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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I couldn't help but feel so sorry for Walter in the last episode. Having to pay a stranger ten thousand to hang out and spend time with him for 1 hour because of how lonely and sad he was after losing his family and friends. Him being back on chemo and withering away to where his own wedding ring won't fit anymore. How the mighty king has fallen indeed. And then on the tv where they didn't give Walter any credit at all except in coming up with the name Grey Matter. Also his own son telling him to just die already and he doesn't want any money from him. Sad man... it's just sad for Walter.

But right before Walter was gonna call it quits we all saw that Heisenburg switch turn on after watching the tv. I said to myself, Fuck yeah! Go fuck some shit up Walter! You ain't going out like that.

I really like what Walter said to Jesse a while back about if there really is a hell then both of them are probably going there anyway, but Walter said he's not gonna lie down until he gets there.


Jesse is the last piece of the puzzle lol

it's sad but if you put everything together, it makes some sense


Another theory: Walt sees that the blue meth is still being cooked & realizes Jesse is still alive. He then remembers the Nazi's saying they were just gonna get info out of him & take care of the job after. Since Jesse is missing, he maybe thinks they started working together. or Jesse is calling him out, because its apparently making good profit. What Walt doesn't know is what Jesse's been & going through is really all his fault ("hes just too stupid to know it"), he just sees OH BLUE METH??STILL MAKING A LOT OF MONEY???WITH OR WITH OUT ME???WHO CALLIN OUT HIESENBURG?

Jesse can even go as crazy as to actually manipulate Walt for the first time & help him escape, after what he finds out what the Nazis been doing to him, since the family man will come out in him he doesn't realize his true effect on Jesse. & Jesse probably hasnt seen that guy since they first met, hes already considered him "the devil", like a true enemy. cause really, remember how the Salamancas effected Gus? Then when Gus was effecting Walt? "He had to go." Now with Jesse thinking how bad Walt has effected him ever since they met "He has to go." Everyone's who been effected by an ugly person feels like death to that person is what will give you true happiness, but in the end it doesnt

More food for thought


TYM White Knight
I think Walt has been tipped over the edge due to the Meth venture turning out exactly like his Grey Matter venture.

Walt sold his shares in Grey Matter for a measly $5000 when the company is now worth billions thinking the company would not succeed without him (due to it's findings being based off of his work).

Walt ended his Meth ventures by selling out for 80 million which was more than enough to support his family. He honestly thought that with him out of the game, it was over. There would be no more of "his" product on the market.

Seeing that his legacy with Grey Matter is being erased due to his meth behavior, and the fact that his product is still out there without him attached to it are picking at the same emotional strings. Walt's ego is huge. He needs to feel important. It's why, when working for Gus, he honestly thought that he was a major lynchpin. That there was no other cook that could do what he could.

Now, since the blue is still out there, and Grey Matter is still running, Walt has once again "sold himself short" and I think that is what is going to tip him over the edge for the finale.


I think Walt has been tipped over the edge due to the Meth venture turning out exactly like his Grey Matter venture.

Walt sold his shares in Grey Matter for a measly $5000 when the company is now worth billions thinking the company would not succeed without him (due to it's findings being based off of his work).

Walt ended his Meth ventures by selling out for 80 million which was more than enough to support his family. He honestly thought that with him out of the game, it was over. There would be no more of "his" product on the market.

Seeing that his legacy with Grey Matter is being erased due to his meth behavior, and the fact that his product is still out there without him attached to it are picking at the same emotional strings. Walt's ego is huge. He needs to feel important. It's why, when working for Gus, he honestly thought that he was a major lynchpin. That there was no other cook that could do what he could.

Now, since the blue is still out there, and Grey Matter is still running, Walt has once again "sold himself short" and I think that is what is going to tip him over the edge for the finale.
Yeah. & Jesse knows Walt will see it that way, but like ive been saying, Walt doesnt know his true effect on Jesse, its gonna be heartbreaking


Filthy Casual
In the episode where Walt returns to his house he has a M60 machine gun in his trunk along with two boxes of 200 rounds. Walt must have some type of plan to lure someone out and mow them down.

Anyone else think it's possible that Mercury Fulminate makes a return in the last episode? He could make it blue and hurt a ton of addicts and at the same time ruining the demand for his formula.


The only thing left for Walt is his big ass ego, he wants to leave a mark. Maybe he will poison the gray matter people as a way of saying "im back" & the crew & Jesse catches wind. They see that his ego wants what's his.

So Walt's thinking hes going up against jesse & the nazis for making his blue meth, but in reality they've had Jesse in emotional torture probably. Walt's inner family man will come out once he realizes this & help Jesse. But since Jesse has been so effected throughout this whole show because of Walt, I think Jesse is gonna come out a smart lunatic at this point. Sad but so beautiful to take in


What is your opinion on the Grey Matter interview? How do you feel about Walt's current lifestyle? Are you satisfied with how miserable and alone Walt is?

Also, what do you think about the fact that tonight's episode pretty much spelled out Walt's motive behind his phone call with Skyler (to protect her and the family)?
First off i love this episode. Its refreshing to know Vince and i are on the same page Walter has lost everything and i couldnt be happier, fuck him. As far as the Grey Matter interview i didnt really care for it, anyone who hates on black and gretchen for distancing themselves from Walt is dumb as hell, they didnt murder and cook and sell meth Walt did. It heavily suggests Walt going postal and i hate that, Walt has been a weak cowardly evil man the entire series giving him a badass exit is more than he deserves and reeks of Vince appeasing the simpleton fans that make up a big part of the ratings. If he goes postal and shoots up grey matter it just proves what ive said all along Walt is evil and he was always in it for the notoriety first and everything else second (including his family). I hope Walt walks into grey matter with his big ass machine gun and the security guard puts a bullet in his head before walt gets a shot off.

Walts motive as i said before is irrelevant cause once again they still can and should come after her nothing Walt said changes that.


That's not possible! Vince Gilligan hates Walt, therefore I hate Walt and you're stupid!

You're all watching the show wrong!
No i hate Walt cause hes an evil bastard with 0 redeeming qualities. You love Walt cause your a cliche rebel rooting for the bad guy cause youre to cool for school.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
First off i love this episode. Its refreshing to know Vince and i are on the same page Walter has lost everything and i couldnt be happier, fuck him. As far as the Grey Matter interview i didnt really care for it, anyone who hates on black and gretchen for distancing themselves from Walt is dumb as hell, they didnt murder and cook and sell meth Walt did. It heavily suggests Walt going postal and i hate that, Walt has been a weak cowardly evil man the entire series giving him a badass exit is more than he deserves and reeks of Vince appeasing the simpleton fans that make up a big part of the ratings. If he goes postal and shoots up grey matter it just proves what ive said all along Walt is evil and he was always in it for the notoriety first and everything else second (including his family). I hope Walt walks into grey matter with his big ass machine gun and the security guard puts a bullet in his head before walt gets a shot off.

Walts motive as i said before is irrelevant cause once again they still can and should come after her nothing Walt said changes that.
He won't go shoot up grey matter. They were just their to unleash heisenberg again after walter white decided to give up. Heisenberg won't let everything go to waste like Walt did with Grey Matter. Heisenberg is going to go get his shit back or die trying. As for Walt losing everything that's pretty much been destined to happen since the beginning of the series. Everyone should have seen that coming.


Also you people now saying Walt is gonna be pissed that blue meth is still out there. Welcome to what i said 3 weeks ago. Get on my level. 3 weeks ago you simpletons were saying hes gonna kill the nazis to save jesse. I sad if he kills the nazis it will be because they are sellng his product.


He won't go shoot up grey matter. They were just their to unleash heisenberg again after walter white decided to give up. Heisenberg won't let everything go to waste like Walt did with Grey Matter. Heisenberg is going to go get his shit back or die trying. As for Walt losing everything that's pretty much been destined to happen since the beginning of the series. Everyone should have seen that coming.
Him shooting up the nazis because they took over his business and started selling his product is something i predicted weeks ago while you all were still saying he was a good guy. All Walt has ever and will ever care about first and foremost is him getting the credit he deserves.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Him shooting up the nazis because they took over his business and started selling his product is something i predicted weeks ago while you all were still saying he was a good guy. All Walt has ever and will ever care about first and foremost is him getting the credit he deserves.
I never said walt was a good guy, I just don't view him as pure evil like you do. I don't remember what i predicted about the end, i think i said he wanted to go and get revenge on hank and his money back which is what he wanted to do before he bounced off to NH. Maybe along the way he would save Jesse after he finds him still alive but i still see these 2 trying to kill each other.


Also his conversation with Walt Jr just proves what ive been saying. Walt has always viewed his family as just property that he has invested time in. Instead of turning himself in and trying his damnedest to exonerate Skylar and at least leav them the house he just thinks oh ill mail them 100 grand. Walt doesnt give a shit about his family in the traditional sense he doesnt love them at all. He loves his property.


Walt is pure evil, & what happens when evil is around? It takes innocent good people. I think Jesse going crazy is why Vince emphasizes he literally cannot stand Walt. As much as we don't wanna see it, it could happen & it might be the last nail in the coffin for us getting to really hate Walt & seeing what's he's really done


Walt is pure evil, & what happens when evil is around? It takes innocent good people. I think Jesse going crazy is why Vince emphasizes he literally cannot stand Walt. As much as we don't wanna see it, it could happen & it might be the last nail in the coffin for us getting to really hate Walt & seeing what's he's really done
Im way past really hating Walt. Im rooting for todd now.


Im way past really hating Walt. Im rooting for todd now.
I fucking love him lol but its true, everyone loves going for the badass not really seeing what the badass has really done. Vince said the ending would make you question everything. I don't see how else besides Jesse going crazy for Walt could leave us like that (we're left wondering after Andrea's death, I think when Jack says 'we still got the boy' it looks like it triggers something in his mind & remembers why he wanted to take down Walt in the first place)


I fucking love him lol but its true, everyone loves going for the badass not really seeing what the badass has really done. Vince said the ending would make you question everything. I don't see how else besides Jesse going crazy for Walt could leave us like that (we're left wondering after Andrea's death, I think when Jack says 'we still got the boy' it looks like it triggers something in his mind & remembers why he wanted to take down Walt in the first place)
Walt has never done anything badass. Gus was a badass hank was a badass tuco was a crazy badass todd is a badass. Walt is a pussy.


Walt has never done anything badass. Gus was a badass hank was a badass tuco was a crazy badass todd is a badass. Walt is a pussy.

it makes sense tho, it will make you question if hes a badass now after you see Jesse. Indicating he was never a badass, just evil

its the last thing to get those still going for Walt really question


My blades will find your heart
Walt has never done anything badass. Gus was a badass hank was a badass tuco was a crazy badass todd is a badass. Walt is a pussy.
He rigged a bomb to Salamanca's wheelchair and blew gus up.

I dont think that a pussy would do that.