I am pretty comfortable with Scorpion match up (no surprise i have the most exp with him and therefore it is easier to make the reads) I found answers for all Scorpion's tool.
It looks like Scorpion needs to take more risks than Cassie as Cassie can always choose blocking unsafe stuff after F3.
Flawless blocking gaps is not that rewarding with her though.
I think Cassie is better up close and footsie range (but should not underestimate Scorpion's sick footsie and great damage + great KBs - compared to Cassie steady but constant preformance). She can not really zone but not neccessary either. Few checks are possible to test the reactions - then fake buffers can trick him. Both side can fake tele-zoning.

BF1 cancel is tricky too to bait teleport.
I had problem with Reborn cancel though Cassie's D1 did not look far enough to poke him out or I just was slow. Will lab it later (probably F4 is my friend).
Cassie probably does not win the match up as both character have good tools but looks a fair match up.
On the other hand with Scorpion I felt Cassie match up difficult as I felt me outfootsied which is my core gameplan with Scorpion - and unless doing some risky stuff she looked better (but that extra risk needs to be taken to be fair I think).
I need to review Jax match up as without good flawless block counter Cassie can not really counter his main 2 strings hard to discourage him using it (same as Scorpion's F34).
But at least 9F MID can fight back.
I will start using U3 as flawless block kounter. It does 90 damage and +14 hit advantage is enough for a DASH up F4 or B2 or throw if has respect. So still better than sitting on gaps like a duck.
Maybe they will make her U2 better next patch but probably it is intentional balance not to give her even more tools.