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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


My blades will find your heart
he only did that for himself, we all know this
I only brought it up because someone called him a pussy. I said you have to have some balls to go after a major drug lord like Gus Fring.

I do agree with Jaym that Tio was badass as well


How hard is it to rig up a bomb? Any doofus can make a bomb. He didnt even set it off. It was the opposite of badass.


I only brought it up because someone called him a pussy. I said you have to have some balls to go after a major drug lord like Gus Fring.

I do agree with Jaym that Tio was badass as well

I think if you really look at it now, Walt probably only went after Gus cause Jesse had become everything he ever wanted & was being cut out from what he thinks he deserves credit for. Towards the end of the new episode, after the news, you truly see that. He just wants to leave a mark & wants credit for what he thinks his & only that


I think if you really look at it now, Walt probably only went after Gus cause Jesse had become everything he ever wanted & was being cut out from what he thinks he deserves credit for. Towards the end of the new episode, after the news, you truly see that. He just wants to leave a mark & wants credit for what he thinks his & only that
This guy knows wassup.


This was another badass moment.

Running over 2 unsuspecting fools is cowardly not badass. Doing the come at me bro to the sniper is badass. Thwarting 2 would be assassins with 3 bullets in your chest while unarmed is badass. Walt cant even beat up jesse and jesse gets beat up like every episode.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Running over 2 unsuspecting fools is cowardly not badass. Doing the come at me bro to the sniper is badass. Thwarting 2 would be assassins with 3 bullets in your chest while unarmed is badass. Walt cant even beat up jesse and jesse gets beat up like every episode.
Well you might not think so and that's fine, but I do.


Man I hope Jesse goes crazy to make those still thinking Walt is a badass, that he never was. He has just been cowardly evil rubbing off on other good people. To make us see that, this has to come in full circle with the 2nd main character who has always been kinda the opposite of Walt, but look what happens when he rubs off on people

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
The unwritten laws of badass dont think so either. The only way you can be a badass when your foes are unsuspecting is if their are a ton of them (like rambo) or if you are a ninja.
Well I have my own WRITTEN laws of badass that determine which moments qualify as badass, and those are the ones that really matter to me.


Man I hope Jesse goes crazy to make those still thinking Walt is a badass, that he never was. He has just been cowardly evil rubbing off on other good people. To make us see that, this has to come in full circle with the 2nd main character who has always been kinda the opposite of Walt, but look what happens when he rubs off on people
Jesse already whooped Walts ass its the only fight jesse has ever finished without life threatening injuries lol. That alone removes all claim Walt has to badass.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Man I hope Jesse goes crazy to make those still thinking Walt is a badass, that he never was. He has just been cowardly evil rubbing off on other good people. To make us see that, this has to come in full circle with the 2nd main character who has always been kinda the opposite of Walt, but look what happens when he rubs off on people
Why do we need jesse to see all of that? Jesse is just as guilty as Walt in other things. And Jesse was already a criminal before Walt even came along. The damage that Walt did already has been done. Hank's dead, Marie is a widow, Skylar could go to jail, Jr hates him, the whole world now knows he's a criminal, Jesse is being tortured and now the Nazis and meth damon are the kings of the crystal blue.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Do your laws of being a badass include getting beat up by jesse of all people or being wrestled down by a cripple?
Well jesse is younger and should be able to fight a 50 year old man who is so fragile. And it's not like you are going to change my mind about what i think his badass moments were. You have your opinions and i have mine.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I was half right. It did nothing to exonerate her.
No you were completely wrong, there was never an argument about it exonerating her or not...the only argument was about the intent of the call. Go back and read if you wish lol.