It just doesn't feel like a true MK game to me. It's obvious that the devs were rushed and they didn't get to do everything they wanted to do.
- Variations are worse than MKX.
- Towers of Time is basically the same as the Multiverse from Injustice 2, and nothing really new and meaningful is presented.
- No minigames like Test Your Might, despite said minigame being in the previous two MK games.
- Brutalities were a fun mechanic in MKX that was ruined in this game because of the fact that they take too long to unlock.
- The online space is confusing. You basically have Ranked (Kombat League), fake-Ranked (normal Ranked), Casual, then Super Casual (customs allowed).
- Progression is a joke, especially if you prefer playing multiplayer.
- Most of the skins in the game looked super rushed and shitty, yet you have to grind for them.
- No important post-launch updates like hitbox fixes, better Krushing Blow requirements for Shao and Johnny, etc.
- Characters feel shallow somehow, even though the game seems to be more competitively-focused in comparison to the past two MK titles.
- It's cool they got Cary Tagawa to play Shang, but dropped the ball on his playstyle/variations like you said. Not a lot of hope for future characters.
- Longer support = things take longer to come out, so far.
- Microtransactions -- already shitting -- but, you can't actually buy what you want with said microtransactions because you have to wait for what you want to appear in some small shop pool, and it seems to only ever update with Frost, Skarlet, and Scorpion skins over and over again. So even shittier.
- No communication from NRS because they feel the need to do some grand presentation every time they show something off. No roadmap, blog updates, or video updates like many other devs do. You HAVE to deal with silence that way they can build "anticipation", which actually just frustrates the player base because there's no fucking communcation going on on what to expect, whether or not they see our concerns, etc.
- Worst launch in NRS history that killed the release hype, because of the insane grinding and difficulty of Towers of Time and Krypt. Had to do the first ever "emergency Kombat Kast" just to try to save face.
- If that past 4 NRS games are anything to go by, they are probably already working on another game.
And I could keep going on if I really wanted to.
I wouldn't say it's a bad game, but I wouldn't really say that it's a good game either. It's just "meh" in it's current state. It feels lacking on a lot of fronts, and it hasn't held my attention well. I haven't played in weeks, though I am thinking of giving it another chance soon.
It's a shame, because I feel that the core combat is the best out of any NRS game. It feels like they finally got it right, for me anyway. But with shallow characters, hitbox problems, bad Krushing Blow requirements, annoying Fatal Blows, and all of the issues I named above along with some other things, it's just kinda hard to care about the game. I LOVE MK, I've been a mega fan since forever, but I'm not going to lie to myself and pretend like I'm enjoying MK11 when I'm not.
The fact of the matter is that I'm having more fun playing other games, and that's that.