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Crazy Stories Thread


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I can't say that anything strange or awkward has ever happened to me. That may be because I never leave the house unless I have to ^_^ ... I've never broken a bone or been to the emergency room; don't give a shit about outdoor activities or participating in sports. I am actually surprised that I don't weigh 900 pounds. Karma says that a plane or car will crash into my house soon though lol

DJ L Toro

Another one of mine.

So my grandparents had finally gotten internet at their house (this was like, 8 years ago) and I'm over there with my parents and sister. So I'm using the computer and my grandpa comes up and says to me "Hey, can you go to the Black's website for me? I wanna check the price on a camera." (Black's as in the photography store). Neither of us new what the actual website was, so instead of doing the logical thing and googling it, he suggests trying just blacks.com. Not even thinking, I type it in. Once the page loaded, we turned to face each other with no expression at all, and quickly closed the window (ended up being a black porn site lmao).

Ever since that day, I google EVERY website I want to go to. No exceptions.
lol, just checked, still a black porn site XD


Grapple > Footsies
Most awkward moment I can think of is when I worked in sales and was taking boxes out to the dumpster early in the morning and I saw this dude squatting down right next to it. As I got closer I saw he was straight up taking a shit. No one else was around. We made eye contact and he said the following: "Man, my....my stomache hurt". I didn't say anything just turned and walked away. I could see the shame in his eyes. What was really fucked up was that he was pretty much standing in his own watery shit. No one cleaned it up so it stayed there for like a week. Liquid shit stains probably still there. Nasty fucker.


Dead Kings Rise
The answer is yes if you want a spoiler to that debate
Maybe tomorrow, I'm tired as fuh right now son. I have a story that I just remebered.

I broke my elbow in 2nd grade by falling down the stairs (also cracked my head open like a walnut.) I was taken to the hospital, and they put me in the machine so I could get an MRI. They said to be as still as possible, so I did...........until I remembered this really funny joke. I start giggling, and try to stop because I didn't want to upset the doctor. I thought of something that would make me sad, so I thought what would happen if my dog died. I start crying, and the doctor comes in and says "Good job son. Whats the matter?" and I say "What if my dog died?" in the most saddest/drugged up voice.

DJ L Toro

Most awkward moment I can think of is when I worked in sales and was taking boxes out to the dumpster early in the morning and I saw this dude squatting down right next to it. As I got closer I saw he was straight up taking a shit. No one else was around. We made eye contact and he said the following: "Man, my....my stomache hurt". I didn't say anything just turned and walked away. I could see the shame in his eyes. What was really fucked up was that he was pretty much standing in his own watery shit. No one cleaned it up so it stayed there for like a week. Liquid shit stains probably still there. Nasty fucker.
i thought you were about to tell Derpin Errday's story from the employee's perspective, that would have been funny


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Went to my friends party in high school. It was actually a good party. Beer pong, women, music, even some video games oddly enough. I played every match of beer pong, but every match was close. This mixed with a bunch of Jack and Cokes and "other stuff", I got black out drunk (second time ever got black out drunk).

So I pass out on the couch. As like, 4 chicks and 2 of my friends are walking by, I wake up, point to the floor and say "pooop" and proceed to vomit the most vomit I've ever seen in my life. It was like a sink full of vomit. My friends had blank stares, girls looked sick, and I laughed and went back to sleep.

I guess it was more awkward for my friends, because even though I was fucked up, I still found it hilarious. But nowadays they find it funny too, it seems every time I'm around them they say "do you remember that time...", lol.


Back-dash Adam
Ok this was probably the most embarrassing times of my life,so im at a party and i was really drunk, so i started playing a game of beer pong, eventually this girl turns to my friend vince and suggests we pretty much play strip beer pong, so naturally we all agree to play, so i eventually missed and took off my shirt, then again and took off my pants, i couldve just taken off my shoe or a sock but im the biggest, most under the influence idiot in the world, all of a sudden we hear knocking at the door, so me and my friend( who is shirtless and is barefoot) go to get the door, thinking it was just more people coming in. So he opens up the door and who else but two police officers are at the door. my jaw dropped and i booked it. I ran through the kitchen, grabbed my shit, and bolted out the back door, the only thing in my way from getting away was a fence so i went to hop it, but i slipped and the inside of my thigh got cut open by a sharp part of the fence....
<little bit like this except pointed at the top, so at this point im waddling down the street, at 1am, in my boxers, while bleeding, i had no clue where to go but a nearby friends house so i went there, i knocked on the door, half naked, bleeding, sweating, and who else decides to answer it besides my ex girlfriend and the girl i had a crush on -_- I immediately started blushing while they laughed uncontrollably and got to the bathroom as fast as i could, i ended up spending the night there and having a good time, but, now its a never ending joke with them and i still have a scar on the inside of my leg.....it itches


Staff Tier
My senior year in high school I was talking with a friend going up the stairs and behind me was this latina butch lesbian. I had a class with her and though she was hilarious. So walking up the stairs i hear "damn shorties gotta fat ass" so i turned around and said "somebody noticed!" and she said "not you bitch". ;_;


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
every now and then i will go into training, sometimes for hours, trying to find new things for Rain. I study his frame data exclusive, run all the pros and con thought my head, and at last I come up with sometime amazing! The strangest, and most awkward things happen to me when find these things though, and this isn't a one time thing. I will take this new tech online, but it seems like the whole game changes once i find a match, anti airs somehow get beat out by JIPs, counter poking gets spit on by punishable specials, uppercuts, and anything else that requires no skill or thought. It seems as thought players who have just picked up the game can give the most experienced players the hardest time. has this ever happened to you guys? because it's the strangest thing to ever happen to me in a video game.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Another story I have.Not too long so it's not really THAT awkward.

I was in the train station last year it's winter time so everyone's waiting in the inside part of it.I'm there on my phone on twitter when I suddenly needed the urge to fart.I normally fart silent-but-deadly but for some reason it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.

So I fart loud-and-proud still on Twitter and I see in my peripheral(sp?) vision that everyone is staring at me.I ignore and wait for the train and when it did came the person who was standing next to me says "We don't have time right now but I'll teach you a trick to fart silently if ever I see you again".

what the hell? They will "teach" you to fart silently? And apparently it takes time! that's golden!


A few weeks ago I was driving across Texas to get back to my hometown since I had a 4 day weekend from school. Been on the road for like 3 hours and had about another 1 or 2 to go so I stopped at a Gas station to fill up and hit the restrooms. I walk in and everything seems fine until I open the door to the bathroom. There was just shit EVERYWHERE. The walls, the sink, the hand dryer, the fucking ceiling. Everywhere BUT the toilet. It's like they didn't even attempt to get it in there. I just stood there flabbergasted for a few seconds and just did a complete U-Turn and got the fuck outta there as fast as I could.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
A few weeks ago I was driving across Texas to get back to my hometown since I had a 4 day weekend from school. Been on the road for like 3 hours and had about another 1 or 2 to go so I stopped at a Gas station to fill up and hit the restrooms. I walk in and everything seems fine until I open the door to the bathroom. There was just shit EVERYWHERE. The walls, the sink, the hand dryer, the fucking ceiling. Everywhere BUT the toilet. It's like they didn't even attempt to get it in there. I just stood there flabbergasted for a few seconds and just did a complete U-Turn and got the fuck outta there as fast as I could.
Dem gas station bathrooms....looool