Not really "tech" per say BUT I just wanted to share something I've been using that makes the nut kick ender a little more potent/a really nice option once the opponent uses breaker/f4 shenanigans...because I f4 like my controller only has those 2 buttons :/
1- after the bd3 ender I find the opponent typically blocks low... Setting up another f41 starter.... They WILL tire of this after countless staggers and combos.
I've been dashing in after the +frames AFTER A BRIEF DELAY, throwing another f4 (even on block.. To MAKE them guess AGAIN) THEN doing a crossover 2, f41, AMPguns/F3 AMPguns at a high success rate. Worst case scenario, I've found, is you jump their wake UP (EXCEPT Geras... Fuck Geras)... Of course this won't work all of the time but it's an option to add to your mix.. Think MK9 Scorpion vortex.
I've also staggered the f4 AFTER the crossover to dash throw/back STEP b24/b13 (hit confirmed), b24 AMPguns.... /back DASH f2,1+3 as well (f2 stagger f2 1+3
... Nothing new but a really high success rate nonetheless. The idea here is side swap pressure for 2 strings continuously with the opponent turtled... You hit your combo to bd3 ender... Side swap to mix up, repeat.
2- once they use their breaker I've been walking up and starting with the crossover f41 shenanigans mentioned above...EVERY TIME. Again, to a high success rate
I'm learning (lmao.... Finally!) that f4/f41 scares the SHIT outta people to the point that you can FAKE having plus frames in the neutral.... If that makes sense... Think Erron Blacks FB... As soon as they make a move you instantly have an option... Especially once you make them use breaker
Your thoughts on this are appreciated... Again, I know this is nothing new... Just a mind game 33.3/33.3/33.3 as opposed to the 50/50
PS- I'm TRYING to get some match footage of this in action right now but all I keep getting are Cetrions and Jades... If I wasn't so remedial I could probably just take snippets from other matches but that's not gonna happen lol