Played 16 since day one. Not because i think hes cool as a character. But because hes super fun to use and hes totally bullshit. Those resets are ridiculous.
Also theres zero characters in this game that dont have ridiculous bullshit. And it makes me laugh when people bitch about 16 and then use goku black, adult gohan, kid buu, the blues, android 18, 21, teen gohan, or trunks like theyre totally fine.
"Lol 16 ia like a version of a character we joked would be dumb in a completely different game because that context is totally relevant here." Shut up.
No one is getting nerfed. Welcome to arcsys games.
Arcsys have actually done a lot more nerfing/adjusting in the general - in GG at least - over the last two-ish years. There was some article/interview I read a while back that said the company wasn't against patching as a general rule, but they served a more niche audience and had a huge focus on arcade stuff as well, and as a result, rolling out patches and such was very difficult and very costly. Making it impractical.
DBFz definitely isn't niche and the money it's making and ease with which patches can roll out now (distribution platforms are reducing or negating patch fees), and - I would assume - a desire to keep the enormous DBFz audience happy all point to the POSSIBILITY of more frequent patching. If done right, they have everything to gain, and very little to lose. IF DONE RIGHT.
But I dont ever see them knee-jerk patching.
All that said, the only two characters in the game that imo need anything adjusted down, are 16 and Cell. I could see Black getting touched possibly.. and I worry that Hit might develop into something that needs a tap on the head.. but I'd much rather see some of the lesser used characters made stronger. With 16 and Cell if like anything done to be decently light touch.. but they are a clear step up on even the other characters that feel like a clear step up on the rest of the roster. I don't think they are broken by any means, I just think they over step the power threshold the game should probably aim for. But then again, if everyone could be brought up (or found to already be) at minimum the area characters like 21 and trunks occupy, then fuck it, leave em alone.
I've played 16 quite a lot.. but stopped simply because I thought I was winning, but wasn't getting any better at the game, this early in a games life I want to focus on improving at the core systems and such, so I replaced him. Of course, that said, I'm still a scumbag and play Hit, Black and Teen Gohan.