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Black Manta Combo Thread


Dojo Trainee
Two Bars Background Bounce:

123 xx MB f3 j3 123 xx BGB j3 123 xx bf1

542.63 on Superman

Ending in bf2 is much easier and still 537. F21 starter also works and gets 537 with bf1 ender.

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
Don't know of this is posted yet or not.

Midscreen meterless with trait:

B11u3 xx 4 j3 j3 xx bf2

295.73 on Superman.

Corner 1 bar:

MB F3 j3 b11u3 xx4 j3 L2 123 xx bf2

456.67 on Superman
The corner combo, can you not hit bf1? That's the optimal ender if not air harpoon.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Optimal D2 conversions. Only do these as hit confirms/punishes.

d2~db2, f3, iaj2, b11u3~db3
d2~db2, f3, b11, b11u3~db2
d2~db2, f3, iaj3~db3

274, 268 and 264 respectively.
You get more damage if do b3 instead of f3. It's 2 frames slower though, so tighter window.
d2~db2, b3, j3, b11u3~db3 //293.69
d2~db2, b3, j3, b11u3~bf2 //289.02

This also doesn't work on krouching opponents (maybe on some big bodies it does?) . It also depends on what you're punishing. For example, you kan't punish the gap in Superman's db1~mb (or his scoop) with these kombos even though he looks like he is standing. You kan do d2~db2 but they'll be too far for the b3 or f3, so you kould follow up with f2, etc...

@John Grizzly
Done on Superman, so you know.
Last edited:

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
You get more damage if do b3 instead of f3. It's 2 frames slower though, so tighter window.
d2~db2, b3, j3, b11u3~db3 //293.69
d2~db2, b3, j3, b11u3~bf2 //289.02

@John Grizzly
Done on Superman, so you know.
Good to know you can do this. I tried a few times but it didn't seem possible so I gave up on it.

Deleted member 5032

Here's everything I've put together for my Black Manta guide. Feel free to add any to the OP that haven't been added already:

Part 4: Combos

All damage is based on Competitive Mode Superman. If you ever need to switch sides with your opponent, just end your combo with Harpoon (db3)

Midscreen Meterless
  • 1
    • 123~bf1: 197
  • b1 (my favorite meterless punish)
    • b11u3~4-(hold down-forward)-j3-j3~bf2: 296
      • After trait, just hold diagonally down/toward your opponent, then press 3 as soon as possible after your trait activates and then 3 again, canceled into bf2.
      • If you can't seem to get the double 3's, you can instead do b11u3~4-(hold down-forward)-j.3~db3 for 253 damage.
      • If you still can't do it then you can just do the super-easy b11u3~db3 for 204 damage, just make sure to confirm into it or you'll eat a full combo on block.
    • b11u3~bf2: 189
      • I love this little combo midscreen because if it's blocked, Manta flies away to safety (against most characters).
  • 2
    • 21~bf1: 201
      • This is such a good meter-building string when blocked, just be careful or you can be punished.
    • 213: 169
      • This is just an all-around great meter-building string.
    • 2d3~4-(hold down-forward)-3~db3: 249
      • After you dial in 2d3~4, hold diagonally down/toward your opponent, then press 3 as soon as possible after your trait activates. The timing isn't too terribly tight and it's worth the practice.
  • 3
    • 3~4-(hold down-forward)-j3~db3: 238
  • b2
    • b22~4-(hold down-forward)-3~db3: 219
  • f2
    • f21~bf1: 173
      • This is another great chip string.
  • d2
    • d2-b11-b11u3~db3: 208
  • f3 (or b3)
    • f3-j3-b11-b11u3: 372
      • This is the most consistent combo I could find; some did up to around 382, but the last hit would whiff inconsistently.
Midscreen 1-Bar
  • 1
    • 123~df3.MB-b11-b11u3~db3: 344
  • 2
    • 2d3~db2.MB-f3-j3-b11u3~db3: 374
  • b2
    • b22~db2.MB-b3-j3-b11u3~db3: 337
  • f2
    • f21~db3.MB-b11-b11u3~db3: 328
Midscreen 2-Bar
  • 1
    • 123~MB.f3-j3-b11u3~db3: 454
  • 2
    • 2d3~MB.f3-j3-b11u3~db3: 444
    • This is a great combo because the overhead after the low is unexpected as long as you don't abuse it.
  • b2
    • b22~MB.f3-j3-b11u3~db3: 403
  • f2
    • f21~MB.f3-j3-b11u3~db3: 443
All of Manta's midscreen combos work in the corner. The only difference is that in the 2d3~4 combos, you want to hold down-back instead of down-forward for the 3 to hit.

The following combos only work in the corner:

Corner Meterless
  • j3-b11u3~4-3~db3: 337

Corner 1-Bar

  • n/a
Corner 2-Bar
  • j3-12~MB.f3-b11u3~db3: 430

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Also the combos that have b11, b11u3 ender, you can just do b11u3 4 3 shark attack as the ender. Does more damage
This isn't the case for all combos, as far as I can tell. As in, I'm not sure that ender always hits. For example, I'm trying to connect B+2,2xxMB D,B+2, B+3, JI3, B+1,1,U+3xxAFLT 3xxB,F+2 midscreen and haven't been able to hit it once.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
123 MB F3 J3 D1 123 BF1 does decent damage in the corner. (456.80 on Superman)

As does: 123 MB F3 J3 D1 B11U3 DB3 (460.57 on Superman)
You can actually get 478.32 with 1,2,3xxD,F MB, JI3, B+1,1,U+3xxAFLT 3xxAH. I assume you're looking for traitless combos, though. Either way, I'll add them to the OP!


The Ignore Button Is Free
This isn't the case for all combos, as far as I can tell. As in, I'm not sure that ender always hits. For example, I'm trying to connect B+2,2xxMB D,B+2, B+3, JI3, B+1,1,U+3xxAFLT 3xxB,F+2 midscreen and haven't been able to hit it once.
That works. That's one of the main bnbs I do.

Deleted member 5032

This isn't the case for all combos, as far as I can tell. As in, I'm not sure that ender always hits. For example, I'm trying to connect B+2,2xxMB D,B+2, B+3, JI3, B+1,1,U+3xxAFLT 3xxB,F+2 midscreen and haven't been able to hit it once.
Have you tried holding diagonally down/forward after the trait cancel? That's helped me out a lot.


The Ignore Button Is Free
ok, I finally hit it, but I'm super inconsistent with it. I think I'll stick to B+1,1, b+1,1,U+3xxD,B+3 for my ender. The difference is only about 3 damage.
My OCD kicks in when it comes to max damage combos lol so I do the float 3 shark attack ender. I'm all about max damage, but practical at the same time

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
All of you guys are posting such non-optimal shit. What I've posted in this thread is the best damage period.
There's a difference between optimal and practical. I'm trying to go through and pick and choose. If there's a particular combo you're referring to that should be in the OP and isn't, let me know.

Deleted member 5032

I edited them a bit ago to just include the inputs, so maybe they'll be easier to read now. I'm used to Tekken notations, so that's what I've always used.

Next time I guess I'll just do what 85% of people do on here and post 4 shitty combos and never touch the thread again.
I've always been partial to just using the inputs instead of abbreviations (so like f21~bf1 instead of f21~MR). That way, even if you have no idea what the moves are called, you can still easily follow the guide.

My only recommendation for the new inputs you've added is to remove the commas between strings (so f21 instead of f2,1). I think it makes it way easier to read and allows the other separators (like -, ~, and xx) to stand out and be more readable.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I've always been partial to just using the inputs instead of abbreviations (so like f21~bf1 instead of f21~MR). That way, even if you have no idea what the moves are called, you can still easily follow the guide.

My only recommendation for the new inputs you've added is to remove the commas between strings (so f21 instead of f2,1). I think it makes it way easier to read and allows the other separators (like -, ~, and xx) to stand out and be more readable.
ok, I'll remove the xx's and the commas. I have to admit, I find it a bit odd that I'm getting more shit for the way I entered the combos than the people who have started combos threads for other characters and never actually did anything with them.

Either way, I'll make it easier to read for everyone. Thanks for the suggestions.

Deleted member 5032

ok, I'll remove the xx's and the commas. I have to admit, I find it a bit odd that I'm getting more shit for the way I entered the combos than the people who have started combos threads for other characters and never actually did anything with them.

Either way, I'll make it easier to read for everyone. Thanks for the suggestions.
I think xx is fine (I use ~ but I see others use xx all the time, and honestly that's probably more readable anyway). My only comment was about the commas, which don't really serve a purpose other than to negatively affect readability.


It's all so very confusing.
Is anyone hitting b11u3, 123 reliably online yet? It's super tight. In training mode I'll occasionally hit a groove snd land it pretty consistently for a few reps then it falls to shit. I can d1xlaser or the like to give myself about an extra frame of wiggle room but that's not worth it over b11u3 4 j3 harpoon.

Dunno how worth it is anyway, meterless I don't think it is, since I can just b11u3, 4(hold df) j3xHarpoon for essentially the same damage and that's brain-dead, but I haven't experimented with trying to spend a bar after b11u3, 123 to extend.

Just curious as I try to catch up to everyone else in slow motion.

Tony at Home

As I'm playing the character more I'm starting less and less to care about optimal damage mid screen and more about moving them to the corner and playing my entire game there.

So for mid screen I'm doing b22, 4, j2, b22 xx db2(MB), b3, j3, f213

That's the furthest corner carry I could find and so that's what I'm using off any b22. Corner is everything.


Hypnosis > Dreameater (its a reset)
2D3~MB DF3, B11, B11U3~DB3 - 334.69
not sure if someone else has posted this, but you can do more damage than that.

2D3~DB2 MB F3 J3 b11U3~DB3 - 374.04

quite a bit more actually. You cant hit a B3 after the rockets, but F3 is faster and advances so it hits and lets you get some really good damage off that string, great for breaking armor too

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
not sure if someone else has posted this, but you can do more damage than that.

2D3~DB2 MB F3 J3 b11U3~DB3 - 374.04

quite a bit more actually. You cant hit a B3 after the rockets, but F3 is faster and advances so it hits and lets you get some really good damage off that string, great for breaking armor too
I definitely thought I had that combo listed, but you're right. It's not on the OP. I'll add it. Thanks for the heads up! Also, is that damage on Superman?