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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
So I've been having trouble in boneshaper mu with kano so I ran a set against a friend and found out that after the dark beam reset you can ex low parry the low kick.
Its strict timing but can be done and once you get it a couple times it messes with the boneshapers game plan because if you have meter they have to be scared and can't autopilot into low kick.
It even tighter link online obviously but can be done
That's incorrect. Dark beam is +8 on hit and F4 is 7 frames. If you're parrying it it's because the Shinnok isn't timing it right.


ADM Riddles
Maybe that why it not consistent then i just thought i wasnt timing it right but I def got it to work and when I did it in practice I got it to work to so I was probably doing it wrong nvm then disregard it


ADM Riddles
Try it tho in practice or against someone you know who plays boneshaper if they are frame perfect every time I guess it won't work but even if you get it off once or twice it makes them delay it. I apologize for not checking frame data before I posted I just got it to work yesterday and was excited since it worked
You can't do any reversal if the shinnock does the F4 link correctly. I suggest you time it so that you block F4 if they do it.. but if they delay the F4 or go for overhead/grab Ex UpBall comes out.

If you don't have meter just fuzzy guard the overhead option. You kinda just have to take the f4 string into dark beam then press your advantage after you block dark beam (he is -4).
When Shinnock is -4 you (Kano) have advantage. You can do pretty much anything you want. Jump forward, command grab, b1, d3/d4 OS, etc. All depends on what you think he will do. But if you both hit a button, yours will win because you have frame advantage


gotta stay sharp!
So what do you do with the -4? What move helps get outta that pressure
D3, d4, backdash, maybe everyonce in a while b1(although i think d1 trades with b1).and of course any armor options you Want. You can probably even do upball sometimes as a reversal and they have to hold it. But it is unsafe.


ADM Riddles
See that's where I get lost in frame data but I think I get it now after what you all just said. Tell me if this sounds right.

So he -4 and say he throws out the 7 frame low (shinnok) it actually almost 11 frames because of the -4 he was already at so anything under 11 is safe for me?
See that's where I get lost in frame data but I think I get it now after what you all just said. Tell me if this sounds right.

So he -4 and say he throws out the 7 frame low (shinnok) it actually almost 11 frames because of the -4 he was already at so anything under 11 is safe for me?
Correct. In this case your move will beat his and he will get hit. That's why you are at advantage

Frame data looks intimating but once you learn it... It is really easy


ADM Riddles
Lol yea it just came to me when they named my options and I couldn't believe I didn't get it. One more question tho.

So i m at work so I Dont know the hit advantage of Kano's d4 off the top of my head I think it 22 or something close to that but if I hit a d4 I'm at +20 whatever do I subtract the start up of what I throw out after or what does that actually mean I can throw out after a d4 connects


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
That's the thing I'm not 100% sure on. D4 has a hit Adv of 18 but it also has a recovery of 23 frames. I've been a little confused of the recovery, Is that just the recovery on whiff?

Your idea makes sense. Hit Adv - Startup of next move = hit or blockable. Since the opponent is recovering for 18 frames after being hit by the D4 if you subtract the startup of the next move and the active frames come out before they can block it should link right? I'm kinda in a grey area about some as well.


ADM Riddles
Yea I just Dont understand that yet. It does make sense if it was the way I described earlier but idk if anything actually links or it just guarantees that they have to at least block my next pressure attempt.
Yea I just Dont understand that yet. It does make sense if it was the way I described earlier but idk if anything actually links or it just guarantees that they have to at least block my next pressure attempt.
Stuff "links" like that in every game but MK (it means that move would also hit.. making a combo).

MK has a couple weird rules around frame data. In MK, it guarantees that they have to at least block your next pressure attempt. They can block, but they can't reversal out, etc.. because they are still being hit (weird, right!)

That's the thing I'm not 100% sure on. D4 has a hit Adv of 18 but it also has a recovery of 23 frames. I've been a little confused of the recovery, Is that just the recovery on whiff?
Recovery frames are separate from hit advantage. Hit advantage = Hit stun - recovery frames.


I'm going to make Fate top ten
Hey guys, just starting using Commando Kano and I enjoy him quite a bit. Do you guys think he excels at any MU's in particular?
Taquitos u can parry his whips from max distance LMFAO. I'd say Kung Lao since he zones him out well and if he teleports ure knives will auto correct to an up ball. Also when facing Jax, commando really checks the hell out of him with his parry since jax players like to poke the fuck out of u. Btw sweet ferra torr

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
D4 and F33 ticks are gdlk.....

Probably already mentioned earlier in this thread, but they can only be armored out of. When I tested I could not backdash, jump out, normal, etc.


Original Liu Kang cop.
That's the thing I'm not 100% sure on. D4 has a hit Adv of 18 but it also has a recovery of 23 frames. I've been a little confused of the recovery, Is that just the recovery on whiff?

Your idea makes sense. Hit Adv - Startup of next move = hit or blockable. Since the opponent is recovering for 18 frames after being hit by the D4 if you subtract the startup of the next move and the active frames come out before they can block it should link right? I'm kinda in a grey area about some as well.
To my knowledge, tt has a total of 23 frames of recovery on hit or whiff. On hit however, the opponent is in (allegedly) 41 frames of hit stun. Thus, your recovery ends and they are still have 18 frames of hit stun to get through.

I don't know how the game stops fast links like d4~ex upball from comboing though.


Cutthroat Truther
My brain is in another world right now, no bare with me.
D4 and F33 ticks are gdlk.....

Probably already mentioned earlier in this thread, but they can only be armored out of. When I tested I could not backdash, jump out, normal, etc.
Unless they changed it, you can backdash F33