I think when he calls the DEA after losing what he thought meant to him most (his family), & what happens next really explains the show. I mean in the beginning of the episode & whole show, he keeps reminding himself its for his family "this changes nothing, what i do is for my family" is bs he hasn't realized or accepted yet. But then when he thought he had lost & given up, he sees whats going on tv & remembers what meant to him more than his family & i think accepts his true motive all along: his fucking ego. It's his asshole ego that drives him & that only. I mean in the flashback when they're buying the house, it seems like he's always had it, maybe before gray matter. Even when he was in gray matter at that time, he talks about getting a bigger & nicer house. Just more. He doesn't care what others deserve, only what he deserves & wants, & he's always wanted more
I honestly don't see him as a badass anymore, just evil. That's because i love the character but i got to admit it
I honestly don't see him as a badass anymore, just evil. That's because i love the character but i got to admit it