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Cyborg General Discussion Thread


I like the MB Power Fist but it can be interupted. Im learning Cyborg more and more and Im starting to realize that its a bad idea to do TA without a nova bast in play. Just to keep the enemy from interfering. Also the sky grapple as a means of approach seems not to work as well as a means of retreat, bit it seems inconsistent on what actually it can armor through. I get hit by some projectiles but others I can armor through.
I basically try to grapple the split second I am going to get hit and the armor activates reliably. Lab it vs Dr. Fate or Deadshot projectiles.


3 things
1) what do you think of the buffs?
2) who do you guys use as a secondary to cyborg?
3) does anyone want to play on ps4 sometime? add me wakandasking

i like the buffs it makes me feel like the character isnt total garbage anymore. I used to get salty because of the no wake up attack but its so much better having it, it makes a world of difference. plus i use the low as a footsie tool which as been working decently

ive been using manta and swamp thing as a back up to cyborg both play footsies in different ways which helpful since cyborgs arent great
Only real buff he got was a fully invincible wakeup and his sweep going from -16 to -8. The 23 changes are an overall nerf imo as a single digit centimeter increase in range doesn’t make up for the fact that it’s minus on block now when it used to be neutral. MBing power fist on block is completely useless as it has a 10 frame gap which the entire cast can easily full combo punish.

I use black adam and aquaman as secondaries. My psn is xMEECHx2015 if you wanna play.


Crossplay Username: NoGoodMids
Cyborg still has bad mus so it's good to have a secondary I've been using block strings from @Kekoa they work well in the corner catching them if they disrespect cyborg isn't amazing full screen against all characters so blockstrings are good I've been testing b123 into trait midscreen if I can't open someone up so far it catches them off guard but by any means you shouldn't use it as a main block string

I know I'm talking about block strings a lot but kekoa made a really great corner one and it works amazing to this day get a hard knockdown into TA then b12 or b123 into towards roomba then b123 SD cancel into another b12 into grapple and j3 into another b123 SD grants you a bar just for doing it if they poke full combo them on reaction. Long post but keep in mind pushblock them into TA or trait and use block strings and thow in tts once in a while if they are stand blocking

The new db3 is only good if you are using 112 and 113 a lot during the match I use it as footsies and off off hard knockdown setups

pf mb can get poked out so I usually don't use it in the corner maybe once during the set if I have the lead
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I love catcing people with his J2 and J1 crossup. Its almost a guaranteed hit in the corner.

If I land b12xxbf1 or b2xxdb1mb which keeps them standing, do have enough time to get a TA/trait out?


Crossplay Username: NoGoodMids
Can you mb roll while holding nb?

Also I've eliminated the opponent's delayed wakeup to avoid pressure by getting close and delaying b231 right until they stand up they think the game is lagging or it just hits them and you can jail it into mbf3(on block) or db3 on hit:cool: and since they are delaying wu they can't wake up (lol) #holdit

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Can you mb roll while holding nb?

Yep, I use it do get out the corner a lot. So sometimes I'll do 113 XX NB cancel into MB roll into grapple. It catches a lot of people of guard and creates great space (you obtain mid screen position while they are in the corner) since most don't know what the hell is going on haha

You can also use it as a gimmick off a hit. Like sometimes I do MBb3 j3 j2 112 NB cancel into MB roll and I end up on the other side. Usually they are still ducking and I smack them over the dome with a naked f3. I have a few gifs on it in Kekoa's thread, and I used it in the set I played against Chongo in the match footage thread also


Crossplay Username: NoGoodMids
Yep, I use it do get out the corner a lot. So sometimes I'll do 113 XX NB cancel into MB roll into grapple. It catches a lot of people of guard and creates great space (you obtain mid screen position while they are in the corner) since most don't know what the hell is going on haha

You can also use it as a gimmick off a hit. Like sometimes I do MBb3 j3 j2 112 NB cancel into MB roll and I end up on the other side. Usually they are still ducking and I smack them over the dome with a naked f3. I have a few gifs on it in Kekoa's thread, and I used it in the set I played against Chongo in the match footage thread also
Im definitely gonna try that today


*Supreme Member*
Which character(s) do you guys use to cover bad match-ups?
In other words, good alts for Cyborg?


What's the frame data on his 23 string now? I didn't realized they'd changed it.
It’s -1 on block now when it used to be 0. Bad enough that he doesn’t have a 6 frame d1, now he totally loses his turn once they block it. Stupid nerf imo.


Which character(s) do you guys use to cover bad match-ups?
In other words, good alts for Cyborg?
Darkseid and Hellboy are borderline unwinnable in my opinion. I use aquaman for darkseid and black Adam for Hellboy. Other notable bad matchups imo are batman, cheetah, supergirl, green lantern, and catwoman.


@HiddenSelectCounterPick here's a good example, keep in mind you can do this off a block string as well (so like b123 nb into MB roll, then grapple)

I don’t mean to be a negative Nancy but you shouldn’t be using that F2 into TA setup. They can literally just punish you if they tech roll sine f2 isn’t a hard knockdown. Considering how easy it is to tech roll and how often high level players will tech roll, this setup is a gimmick.
I don’t mean to be a negative Nancy but you shouldn’t be using that F2 into TA setup. They can literally just punish you if they tech roll sine f2 isn’t a hard knockdown. Considering how easy it is to tech roll and how often high level players will tech roll, this setup is a gimmick.
I use gimmicks sparingly, in this case it worked so I see no harm in using it. Plus, I have tech roll setups off it as well so I see no foul here haha. I'm just having fun with the character, and plus the gif was to show off how to get out of the corner but I appreciate the insight.
I don’t mean to be a negative Nancy but you shouldn’t be using that F2 into TA setup. They can literally just punish you if they tech roll sine f2 isn’t a hard knockdown. Considering how easy it is to tech roll and how often high level players will tech roll, this setup is a gimmick.
You can also cancel ta and dash in to apply pressure and even f3/b3 mb to punish wus. It all comes down to conditioning especially if its in set play


Crossplay Username: NoGoodMids
Waiting for mk11

I wish 112 was mid mid overhead with a better hit box with MKX kano's advancing properties

cyborg loyalist out.

Actually I was gonna delete this post but I change my mind, we need to post what's working as a cyborg community idc if you won a torney if you don't have the footage or can let's us know what has been working cyborgs zoning can't give you the win everytime
This isn't just for you but we need to post what's working It doesn't matter if any of us can win a tourney or against high lv play if we aren't discussing what works none of us are going to get better, heck try shooting a nb at hellboy.....we can't just zone all match it doesn't work in every mu, not to many people implementing @Kekoa 's block strings either in any of these videos just in mine not in tourney gameplay either. I'm getting tired of nobody discussing any tech or just liking the posts on here, I might drop this character if nobody wants to explain or inform
"what's working" His zoning isn't great.

-end of rant
Actually I was gonna delete this post but I change my mind, we need to post what's working as a cyborg community idc if you won a torney if you don't have the footage or can let's us know what has been working cyborgs zoning can't give you the win everytime

This isn't just for you but we need to post what's working It doesn't matter if any of us can win a tourney or against high lv play if we aren't discussing what works none of us are going to get better, heck try shooting a nb at hellboy.....we can't just zone all match it doesn't work in every mu, not to many people implementing @Kekoa 's block strings either in any of these videos just in mine not in tourney gameplay either. I'm getting tired of nobody discussing any tech or just liking the posts on here, I might drop this character if nobody wants to explain or inform
"what's working" His zoning isn't great.

-end of rant
I've been dealing with school, and since it's almost the end of the semester I haven't been able to post much content. But I promise you, that once my winter break starts I'll most definetly be in there to help out.

I think what's will be important going forward as a community is identifying matches were Cyborg can zone effectively, and where in other matchup he should try to play a mid screen footsie game to score damage.

From playing against recent hellboy's, his gun shot is at a height, that unless timed perfectly, you cannot jump over and do diagonal fireball. I actually haven't had the chance to download him yet (...school) but I feel against bellboy you need to stay close (probably from ranges 1-3) and play footsies, score knockdowns, and occasionally use NB as a poking tool as well.

There are several other matchups that I need to go over trade situations, the only one's I'm most familiar with is BB, Aquaman, Superman and Dr. Fate. If we can understand the trade situations, then breaking down the zoning aspect shouldn't be too difficult.


Buluc Chabtan
There are several other matchups that I need to go over trade situations, the only one's I'm most familiar with is BB, Aquaman, Superman and Dr. Fate. If we can understand the trade situations, then breaking down the zoning aspect shouldn't be too difficult.
Recently, I think that I've figured out the trade situations against Green Arrow. When executed correctly, he is essentially forced to change from keepaway/zoning with fire arrows to rushdown with ice arrows (which is better for Cyborg). I'll try to post the details sometime in the near future