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Match-up Discussion Catwoman match up chart


Nightwing In Retirement
Its a fact not a opinion. But stay ignorant. Or use the reference I gave you to increase your knowledge on why this mu is so bad. I'm a great player and other people like to here what I have to say on the Catwoman mu because I'm legit. It will be wise for you to listen. If not then when ever you get a Xbox and run into me. Be ready to get blown up. Im going to show you why it is a 6-4 mu Cat-woman Favor. Not talking trash or anything like that.
Hey I ran into you once in ranked.

My Batgirl is the best, huh?
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Meow Hoes
I think about matchups a lot. Any matchup chart I do would always be slightly different. I was thinking about updating it to my current feelings but it's so fluid I instead decided to just post the matchups I consider the most likely to be changed.

Could be in her favor:
Green Arrow

Could be 5-5:
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Harley Quinn
Killer Frost

Could be worse:
Martian Manhunter
Black Adam

If I was going to officially update this I think the only edit I'd make would be to put Black Adam as a 4-6 match. This isn't a popular opinion but it's my real talk. I got top 8 at EVO I deserve to post my real talk. Fuck it.
I do agree with Harley being even that's one of the mus I disagreed with you on.

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Son if Ra "The God" Helios can't beat my Batgirl then you have no chance.
I beat zyphox in Rank but that doesn't mean I can beat him in a set. I also beat playing to win in rank. But that doesn't mean I can beat him in a set.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I Disagree. Cat-woman Vs Raven 6-4 Cat-woman Favor. On hard knock down she is practically free and her wake ups can be stuff. In the corner she practically free as well. her zoning game isn't that effective to be honest. Plus I do A jump 2 whip and you try to soul crush, you can be punish because the move comes out way to slow.

I played Og Mamminal and Glass sword. This mu is terrible for Raven Players. You can ask them about the mu when they played me. This mu cannot be even.

I had no idea you could stuff Raven's wakeups. I'm also impressed you played Glass Sword. That's a game changer. This information would have helped when I was beating Glass Sword in tournament by stuffing all his wakeups.

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
I had no idea you could stuff Raven's wakeups. I'm also impressed you played Glass Sword. That's a game changer. This information would have helped when I was beating Glass Sword in tournament by stuffing all his wakeups.
1f2 j1.


Its a fact not a opinion. But stay ignorant. Or use the reference I gave you to increase your knowledge on why this mu is so bad. I'm a great player and other people like to here what I have to say on the Catwoman mu because I'm legit. It will be wise for you to listen. If not then when ever you get a Xbox and run into me. Be ready to get blown up. Im going to show you why it is a 6-4 mu Cat-woman Favor. Not talking trash or anything like that.
When are you coming to a tournament ?