.
112124xxexhat didnt jail in 11, or well, it did against armour attempt with a chirurgical run 11 on stand block (Utopia), but even then it was pokable.
112124xexhat into d4 or f2 were his only frame traps (with the f2 being just frame).
you can log off nowyes it is because you can beat 6 frames pokes which is the fastest move(ok 5 frames because of liu w/e) even then ex hat into d+4 works. This nerf isn't as bad as any of you make it.
as long as it's armorable, it's not a frame trapyes it is because you can beat 6 frames pokes which is the fastest move(ok 5 frames because of liu w/e) even then ex hat into d+4 works. This nerf isn't as bad as any of you make it.