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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


Fucked Ted I say. He was a dumbass who wouldn't listen to reason.

Hank was a good guy, but wasn't on the sidelines in this war. He died as a combatant.

While Andrea and her family were civilians in all of this. I did mention Brock in there.
Andreas brother was absolutely not a civilian.


My blades will find your heart
Fucked Ted I say. He was a dumbass who wouldn't listen to reason

Hank was a good guy, but wasn't on the sidelines in this war. He died as a combatant.

While Andrea and her family were civilians in all of this. I did mention Brock in there.
But not the 11 year old boy who todd shot.

Or the male store clerk shot in season two.

Or the mexican men AND women who were in the truck with the cartel.

Or the unarmed man killed by the two hitmen when chasing Frank

Or the los pollos driver shot by the cartel

In fact there have been as many if not more civilian men killed than civilian women.

You're Vince Gilligan is sexist argument has absolutely no validation and is just trying to find something to complain about. Innocent people die on the show because innocent people die in real life due to relation with drug dealers or just happening to cross their paths. That is what Gilligan is trying to portray.

You're also forgetting the millions of people dying from the meth are probably males and females.
Andreas brother was absolutely not a civilian.
True, although he was supposed to retire after that deal with Gus but instead got murdered. Being a kid kinda trumps civilian in that case.

I'm predicting that the ricin he grabbed at his house wasn't to kill himself, but to kill his old associates from Grey Matter.
I don't think Walt will kill the Grey Matter people. He wants revenge against Uncle Jack and doesn't really give a shit anymore about his legacy. Killing them won't help him get that back.

His legacy is shot, he just wants revenge now against the men that ruined his plans.


True, although he was supposed to retire after that deal with Gus but instead got murdered. Being a kid kinda trumps civilian in that case.

I don't think Walt will kill the Grey Matter people. He wants revenge against Uncle Jack and doesn't really give a shit anymore about his legacy. Killing them won't help him get that back.

His legacy is shot, he just wants revenge now against the men that ruined his plans.
Being a kid doesnt trump anything, he murdered one of the 3 amigos.
Nobody ever had that title after Gus died. I hate that line to, fucking Walt bowing up to his wife. What a bitch.
What is your opinion on the Grey Matter interview? How do you feel about Walt's current lifestyle? Are you satisfied with how miserable and alone Walt is?

Also, what do you think about the fact that tonight's episode pretty much spelled out Walt's motive behind his phone call with Skyler (to protect her and the family)?


Anyone else think it's gonna be Break Bad Jesse vs. Hiesenburg?

Also, i noticed an element. In last weeks episode, at the fire station, the chess board has 2 pawns & a king

This week, after months of being away, when they play cards they deal 2 kings, I think thats interesting

Badger on talking bad gave a really good point, jesse has always wanted to be hard but he uses his heart while walt uses his mind. At this point, I think they will switch because Walt is going by his heart right about now with revenge & Jesse is probably gonna turn out like Gus, seeing Walt as the true enemy but will finally use his mind to come up with something. When hes watching the Gray Matter thing months later, the blue is still being made. Only both of them can make that blue dream shit & Walt's not there

Jesse still hasn't actually Broke Bad like everyone else on the show

Also, its a good twist like BB would do. Walt thinking hes going up against the Nazis when its actually Jesse? Genius

Anyone also think Skyler has become a drug addict? When was the last time we saw her smoke & when Flynn keeps yelling "What you did to mom" makes me think what has really happened to her

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Anyone else think it's gonna be Break Bad Jesse vs. Hiesenburg?

Also, i noticed an element. In last weeks episode, at the fire station, the chess board has 2 pawns & a king

This week, after months of being away, when they play cards they deal 2 kings, I think thats interesting

Badger on talking bad gave a really good point, jesse has always wanted to be hard but he uses his heart while walt uses his mind. At this point, I think they will switch because Walt is going by his heart right about now with revenge & Jesse is probably gonna turn out like Gus, seeing Walt as the true enemy but will finally use his mind to come up with something. When hes watching the Gray Matter thing months later, the blue is still being made. Only both of them can make that blue dream shit & Walt's not there

Jesse still hasn't actually Broke Bad like everyone else on the show

Also, its a good twist like BB would do. Walt thinking hes going up against the Nazis when its actually Jesse? Genius

Anyone also think Skyler has become a drug addict? When was the last time we saw her smoke & when Flynn keeps yelling "What you did to mom" makes me think what has really happened to her
Well I always thought that it would come down to Walt and Jesse in the end. Walt knows that Jesse is alive because of the blue meth. He wants revenge on jack and his crew. He might end up saving Jesse in the process but one will kill the other. As for jesse braking bad, he already broke bad IMO, not heisenberg level but still. I don't see how jesse can come out of this alive he literally has no one left, everyone he has ever loved is dead. Same goes for Walt pretty much, everyone turned their back on him. As for Skylar i don't think she's on drugs I think jr was just referring to everything Walt put her through.

As for the 2 kings, you could interpret it in so many different ways. Walt is the king who built his empire from scratch and fought and bled for it and risked everything for it. In a span of a day his kingdom was destroyed, nothing remains of it, except for his money that he cannot even use. The only thing he can do with it is get rid of it until that new king comes along. The other king is Robert Forster character (vaccum guy) who just has to wait for the new king to die out until he obtains everything the old king worked for (the money).


Well I always thought that it would come down to Walt and Jesse in the end. Walt knows that Jesse is alive because of the blue meth. He wants revenge on jack and his crew. He might end up saving Jesse in the process but one will kill the other. As for jesse braking bad, he already broke bad IMO, not heisenberg level but still. I don't see how jesse can come out of this alive he literally has no one left, everyone he has ever loved is dead. Same goes for Walt pretty much, everyone turned their back on him. As for Skylar i don't think she's on drugs I think jr was just referring to everything Walt put her through.

As for the 2 kings, you could interpret it in so many different ways. Walt is the king who built his empire from scratch and fought and bled for it and risked everything for it. In a span of a day his kingdom was destroyed, nothing remains of it, except for his money that he cannot even use. The only thing he can do with it is get rid of it until that new king comes along. The other king is Robert Forster character (vaccum guy) who just has to wait for the new king to die out until he obtains everything the old king worked for (the money).

Yeah i think Jesse will end up killing Walt, seeing how Jesse has been seeing him this season & with the admitting of Jane, then just walking away like that was the killshot. Walt blamed him for Hanks death, Jesse probably blames Walt for whats happening to him, making them enemies in a way.

Yeah i thought about Ed waiting for Walt to die & taking the money lol im probably just looking way too deep cause lately, you dont know what to expect lol

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Skylar's going to kill herself and leave the kids to Marie.

Walt is going to poison the Grey Matter pair.

Jesse's the only one who's going to walk away from the final battle alive, and he'll raise Brock with Walt's money.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Skylar's going to kill herself and leave the kids to Marie.

Walt is going to poison the Grey Matter pair.

Jesse's the only one who's going to walk away from the final battle alive, and he'll raise Brock with Walt's money.
While i would like to see Jesse come out alive, how would he be the one to raise brock? Brock is with his grandmother probably. Jesse is also a wanted man. Jesse literally has no one, i don't see how he could have a happy ending. He either dies or gets arrested in the end.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

While i would like to see Jesse come out alive, how would he be the one to raise brock? Brock is with his grandmother probably. Jesse is also a wanted man. Jesse literally has no one, i don't see how he could have a happy ending. He either dies or gets arrested in the end.

Shit. I forgot about the grandma.
I figured he'd just walk away, take said Brock, and buy them both a new life.
Idk. Jesse's my absolute favorite. I'm hoping he finds some manner of silver lining since he's gotten obliterated every step of the way since he started trying to get out of the business.


Maaan i think

walt - product of gus
jesse - product of walt

Jesse i think realized when jack said the boy, remembers why this is all happening in the first place. So he just sits there & we're left wondering. Of course, hes maybe planning something. He probably knows walt will get mad if his formula was still being used. So he will cook & wait. Sure enough months later on the news, the guy said its still making a lot of profit with or without him, & the gray matter thing just made it worse (everyone knows how big this was for him being Hiesenburg) you can tell hes just pissed now. So he gets up & goes for revenge without thinking, like gus, not knowing how badly he has effected Jesse (the torture, killing Andrea, of course Jane)