You completely ignored everything I said, and you’re spouting random business jargon that shows you know nothing about development.Sorry man but you dont seem to get it. Ofc more hours are needed in order to deliver a good product faster but that doesnt mean you have to overwork your employees, its just a damn excuse. If you hire more employees from the start instead of purposely rely on crunch you wouldnt have to put your workers through that.
Companies plan ahead, they know how long things might take they just prefer to go with the bare minimum (or even less) + crunch/content delay cuz they can get away with it. A company like NRS/WB could easily hire more peoples, before starting or during a project, and still make a buttload of money. These additional employees would provide more work time/week without overworking people to the bones.
Sure they need to reduce their estimated profit calculations, so what? If they dont like that they could reduce top managment salaray by a bit and/or their bonuses. And there are other options to chose from as well in order to make it happen. Its just that overworking employees (calculated i might add) is easier and more profitable for them.
You can make all the game industry examples that you want it still wont make you right. You are totally missing the point. Video game companies, especially AAA ones, can easily afford to hire more personal for their projects. Its not a consumer mentality problem but a company mentality problem. Tired of repeating myself really, so here one last time, just for you... NO we are not responsible for how companies treat their employees. We are also not spoiled or stupid or anything for saying 2 months to release 1 DLC character is a long time because it is a damn long time. It can be done in half that, no overworking employees required etcetc unless you a) dont want to or b) you dont have enough employees; which is either cuz 1) you wanted it that way (possibly abusing crunch) or 2) your planing/calculations sucked. Its the companies fault period.
You cannot ‘hire more people’ to complete a focused task faster. This myth is called The Mythical Man Month and it’s one of the biggest common fallacies perpetuated by people who know nothing about developing software.
Mythical Man Month - The Cliff Notes | 8th Light
If you've ever worked on a software development project under a time crunch, then you may have heard the phrase

If you would actually read what’s being said, you would learn something about how this works. But throwing more people at a problem has the opposite effect in this situation.
So yes, you can’t have your cake and eat it too here. If you care about the hours of the dev team, then you accept that giving them a decent weekly schedule and some breaks will result in certain content taking longer to develop. You cannot force your way around this, it’s just how development works.