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Crazy Stories Thread


When I was 6, I got some pretty bad splinters stuck in my ring finger (had just gotten first pair of roller-blades, slipped, grabbed onto wooden wall). My uncle who was watching me and my sister who was 1 at the time said that he'd have to pull them out with tweezers. I'm horrified.
He goes into the downstairs bathroom to get the tweezers. I run upstairs and hide under a bed, there were some boxers under the bed that I use as a shield to block me from sight. He thinks I ran out the back door.

So now all sorts of family members are searching for me. My mom is called from whatever errand she was running. She's super paranoid and probably thought I was kidnapped/raped/murdered in no particular order. They alert the police as they go searching around the neighborhood. My grandmother actually looks under the bed I'm hidden under, but I am well concealed by the boxes.

After a few hours have passed, I get bored. I see my 1 year old sister walking by the bed. I get her attention. My grandmother walks into the room to tend to my sister. The little bitch points to where I'm hiding. I am found. It takes about 3 people to pull me from under the bed. 4 to restrain me while the splinters are brutally extracted from my fingers.

I projectile vomit, shit everywhere, get laid, etc. Still have the scar.

Moral of the story, don't get splinters, adults suck at hide-and-seek, girls are bitches as early as 1 year old and cannot be trusted.

I'm still not on speaking terms with my sister.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
When I was 6, I got some pretty bad splinters stuck in my ring finger (had just gotten first pair of roller-blades, slipped, grabbed onto wooden wall). My uncle who was watching me and my sister who was 1 at the time said that he'd have to pull them out with tweezers. I'm horrified.
He goes into the downstairs bathroom to get the tweezers. I run upstairs and hide under a bed, there were some boxers under the bed that I use as a shield to block me from sight. He thinks I ran out the back door.

So now all sorts of family members are searching for me. My mom is called from whatever errand she was running. She's super paranoid and probably thought I was kidnapped/raped/murdered in no particular order. They alert the police as they go searching around the neighborhood. My grandmother actually looks under the bed I'm hidden under, but I am well concealed by the boxes.

After a few hours have passed, I get bored. I see my 1 year old sister walking by the bed. I get her attention. My grandmother walks into the room to tend to my sister. The little bitch points to where I'm hiding. I am found. It takes about 3 people to pull me from under the bed. 4 to restrain me while the splinters are brutally extracted from my fingers.

I projectile vomit, shit everywhere and get laid. Still have the scar.

Moral of the story, don't get splinters, adults suck at hide-and-seek, girls are bitches as early as 1 year old and cannot be trusted.

I'm still not on speaking terms with my sister.
....grabs a tweezers :D

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
A few weeks ago I was driving across Texas to get back to my hometown since I had a 4 day weekend from school. Been on the road for like 3 hours and had about another 1 or 2 to go so I stopped at a Gas station to fill up and hit the restrooms. I walk in and everything seems fine until I open the door to the bathroom. There was just shit EVERYWHERE. The walls, the sink, the hand dryer, the fucking ceiling. Everywhere BUT the toilet. It's like they didn't even attempt to get it in there. I just stood there flabbergasted for a few seconds and just did a complete U-Turn and got the fuck outta there as fast as I could.
Coulda sworn I heard this story somewhere.I'm going to bust it just like I busted Soapbox with DashieXP's story.



Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I don't know if it's sad that people have to copy other peoples stories online, or good that you've never been in an awkward/strange situation. I have many but I can't tell some of them. You guys need to get out more and do shit you're not supposed to. After all, you're not going to get very many good stories of "so yeah, I was in my room playing video games this one time..."

Just sayin. :p


kung lao swag walker
So I talk on the phone to one of my exes cause well I'm cool with all of them. So we had recently enjoyed the le sexy times. As we talk on the phone she says "Hey Quan" and I respond "Yeah babe whats up" She then happily responds "When we do it next time I want you to stick your finger up my butt when we do it." Now this appalls me cause I don't play around no ones booty hole. I say "No, what the hell is wrong with you" She then tries to rationalize it, and say it feels good. I still am adamant on this no butt hole thing though. She then asks me why. I cleverly respond "POOP COMES OUT THERE". She then says l"Look n***a. You gonna play with my ass, and YOU gonna give me a baby. I didn't speak to her for like 2 weeks after that .

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I don't know if it's sad that people have to copy other peoples stories online, or good that you've never been in an awkward/strange situation. I have many but I can't tell some of them. You guys need to get out more and do shit you're not supposed to. After all, you're not going to get very many good stories of "so yeah, I was in my room playing video games this one time..."

Just sayin. :p
You don't need to go all YOLO to get in an awkward situation.In fact, the nerdier you are, the more awkward things happen to you.

Like this one time, at band camp...


A few weeks ago I was driving across Texas to get back to my hometown since I had a 4 day weekend from school. Been on the road for like 3 hours and had about another 1 or 2 to go so I stopped at a Gas station to fill up and hit the restrooms. I walk in and everything seems fine until I open the door to the bathroom. There was just shit EVERYWHERE. The walls, the sink, the hand dryer, the fucking ceiling. Everywhere BUT the toilet. It's like they didn't even attempt to get it in there. I just stood there flabbergasted for a few seconds and just did a complete U-Turn and got the fuck outta there as fast as I could.
I've seen that exact scenario before. Except I was working at the gas station and had to clean it...


kung lao swag walker
One time my oldest and greatest friend in the world ran over his minutes because he was talking to this girl names Ashley. So in order to not tell his their mom his brother asked him to cook him some hamburgers. He replied " What am I? Yo bitch?" Well since he did not comply his brother told on him. So his mother is cop, and so she has the ability to travel quite quickly. That being said in like 10minutes she went by then we heard a loud BAM!!!! Several seconds later she came, and kicked the door of his room down. She swiftly and adeptly took him down, and proceeded to beat the living hell out of him. This whole time his brother, his girlfriends brother, and I looked on in horror as we saw a grown man get his ass whooped. She then directed her attention at us. My friend rose though. he said the most priceless and greatest words ever spoken that day. "You may have beat me mom, but I'm your son. I will always love you, and be there. Just remember this when when you need me." His words gave us the much needed time to flee with our asses intact


Go to hell.
I took my dog for a run today and I usually give him some ice cubes when we get back because he likes to lay on the floor and chew on them to cool off.

Today was the warmest day that we've had in a while and I was so damned thirsty myself that I forgot to get him ice cubes before I made myself a big glass of ice water.

So I finally started to relax, lean back a little and put the glass up to my mouth. And just when I was about to get my first gulp of delicious, cold, refreshing ice water, my dog walked up and smashed his nose right in between my nuts.

It scared the shit out of me and knocked the wind out of me so bad that it put me on one knee and I completely dropped the ice water all over the floor. My dog walked over to one of the ice cubes, put it in his mouth and walked into the other room with it like he had it all planned out.
Well, I was going to post a story...

until I read this.


My blades will find your heart
I dont have many awkward moments thankfully. Maybe one from last Friday..ah screw it.

So it's Friday after school and I am tired as hell. That day was the first day I drove to school and back, so it was the first time trying to get out of a crowded ass parking lot with two exits. Finally I get up to where I turn and being the impatient dumbass I am, try to turn into one lane without hitting the car in the middle lane right next to me. I drive a ford expedition(big ass truck) so not only did I not make it I ended up running on the curb with the front half of my car up on the curb. I am freaking out, cursing loudly, and there was a girl like a foot from the front of my car. I didnt pay any attention to her because I was just trying to get back on the road, so I had to reverse and keep going. It freaked me out so much I pretty much dropped f bombs the whole way home.

I had brushed it off that night as a rookie's mistake and thought nothing of it. So today at school I was just walking along, minding my own business when I hear someone shout 'Derek, Why did you try and Kill me on Friday!?!?". So I turned around wondering what the hell this girl was talking about, and it turns out to be one of my really close friends I haven't seen since last year. And it just so happened to turn out to be her who I almost ran over. So I have to talk to a person who I haven't seen in a year and almost ran over. We actually kind of laughed about it, but It still felt really awkward the entire time.

Like I said, not many awkward stories lol.

DJ L Toro

So it's Friday after school and I am tired as hell. I'm trying to get out of a crowded ass parking lot with no exits. Finally I get up to where I turn and being the impatient dumbass I am, try to turn into one lane without hitting the car in the middle lane. I fuck up and now all 4 tires of my big ass truck are on the sidewalk. Suddenly this little girl pops up in front of my bumper saying "aaaah help me," and i'm like "GET THE FUCK OUT THE WAY." She does, I go home.

Anyway, today at school I was walking along, minding my damn business when I hear someone shout 'Derek, Why did you try and Kill me on Friday!?!?". So I turned around hand up ready to slap a ho, and it turns out to be one of my really close friends I haven't seen since last year. Now I have to explain to one of my best friends why my tire marks almost were permanently on her face, awkward as hell.
maaaan this could have been so funny if it were delivered a little differently. I edited it to make it better.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
A few weeks ago I was driving across Texas to get back to my hometown since I had a 4 day weekend from school. Been on the road for like 3 hours and had about another 1 or 2 to go so I stopped at a Gas station to fill up and hit the restrooms. I walk in and everything seems fine until I open the door to the bathroom. There was just shit EVERYWHERE. The walls, the sink, the hand dryer, the fucking ceiling. Everywhere BUT the toilet. It's like they didn't even attempt to get it in there. I just stood there flabbergasted for a few seconds and just did a complete U-Turn and got the fuck outta there as fast as I could.
Did you check the doorknob? Cause, if you didn't... you totally drove on with shit on your hands. lolz