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Community Concerns Regarding NEC '13


Plays too much Civ
A simple rotation of who are the elders would allow for tournament flexibility and take the burden off of those who can't travel to every tournament and allow for those chosen to be elders to not feel as though their tourney career is over.

Agreed with Soonk. If you make the bracket for "x" tourney, you shouldn't participate. You can assist in making sure matches are occurring as scheduled but nothing more. It's the only way to quell the paranoia.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
We NEED to have our own public point system for our FGC tournaments. This way if WW has 3000 points and Blue nine has 2000 or whatever, there can be no speculation or argument. That would solve everything.
i just go by recent tournament placings

for example if someone asked me to turn in FR seedings for this weekend i would combine seeds from MLGs, evo, and last 3 Majors and apply that to the participants coming to make an accurate seed list


Plays too much Civ
We NEED to have our own public point system for our FGC tournaments. This way if WW has 3000 points and Blue nine has 2000 or whatever, there can be no speculation or argument. That would solve everything.
I think a good way to start is to seed the players in the major regions themselves since we prioritze making sure we don't have 5 KH, VSM etc in the same pool.


Joker waiting room
theres a reason the NFL #1 seed plays the lowest seed in the playoffs
i dont watch sports or know the terminology :(

this sounds to me like top players are being given the first few games for free as to face their fellow top players later and on stream, isnt this disadvantageous towards other players? i sure as hell would be displeased if at a tourney i had to fight pl first round because the organisers didnt want him going home soon fighting someone up to his caliber


G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
i just go by recent tournament placings

for example if someone asked me to turn in FR seedings for this weekend i would combine seeds from MLGs, evo, and last 3 Majors and apply that to the participants coming to make an accurate seed list
We did this, and there was still issues because people felt blue nine deserved a higher seed based off of top 8 placings. I think each tournament should be given a certain amount of points depending on how many top players were there.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
i dont watch sports or know the terminology :(

this sounds to me like top players are being given the first few games for free as to face their fellow top players later and on stream, isnt this disadvantageous towards other players? i sure as hell would be displeased if at a tourney i had to fight pl first round because the organisers didnt want him going home soon fighting someone up to his caliber

My first real tourney i played in.. I had to fight CD jr first match lol


because you could have pl playing jr first round
Why is this such an issue. Jesus if the NFL was like the FGC we would have the Patriots playing the Browns 6 games a year. If two popular and excellent players get each other in the first round who cares? You get knocked to losers bracket and have to battle through adversity.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
We did this, and there was still issues because people felt blue nine deserved a higher seed based off of top 8 placings. I think each tournament should be given a certain amount of points depending on how many top players were there.
NFG baby

thats what i used to turn in my seedings to shin for fr 2012

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Wait a minute.

Are you fools saying that Rob rigged the brackets to help VSM players?

By the way, the X-Box 360 lags more than the PS3. Console Combat used both and we decided PS3 was superior.
this is simply because you all are so used to the ps3.
even playing on inferior consoles creates reactions and habits required by such a thing. DOn't kid yourself..... the ps3 version of the game is a port of the xbox version.... and therefore in itself, is the inferior platform for the game.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
i dont watch sports or know the terminology :(

this sounds to me like top players are being given the first few games for free as to face their fellow top players later and on stream, isnt this disadvantageous towards other players? i sure as hell would be displeased if at a tourney i had to fight pl first round because the organisers didnt want him going home soon fighting someone up to his caliber

seeding does what it is supposed to do. It lets the new guys test there worth against the best and it lets the tried and true best fight for the title. If reo fought maxter first round and you gave a guy who never goes to a tournament an easy ride, you could have reo vs newbie in grand finals and its a blowout. GF is designed to be the best caliber fight.


Joker waiting room
seeding does what it is supposed to do. It lets the new guys test there worth against the best and it lets the tried and true best fight for the title. If reo fought maxter first round and you gave a guy who never goes to a tournament an easy ride, you could have reo vs newbie in grand finals and its a blowout. GF is designed to be the best caliber fight.
i take it if someones a newbie they wont get through 5+ fights without meeting at least one experienced player

besides, are the top players incompetent of coming back from losers? the situation youre describing assumes the newbie beats the winner of losers

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
i take it if someones a newbie they wont get through 5+ fights without meeting at least one experienced player

besides, are the top players incompetent of coming back from losers? the situation youre describing assumes the newbie beats the winner of losers
a newcomer should be forced to prove there worth. If they werent good enough to beat reo first round it wouldnt matter anyways...yet the other way has Maxter going down early when that was potentially the best fight of the day. like pig said #logic

its done this way for a reason.


Modest and humble genitalia destroyer
I wasn't there so take into consideration what I'm going to say is from a spectator perspective:

But, TO is not exactly party time, get babes and be the hero of the community. The reality is it's the shitty part of the community. Not only you have pressure from god knows how many parties, but you have to please everybody which is almost impossible. From what I read here, there were flaws at NEC and they were laid out.

However, instead of pointing fingers to people, let's lay out the facts:

From what I gathered:

1. Some stations were left un-used.
2. The Riu48 Situation.
3. The Pimpuigi or whatever situation
4. The seeding situation.

Those points are what I gathered from this thread.

Let's go point by point and analyse what truly would've been the best situation shall we?

1. The TO were probably busy dealing with unexpected problems that needed immediate fix. It's no big deal, nobody died but it's on the 'Please be careful' kind of issue. I don't think anyone is gonna hate one of the TO for that situation. It's not a big deal. Nobody died, every one played their matches but it could've been faster. True.

2. Quite honestly, that too isn't that big of a deal FROM my perspective. Hell you guys got one more player at the tournament? Didn't we used to bitch about 'the lack of turn-out'? The guy informed some of the TO personally and explained the situation and it worked out in the end. You lost to RIU48? He was just the guy who took you out. That's tournament life. There's no 'What if' or 'I would've...'. Riu48 didn't commit any crime, he showed up late and let people know beforehand.

Dark Rob claimed he forgot, quite honestly shit happens. You aren't happy with it? Organise it.

3. The kid is the wrong kind of shady from what I hear, and he smells too. That's based on what I read again.

4. You got 1 hour to shit the best brackets. It's impossible to land a perfect with that many variables.

So quite honestly, yes there are concerns and let us speak about it to progress and be better. But accusing and throwing allegations will just make us hate each others and solve fucking nothing.

How about we see the GOOD side of NEC? Over 100 people registration? Good shit MK9. And quite honestly, thank you for your time to any TO. The time and work these guy put into tournaments is insane. And no, that work don't magically create money for these guys. It's pure love of games.

TL;DR : We gotta be mature and solve it without directly blaming people and let our ego say shit. Let's agree to do better next time and enjoy the game.

Tom Brady

OK.. so here is my weigh in on the RIU48 situation..

Soonk is correct in that I was just as outraged as everyone else when I heard that he would be added, after not showing up until after 10pm. So, I decided to confront Rob, Phil, and Shock on the matter...

I was then informed that a few weeks ago, they had an arrangement with RIU48. They told me that Maxter informed them that RIU48 would show up to the event, but wouldnt be able to play because he had to work and wouldnt be arriving until late that night. They said they told Maxter that they would put him in the very last pool, and if somehow the pool hadnt started yet, he would be able to play when he arrived but DQ'd if he didnt arrive when his pool was called.

They didnt think pools would be still running by midnight, so the thought of "is this fair to to have people stand around all day then drop in RIU when he shows up" never came up. So, what happend was that they already had an agreement with RIU48 but now have other players upset because of the fact that they stood there all day while RIU showed up late and still got in. This was also compounded by the fact that Dark Rob forget to put RIU on the pool listings, so thats when it REALLY began to look bad. At this point, they were in a "catch 22"...

Should the pools not have been delayed so much, RIU48 would have been DQ'd because his pool would have been called. So, after confronting Phil, Rob, and Shock.. I learned that there was no conspiricy with RIU, just Rob forgot to add him.

I will address the delays and everything else later this evening. I just wanted to shed some light on the RIU48 thing, because I was upset about it when I found out. But, after confronting the TO's and getting the explanation from them and Maxter, I understood that the real issue was that Drak Rob just forgot to add him.

Rob has told me that he fully assumes the blame for forgetting to add RIU from the start and that he's ok if you blow him up with every name in the book, just not a liar and a cheat becase it was a mistake and nothing more.


Joker waiting room
a newcomer should be forced to prove there worth. If they werent good enough to beat reo first round it wouldnt matter anyways...yet the other way has Maxter going down early when that was potentially the best fight of the day. like pig said #logic

its done this way for a reason.
newcomers should fght newcomers and pros should fight pros, then after a few eliminations we have some slaughter where newcomers prove their worth and the pros cutting through people and fighting each other in the losers bracket

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
OK... i can already see whats going to happen with seeding. This is NOT a road you want to go down. There is no real way to seed players.... because we have no way to rank them that everyone would agree on. Unless someone says "i'm using such and such way to rank" then seeding will always be protested.

The only "fair" way you can create brackets.... makes sure there are enough pools to separate out the groups... gga vsm etc etc.
Random the pool. 90% of the time, the two best players emerge from the pool regardless. If two "heavy hitters" face off (which won't happen very often anyway), one will win, one will lose. If that person is truly a heavy hitter... he'll get out anyway. Such is life.
This bullshit of "I'm a tourney winner... blahb lah" shouldn't matter. We've never agreed on any rankings, so your tourney wins shouldn't matter to you in a pool seeding.

Now if you agree on a system of ranking, then you can seed fairly.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
because you could have pl playing jr first round
I am having trouble seeing why this is an issue? I mean sure they have both placed top, but why is them playing early in a tournament bad? I suppose the opposite is also an issue, I could end up playing you first round and REO second round and im sure I would get quadruple babalitied, but hey thats on me and I should have been better and beaten both of you.

Here are the pros of using random select.
1. No blame game/ rigging accusations. (Mostly this)
2. Much faster than having to sit down and make pools by hand.