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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread

Hey people,

I haven't managed to make my way through all of the pages as there are quite a few so sorry in advance if this has been covered.
How are people finding the new 3 2 combo extension? Personally I haven't been using it much for a few reasons:

- The range on 3 2 starts with a kick with less range than a jab, So even for punishing purposes, I feel very uncomfortable using it as I have missed an unholy amount of times from blocking the simplest of moves

- As the grab extender is only from 3 2, it means generally I have to mb kano ball into 3 2 which obviously means that I have to spend two bars for the extra damage for around 36% which of course is ok if I need to kill, but it brings me on to what I would say is the most important thing

- I really struggle to build meter with commando kano and so overall I prefer to use one meter for the damage and leave the rest for breakers which most of the time I don't even have, even after some long and grinding rounds I'll look and see I'm eating the game winning combo and only have a meter and a half of bar

My questions to you guys which I could use some insight on:

How are you guys building meter?
(I'm not hopeful for a groundbreaking answer lol) but any help is greatly welcome

How are you guys taking advantage of the unbelievable advantage of 3 2 on hit, any setups? Any ways to initiate using this or do I have to just start throwing it out and working around whether I can hit it or not?

Any real answers are welcome, I keep getting trolled not with genuinely funny remarks but with such uninformative one liners


gotta stay sharp!
Hey people,

I haven't managed to make my way through all of the pages as there are quite a few so sorry in advance if this has been covered.
How are people finding the new 3 2 combo extension? Personally I haven't been using it much for a few reasons:

- The range on 3 2 starts with a kick with less range than a jab, So even for punishing purposes, I feel very uncomfortable using it as I have missed an unholy amount of times from blocking the simplest of moves

- As the grab extender is only from 3 2, it means generally I have to mb kano ball into 3 2 which obviously means that I have to spend two bars for the extra damage for around 36% which of course is ok if I need to kill, but it brings me on to what I would say is the most important thing

- I really struggle to build meter with commando kano and so overall I prefer to use one meter for the damage and leave the rest for breakers which most of the time I don't even have, even after some long and grinding rounds I'll look and see I'm eating the game winning combo and only have a meter and a half of bar

My questions to you guys which I could use some insight on:

How are you guys building meter?
(I'm not hopeful for a groundbreaking answer lol) but any help is greatly welcome

How are you guys taking advantage of the unbelievable advantage of 3 2 on hit, any setups? Any ways to initiate using this or do I have to just start throwing it out and working around whether I can hit it or not?

Any real answers are welcome, I keep getting trolled not with genuinely funny remarks but with such uninformative one liners
In terms of 32 ita dookie for that pop up. Maybe inthe corner you can use it to punish when they try to get out but ill prolly never use it. To build meter your really gunna have to throw knives and i remember @MsMiharo having a vid where ending in choke on block builds you a nice chunk of meter. So doing stuff like that will help. Just be careful what buttons you push after. Depending who your facing theyll punish what ever your try to do next
In terms of 32 ita dookie for that pop up. Maybe inthe corner you can use it to punish when they try to get out but ill prolly never use it. To build meter your really gunna have to throw knives and i remember @MsMiharo having a vid where ending in choke on block builds you a nice chunk of meter. So doing stuff like that will help. Just be careful what buttons you push after. Depending who your facing theyll punish what ever your try to do next

Ah ok then thanks for the advice, yes I use the knives, maybe I should try use them more as I can't say I've been one for constantly throwing knives. Also, since that choke was made safe it's been helpful for getting that extra bit of meter compared to before

One thing I have found which has been working is using that choke in the d1/d3 wars. A general safeguard is to directly reply your d1/d3 after you have blocked theirs to keep them in check. When you see people doing that, start cancelling yours into choke to sneakily catch them off, the mind game after really compliments the speed of his d3 and B1 pressure. Is there a gap? I think I tested it and there wasn't with d3 at least but I won't be surprised if I'm wrong. If there isn't I may abuse this more for the meter and chip, also a good armor bait now that choke is safe.


kick kick
Pokes have poor cancel advantage so yeah, there's a gap when cancelled into choke.
The only poke that jails on block is Shinnok's D4 Hellsparks.


Kuff Bano
b13 choke is like 1/4 of a bar iirc. I use it and use the -frames to go for either parry, ex command grab, backdash or injp (catch them trying to jump out of the corner for instance). Or just block their poke and do it again. But knives are your best bet to build meter.

A blocked b1 puts you in range for 32. If they're expecting you to finish the string you can catch them off guard and hit confirm into 1+3. Or go 32 (-1) or 32 choke (-4) on block.

32 is good for punishing slide moves and gives more damage than b13 ball cancel. Other than that you can rc and punish a lot of things but 112 is usually a better bet in those cases.
b13 choke is like 1/4 of a bar iirc. I use it and use the -frames to go for either parry, ex command grab, backdash or injp (catch them trying to jump out of the corner for instance). Or just block their poke and do it again. But knives are your best bet to build meter.

A blocked b1 puts you in range for 32. If they're expecting you to finish the string you can catch them off guard and hit confirm into 1+3. Or go 32 (-1) or 32 choke (-4) on block.

32 is good for punishing slide moves and gives more damage than b13 ball cancel. Other than that you can rc and punish a lot of things but 112 is usually a better bet in those cases.
Interesting :)
I've personally never used ex command grab, I've only ever used parries so far to stuff wake ups and to parry things such as erron blacks safe marksman launch and also raidens attack which he finishes in the chipping electric, you can parry when he teleports to the other side. Things like this.

I have noticed that B1 on block seems to be the most straight forward way to use standing 3, I just struggle to use it although after playing commando for so long, I think it's essential to show as much as your move lost as possible and so I am going to knuckle down and do some research. Also 3 doesn't reach after reptiles slide, just something to note, you'll have to dash. Standing 4 however hits so that'll bring some damage.

Also 112 xx choke or knife does a ton of meter build, it's a shame there's a gap :(
B13 choke is god like. It's negative but the options you have after it are limitless lol.
B13 choke is my staple, I love it! the best thing is is that they've seen so many b1s that alot of the time I hit the choke if anything :)

I think that is exactly my problem, I don't do enough AFTER this string is blocked, I occasionally back dash, have you had much luck throwing a standard parry afterwards? Choke is -4 and the parry is 4 frames although give or take as this is being inputted not in a cancel. I may start trying this, normally I use ex kano ball if I'm to do something afterwards and confirm into something should it hit


Kuff Bano
Interesting :)
I've personally never used ex command grab, I've only ever used parries so far to stuff wake ups and to parry things such as erron blacks safe marksman launch and also raidens attack which he finishes in the chipping electric, you can parry when he teleports to the other side. Things like this.

I have noticed that B1 on block seems to be the most straight forward way to use standing 3, I just struggle to use it although after playing commando for so long, I think it's essential to show as much as your move lost as possible and so I am going to knuckle down and do some research. Also 3 doesn't reach after reptiles slide, just something to note, you'll have to dash. Standing 4 however hits so that'll bring some damage.

Also 112 xx choke or knife does a ton of meter build, it's a shame there's a gap :(
I use b13 choke ex grab all the time. If you want I can link you some of my matches and you can see how I use it.
I use b13 choke ex grab all the time. If you want I can link you some of my matches and you can see how I use it.
Sure thing :) I have never seen another commando kano player before, so I think it's about time I started making some more dodgy connections within the black dragon :p do you play on ps4 by any chance?


kick kick
You can't regular parry everything, only 8 frame moves. After a blocked choke, your opponent is +4 and regular parries are 4 frames, so be wary of 6 frame reversals.
If u EX parry, you parry 6 frame moves since the parry is 2 frames.

B13 EX knives also has some even nastier guessing games. If you perform a Power Slam and your inputs were on point, then your opponent would have a 1 frame window to armor out, and a 2 frame one if you do Rib Intercourse.


Kuff Bano
Sure thing :) I have never seen another commando kano player before, so I think it's about time I started making some more dodgy connections within the black dragon :p do you play on ps4 by any chance?
ps4 but Europe. I'll DM you, this isn't the place for shoddy online gameplay vids.


Kuff Bano
You can't regular parry everything, only 8 frame moves. After a blocked choke, your opponent is +4 and regular parries are 4 frames, so be wary of 6 frame reversals.
If u EX parry, you parry 6 frame moves since the parry is 2 frames.

B13 EX knives also has some even nastier guessing games. If you perform a Power Slam and your inputs were on point, then your opponent would have a 1 frame window to armor out, and a 2 frame one if you do Rib Intercourse.
The whiffing issues are real though http://testyourmight.com/threads/ex-knife-frame-trap.56001/


i hate how kitana can simply duckblock the command grab after 112 knive hit. i think she is the only char this setuo doesnt work on.
You can't regular parry everything, only 8 frame moves. After a blocked choke, your opponent is +4 and regular parries are 4 frames, so be wary of 6 frame reversals.
If u EX parry, you parry 6 frame moves since the parry is 2 frames.

B13 EX knives also has some even nastier guessing games. If you perform a Power Slam and your inputs were on point, then your opponent would have a 1 frame window to armor out, and a 2 frame one if you do Rib Intercourse.
Haha rib intercourse! I actually need to use the power slam more, I keep using the rib strike because...well, it's a gorgeous throw! Does 32 reach after A Powerbomb throw?
[QUOTE="countrypistol, post: 1915744, member: 37045" Kano retains all of his whiff issues from before the patch. Sub and Scorp have always been able to crouch block and make highs whiff.[/QUOTE]
Ahh, ouch. Only time I seem to use ex knives is when I'm away and I'm trying to catch them with the mid or to chip them out. I've had too many unfortunate whiffs and eaten uppercuts